I thought she was a pain in the ass at first, but then I played games like Dead Rising and Ashley is a god damn self aware AI in comparison. It's hard to shoot her by accident, she doesn't get stuck on stuff, and best of all, you can hide her in the dumpsters most of the time. The only bad thing is that she gets grabbed and carried so you might accidentally shoot her.
The worst design in the game is when you have to shoot her out of the 3 shackles. If for some reason you don't have a sniper rifle at that point, shooting them with a pistol might take a few tries. Other than that, she's great. There are much more annoying AI companions in other games **cough RE5 **cough.
My most favorite AI companion so far is Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite. There are probably many more better companions out there, but she is great because you are supposed to protect her according to the story and you don't actually need to. She can take care of herself.
Ashley was 20 and freaked out when a tree looked at her.
Hahaha have you seen this?Quit the exaggerating. Ashley only cried out to Leon for help when she was picked up and thrown over the shoulder of a Ganado & yelped in pain when she was hit, which is perfectly reasonable.
Quit the exaggerating. Ashley only cried out to Leon for help when she was picked up and thrown over the shoulder of a Ganado & yelped in pain when she was hit, which is perfectly reasonable.
Wooaahhh hostility. xD
I have every version of RE 4 and in one of them Ashley would scream like an enemy was trying to pick her up when there weren't any enemies in sight. Apparently I'm the only one with that glitch.
But not really.
I hate to be "that guy", but you're gonna have to share some video footage of this glitch because I have NEVER known that to happen.
I always found Sherry more capable than Ashley though. Sherry was 12 and was a master zombie dodger and never whined.
hahahahahahha were you find these guys sooooo funny ^_^Hahaha have you seen this?