Oh boy...I love RE music. Its one of my favorite parts of the series and unfortunately the last few games haven't had soundtracks nearly as memorable as the old games. A huge part of what makes the old games so fun to revisit is the nostalgic feeling I get hearing the old songs, especially in RE2,3,and CVX. The recent games have been scored too much like films and don't have that "video game" feel to their soundtracks. One of the things I loved about the olds games was the area music that would give each location its own unique vibe and atmosphere(police station, clock tower, etc etc). And this doesn't just apply to RE games, I feel that way about most newer video game soundtracks. Anyway, I'll pick a track from each game since I have so many favorites.
Probably one of my top 5 tracks from the whole series. The melody in this song is unsettling, pretty, and almost serene at the same time. The use of the choir adds tension as the track progresses. I loved wandering the halls of the training facility with this looping. RE 0 OST has some gems on it. I was always frustrated with how the train and the Dam areas we're almost completely devoid of area music. Kinda weird, like they just forgot to add it in or something.
This track pretty much captures the air of the Spencer mansion perfectly. I also love how this is the track that plays when you return with the helmet key. So unsettling, yet I love to listen to it. The REmake soundtrack I find to be quite unique compared to 2,3, and veronica. Its much more minimal and ambient and doesn't have as many defined melodies as the other early games.
Beautifully composed track that builds quite nicely. My favorite location in RE2 has always been the vacant factory even though its waaaay too short. This track and the Marshalling yard second half are both brilliant songs that feel a bit more sombre and even experimental than the other tracks from RE2. Hopefully Capcom expands on this area in the remake. Would love to explore more with a hopefully remade version of this track
I had to choose either this or City Without Hope. This track has such a sinister feel to it. I don't feel safe when I listen to it and I guess thats the true essence of running away from Nemmy in Raccoon City. I specifically remember this track while trying to figure out the time stones puzzle in the clock tower. Nostalgia! RE3 has a handful of my fav tracks out of the series and imo, the best save theme from the first 4 games.
Very reminiscent of the Police Station theme! I was just playing through CVX yesterday and forgot how great the soundtrack is. Some of REs best musical material.