Well hello there =) I'm just new around here and yeah, I'd like to introduce myself :3
Name: Aysegul Kafali
Gender: Female
Age: 14 years old (22-01-1996)
Location: Rotterdam/The Netherlands
Nationality: Turkish/Dutch
Intrestings: Drawing animals, blood and such, play games, play football, hang around, making AMV's (mostly with Disney thought) and such :3
School: Cosmicus College
And well, now allow me to say somethings about myself =)
I really love all kind of games. But for now I mosly love RE4. But for a very long time, since my childhood, Spyro was my favourite game. I still have Spyro, enter the Dragonfly, The Legend of Spyro A New Beginning, The Legend of Spyro The Eternal Night and the Legend of Spyro Dawn of the Dragon. But since I began playing RE4 to try something new out (I never played such kind of games y'know), I felt in love with it :3 I've got it on PC, and yep, it's the illegal version :I I just tried a tutorial out somewhere at Youtube. But I'm planning to buy RE4 Wii Version AND Wii itself =D! I only have a PS2 for now, and I wanna have a Wii DX!
However, I love to make AMV's and animations :3 I've got several AMV's and such at my Youtube Channel (nick is jaguarssoul, suprise suprise :3). But they're mainly with Disney movies (like TLK, Balto, Bambi, Spirit and such). I'm planning to start making RE4-AMV's too =)
And then the favourite animes. I watched Pokemon since my childhood and then I actually didn't realize that it was an anime x3 I thought that an anime was a bloody Japanees moviething x3 I even didn't realize that Yu-Gi-Oh was an anime 0_x! But the first 'real' anime I watched was Vampire Knight... Men I'm so a Zero-supporter *o*! Buck Kaname, I hate him >.> And besides Vampire Knight, I also love Wolf's Rain, a very sad anime =') The end was so sad, the saddest part was when Toboe died and when Cher died T~T! Damn Darcia >.<! However, after that I began to watch Death Note. And I must amdit that I didn't like it =\ I do like serious animes, but when they're too serious, it sucks for me >.>
I like parodies :3 Y'know, those parodies about RE on Youtube and such? I like them x3
Then I'm a huge Galatasaray-supporter =3 I hate Fenerbahce >.> And yep, both are footballclubs from Turkey =3
Now my favourite animal. My very first favourite animal was a pea****. Until I was 6 years old, I guess. I watched in a thick book (I never read the small texts, I always watch to the pictures then x3) and then I saw a jaguar =O! I was like: ''So beautiful yet so strong... JAGGY <33!!'' And then I left the pea**** x3
And yep, I hate incests >.> Those things scare the crap out of meh 0_x! YUCK >.<!
And I'd like to travel all over the world when I'm old enough =) I'm now planning to go to a zoo in Los Angeles when I'm 18 years old =)
Now the creepy fact about me: blood. I like blood. I don't know why, but I guess blood makes me strong =3 Weird, huh? I always draw bloody mouths (like two wolves in a fight). And I cutted myself several times (mostly in my arms). It isn't a big deal. When I'm in a good mood, I'm way to afraid to cut myself 0_x But when I'm stressed, it doesn't hurt at all :3 Scars are awesome 83 I even became bloodmates with someone x3 We both cutted ourselves and then we held our wounds to each other =3 A little dangerous, but a great way to make your friendship stronger =)
And well... em... I also like to read some books =3 Warrior Cats are my favourite 8D!
And I've got some internet friends =) I met xXBrokenSoullXx (aka Esther) for real some months ago =D! She came to me =) We've watched Avatar 3D, we ate at McDonalds and such =D1 It was fun <33!! Phew, luckily she lives in the Netherlands too, like I do =) But it's a shame that I can't meet more of my friends in real =( But we still send letters and such to each other (real letters) =) Iinesankka1 was the first friend who I sent my letters to =) Then Silverlion09 came =) Both of them are on Youtube, better check it out =D!
Phew well... what shall I tell more?
At The Legend of Spyro, Cynder is my favourite character =) She's so dark yet awesome =D! At The Legend of Spyro Dawn of the Dragon, I've always played like her =) She owns some powers, like poison, fear, wind and shadow. Shadow is my favourite power =) It let the enemies attack each other =) And when I use shadow, they first go up in the air. There, I pick them up and hit them several times =D! It gives them HUGE dammage and my power doesn't get too much low =) I love shadow <33!
I guess that's it for now =)
Name: Aysegul Kafali
Gender: Female
Age: 14 years old (22-01-1996)
Location: Rotterdam/The Netherlands
Nationality: Turkish/Dutch
Intrestings: Drawing animals, blood and such, play games, play football, hang around, making AMV's (mostly with Disney thought) and such :3
School: Cosmicus College
And well, now allow me to say somethings about myself =)
I really love all kind of games. But for now I mosly love RE4. But for a very long time, since my childhood, Spyro was my favourite game. I still have Spyro, enter the Dragonfly, The Legend of Spyro A New Beginning, The Legend of Spyro The Eternal Night and the Legend of Spyro Dawn of the Dragon. But since I began playing RE4 to try something new out (I never played such kind of games y'know), I felt in love with it :3 I've got it on PC, and yep, it's the illegal version :I I just tried a tutorial out somewhere at Youtube. But I'm planning to buy RE4 Wii Version AND Wii itself =D! I only have a PS2 for now, and I wanna have a Wii DX!
However, I love to make AMV's and animations :3 I've got several AMV's and such at my Youtube Channel (nick is jaguarssoul, suprise suprise :3). But they're mainly with Disney movies (like TLK, Balto, Bambi, Spirit and such). I'm planning to start making RE4-AMV's too =)
And then the favourite animes. I watched Pokemon since my childhood and then I actually didn't realize that it was an anime x3 I thought that an anime was a bloody Japanees moviething x3 I even didn't realize that Yu-Gi-Oh was an anime 0_x! But the first 'real' anime I watched was Vampire Knight... Men I'm so a Zero-supporter *o*! Buck Kaname, I hate him >.> And besides Vampire Knight, I also love Wolf's Rain, a very sad anime =') The end was so sad, the saddest part was when Toboe died and when Cher died T~T! Damn Darcia >.<! However, after that I began to watch Death Note. And I must amdit that I didn't like it =\ I do like serious animes, but when they're too serious, it sucks for me >.>
I like parodies :3 Y'know, those parodies about RE on Youtube and such? I like them x3
Then I'm a huge Galatasaray-supporter =3 I hate Fenerbahce >.> And yep, both are footballclubs from Turkey =3
Now my favourite animal. My very first favourite animal was a pea****. Until I was 6 years old, I guess. I watched in a thick book (I never read the small texts, I always watch to the pictures then x3) and then I saw a jaguar =O! I was like: ''So beautiful yet so strong... JAGGY <33!!'' And then I left the pea**** x3
And yep, I hate incests >.> Those things scare the crap out of meh 0_x! YUCK >.<!
And I'd like to travel all over the world when I'm old enough =) I'm now planning to go to a zoo in Los Angeles when I'm 18 years old =)
Now the creepy fact about me: blood. I like blood. I don't know why, but I guess blood makes me strong =3 Weird, huh? I always draw bloody mouths (like two wolves in a fight). And I cutted myself several times (mostly in my arms). It isn't a big deal. When I'm in a good mood, I'm way to afraid to cut myself 0_x But when I'm stressed, it doesn't hurt at all :3 Scars are awesome 83 I even became bloodmates with someone x3 We both cutted ourselves and then we held our wounds to each other =3 A little dangerous, but a great way to make your friendship stronger =)
And well... em... I also like to read some books =3 Warrior Cats are my favourite 8D!
And I've got some internet friends =) I met xXBrokenSoullXx (aka Esther) for real some months ago =D! She came to me =) We've watched Avatar 3D, we ate at McDonalds and such =D1 It was fun <33!! Phew, luckily she lives in the Netherlands too, like I do =) But it's a shame that I can't meet more of my friends in real =( But we still send letters and such to each other (real letters) =) Iinesankka1 was the first friend who I sent my letters to =) Then Silverlion09 came =) Both of them are on Youtube, better check it out =D!
Phew well... what shall I tell more?
At The Legend of Spyro, Cynder is my favourite character =) She's so dark yet awesome =D! At The Legend of Spyro Dawn of the Dragon, I've always played like her =) She owns some powers, like poison, fear, wind and shadow. Shadow is my favourite power =) It let the enemies attack each other =) And when I use shadow, they first go up in the air. There, I pick them up and hit them several times =D! It gives them HUGE dammage and my power doesn't get too much low =) I love shadow <33!
I guess that's it for now =)