Elluw :3

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ayşegül ϟ
Apr 16, 2010
dordrecht, the netherlands
Well hello there =) I'm just new around here and yeah, I'd like to introduce myself :3

Name: Aysegul Kafali

Gender: Female

Age: 14 years old (22-01-1996)

Location: Rotterdam/The Netherlands

Nationality: Turkish/Dutch

Intrestings: Drawing animals, blood and such, play games, play football, hang around, making AMV's (mostly with Disney thought) and such :3

School: Cosmicus College

And well, now allow me to say somethings about myself =)

I really love all kind of games. But for now I mosly love RE4. But for a very long time, since my childhood, Spyro was my favourite game. I still have Spyro, enter the Dragonfly, The Legend of Spyro A New Beginning, The Legend of Spyro The Eternal Night and the Legend of Spyro Dawn of the Dragon. But since I began playing RE4 to try something new out (I never played such kind of games y'know), I felt in love with it :3 I've got it on PC, and yep, it's the illegal version :I I just tried a tutorial out somewhere at Youtube. But I'm planning to buy RE4 Wii Version AND Wii itself =D! I only have a PS2 for now, and I wanna have a Wii DX!

However, I love to make AMV's and animations :3 I've got several AMV's and such at my Youtube Channel (nick is jaguarssoul, suprise suprise :3). But they're mainly with Disney movies (like TLK, Balto, Bambi, Spirit and such). I'm planning to start making RE4-AMV's too =)

And then the favourite animes. I watched Pokemon since my childhood and then I actually didn't realize that it was an anime x3 I thought that an anime was a bloody Japanees moviething x3 I even didn't realize that Yu-Gi-Oh was an anime 0_x! But the first 'real' anime I watched was Vampire Knight... Men I'm so a Zero-supporter *o*! Buck Kaname, I hate him >.> And besides Vampire Knight, I also love Wolf's Rain, a very sad anime =') The end was so sad, the saddest part was when Toboe died and when Cher died T~T! Damn Darcia >.<! However, after that I began to watch Death Note. And I must amdit that I didn't like it =\ I do like serious animes, but when they're too serious, it sucks for me >.>

I like parodies :3 Y'know, those parodies about RE on Youtube and such? I like them x3

Then I'm a huge Galatasaray-supporter =3 I hate Fenerbahce >.> And yep, both are footballclubs from Turkey =3

Now my favourite animal. My very first favourite animal was a pea****. Until I was 6 years old, I guess. I watched in a thick book (I never read the small texts, I always watch to the pictures then x3) and then I saw a jaguar =O! I was like: ''So beautiful yet so strong... JAGGY <33!!'' And then I left the pea**** x3

And yep, I hate incests >.> Those things scare the crap out of meh 0_x! YUCK >.<!

And I'd like to travel all over the world when I'm old enough =) I'm now planning to go to a zoo in Los Angeles when I'm 18 years old =)

Now the creepy fact about me: blood. I like blood. I don't know why, but I guess blood makes me strong =3 Weird, huh? I always draw bloody mouths (like two wolves in a fight). And I cutted myself several times (mostly in my arms). It isn't a big deal. When I'm in a good mood, I'm way to afraid to cut myself 0_x But when I'm stressed, it doesn't hurt at all :3 Scars are awesome 83 I even became bloodmates with someone x3 We both cutted ourselves and then we held our wounds to each other =3 A little dangerous, but a great way to make your friendship stronger =)

And well... em... I also like to read some books =3 Warrior Cats are my favourite 8D!

And I've got some internet friends =) I met xXBrokenSoullXx (aka Esther) for real some months ago =D! She came to me =) We've watched Avatar 3D, we ate at McDonalds and such =D1 It was fun <33!! Phew, luckily she lives in the Netherlands too, like I do =) But it's a shame that I can't meet more of my friends in real =( But we still send letters and such to each other (real letters) =) Iinesankka1 was the first friend who I sent my letters to =) Then Silverlion09 came =) Both of them are on Youtube, better check it out =D!

Phew well... what shall I tell more?


At The Legend of Spyro, Cynder is my favourite character =) She's so dark yet awesome =D! At The Legend of Spyro Dawn of the Dragon, I've always played like her =) She owns some powers, like poison, fear, wind and shadow. Shadow is my favourite power =) It let the enemies attack each other =) And when I use shadow, they first go up in the air. There, I pick them up and hit them several times =D! It gives them HUGE dammage and my power doesn't get too much low =) I love shadow <33!


I guess that's it for now =)

Welcome to the forum :D

That's really quite abit of information :p

I'd highly reccomend getting a Wii and RE4 Wii Edit. I did and i thoroughly enjoyed it, especially as it came with alot of extras that the original version i had didn't such as Assignment Ada and Seperate Ways.

I look forward to seeing you around the forums :)
JaguarsSoul;72674 said:

Now the creepy fact about me: blood. I like blood. I don't know why, but I guess blood makes me strong =3 Weird, huh? I always draw bloody mouths (like two wolves in a fight). And I cutted myself several times (mostly in my arms). It isn't a big deal. When I'm in a good mood, I'm way to afraid to cut myself 0_x But when I'm stressed, it doesn't hurt at all :3 Scars are awesome 83 I even became bloodmates with someone x3 We both cutted ourselves and then we held our wounds to each other =3 A little dangerous, but a great way to make your friendship stronger =)


Ummmmm.. Really? You mean like cutting your veins and blood spilling all over the place? :confused:
A_Wesker123: Now it sounds awesome =D! I'll totally get it then =) Only 150 euro (Wii) and 30 euro (RE4) here in the Netherlands =O! You must be crazy if you ignore such a chance XD!

Wesker's_heir: Just search on Youtube something like: How to download RE4 on PC. This is the video I've used: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tN6PcnyLYwo =) They said that it'll take 3 hours, but for me it took 3 days 0_x! But it totally worthed it-^.^- Also, if you managed to download it and you're playing it AND if you've got some keyboard problems, tell me =) I had some of them, and I finally figured out what I need to press =)

Romero: An AMV is Animation Music Video or Animated Music Video (For animations and Disney AMV's). Anime Music Video is for AMV's with animes in it. Animal Music Video is for AMV's with reallife animals in it =) Thanks btw -^.^- =)

ShevaAlomarfan: Thanks-^.^- It's from Wolfs Rain =) I guess it's Kiba =)

La Femme Fatale: Lolwhut thanks x3

Fallen91: Something like that x3 Don't worry, I don't do it that extreme ;)
Spyro is the shiz man i only played the first 3 but the second is hell good and for the record Resident Evil 4 is the best.As for blood well its not weird to not like it y'know its certainly a thing of natural order why else do people watch/play action and horror movies?What you find pleasure in is your right through personal experience, just keep safe yeah.;)

Funny introduction Jaguar welcome to the forum.:)