I would definately love to see a sequel though. Just another excuse to go back to Raccoon, but to do it right. I mean, having us play as UBCS members in Raccoon, maybe encountering the likes of Caros, Nicholai, Mikhail, being caught up in the human vs zombie war going on in Raccoon earlier on, in which the zombies obviously won.
I've always thought playing as UBCS members would be a cool idea, I had always attributed it to an Outbreak File#3, but a ORC2 would do just fine. Hopefully they aren't as ackwardly misplaced as the Wolfpack. I love the name, but otherwise, they just didn't fit in, and most of the stuff in ORC was just ridiculous. Hell, it'd even be cool if you could customize your UBCS character, if that's what was done. As many had little distinguishing things. Carlos had his sleeves rolled all the way up showing off his arms, while Nicholai had a long black shirt underneath. Mikhail had a beret as well as a scarf, and his sleeves were rolled up a bit. Others, like as seen in the Outbreaks had their long sleeves down, and had on like goggles and a ski mask. In the opening for RE3 you see more things.
But yeah, maybe customizable characters doesn't need to be in RE, but it'd be kinda cool. At least give us some cool new UBCS characters. None with Invisibility like that guy from ORC. What the heck is that doing in RE? Especially at the time of 1998? This isn't MGS.
Yea I agree as well... Any reason to go back to Raccoon City ^0^
So let me add to your idea... because I thought about virtually anything for this topic. Yea I'm that awesome

WARNING: This will be a long... but very long post indeed.
But first let me address one issue you didn't mention and that was the waste of characters that Wolf pack was...
You see the problem is that there were so many characters those being 6 that there was no potential of being able to have them all have a personality except for Vector... The cold bastard x) Also why not have 4 characters instead of 6, I mean it's a 4 player coop game. Was it really necessary?
So as I was saying, they could of just added at least 2 characters only, BUT that would kill the idea of having 4 player coop right?
SOOO here I will blab about a personal idea of mine yet again I would of used if I was working on the game.
So let's just start by saying the game IS basically Operation Raccoon City, and you being able to play as the bad guys ( A excellent idea by far

, too bad it sucked that being the game as well Dx ) but the game would've revolve around being a bad guy.
NOTE: Some ORC ideas will be present from the game itself.
First of all this game would be a single player/ 4 player coop campaign.
The main characters you would use would be individuals, those individuals would be the bad guys that took part in Raccoon City who were set out to do "these missions" I guess you can say.
Those being the UBCS and the USS. But to keep things simple we would only be able to take control of the USS... for now.
So you get to be a random USS soldier not anyone specific just a random USS soldier that seem to appear through out the RE universe, again no one in particular.
You would be given the ability to customize your USS soldier to a certain extent, not to crazy, but to a point where it looks normal for USS soldier.
Now it will all start off talking about the viral outbreak and how Umbrella needs cover up there tracks this being the beginning you will be assigned by Umbrella to set out different various tasks to do through out Raccoon City by yourself (even though that wouldn't necessarily happen you'd actually be sent with a team, but screw that) but let's just say your an elite soldier a random soldier, but an elite so you go solo. So these missions will be very distinct and there would be A LOT of different missions that have to do with covering up Umbrellas' doing. This being in an open world environment, would work perfectly.
So as I was saying all these missions would consist of you covering up Umbrellas' tracks and that would basically be anything you could think off of something you would do to cover your wrong doings for anything nothing in particular, but mostly evil doings. So basically these missions would be almost endless and would be really fun. Not only that but when your feeling lonely or a mission to hard you can invite other friends 3 friends to be exact

to help you out and they would also take control of their own full customized USS soldiers. JUST imagine your playing solo trying to take out some Umbrella researchers who are trying to leave the city and tell the whole world about what Umbrellas been up to and then you could have your buddies join and go about the city trying to hunt them down... AWESOME!
All of this would also work with other distinct missions as well

Not only would you be able to customize your characters but you would be given a vast variety of weapons for your choosing to be specific a list with about 50 plus guns??? YEA AWESOME right...
These weapons would be able to be customized to their full extent, I mean multiple attachments, being able to change barrels,stocks,sights all that good stuff.
Not ONLY that but you would be able to drive around multiple vehicles those being cop cars, helicopters,trucks, hell even boats???
Basically a dream come true and yet another great addition would be just being able to go out in the city with your buddies and slaughter zombies, hunters, tyrants, that Umbrella deployed in Raccoon City just for FUN!!!
I'm sorry I made this all so COMPLICATED Dx SORRY GUYS.
Here, this is more simple...
1. Game Title: Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City
2. Campaign only- Single Player or 4 Player Coop Campaign
3. Ability to fully customize USS soldier character and a vast vierity of weapons (guns and equipment provided by Umbrella)
4. Able to use any vehicle trough out Raccoon City ( Cars,Trucks,Helicopters,Motorcycles etc.)
5. CRAZY,HARDCORE,COVER UP,IMPOSSIBLE missions provided by Umbrella for you to complete in Raccoon City this being the campaign. ( Solo, or with up to 4 friends)
6. Open World Resident Evil game taking place in Raccoon City being able to visit memorable places from RE2 and RE3 basically ALL of Raccoon City at your disposal.
7. Game play changes from total chaos and action in the streets to scary, horror game play inside buildings and other places indoors where zombies lurk about.
8. Being able to take part in missions regarding having to do with helping Hunk, the UBCS, and also taking part in key-moment events that happened through out Raccoon City.
9. Money system ( paid by Umbrella for missions completed to be able to purchase weapons, attachments,equipment, and best of all some costly goodies perhaps lets say ... very expensive goodies only provided by Umbrella)
10. RE6 game play mechanics. (Modified/Improved) Not going into details.
11. No stupid abilities, perks nonsense.
12. Free roam mode where your able to go out in Raccoon City by your self or with buddies to attempt and survive Raccoon City itself zombies everywhere, basically all BOWS that took place upon the moment including tyrants and all.
But it's enough to turn your idea, what you want as stated above.... into this ... my personal idea.