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Resident Evil 6 Cliff Bleszinski offers to 'fix' Resident Evil


Well-Known Member
Well the dude has been in the industry over 20 years, i'm sure he has had his high dose of the survival horror age. When he says 'fix' though, i don't if he means turn it more back to its roots or twist it in his own liking. Anyhow couldn't hurt, always liked Cliff.


Veteran Member
Dunno what's worse....people who bitch about games leaving their ''roots''
Or Generally how un-original people and games had become

Dunno what's worse......people who bitch about others alleged "bitching.
Or generally how they don't seem to realize that their attitude is no freaken better than the people they are criticizing.

I just really don't get why its so freaken hard for people to respect others opinions.

But I guess thats asking to much on a forum.

"bitching","whining", and "complaining" seem to be very loose words that "supporters" of RE6 throw around so casually just because someone says something negative towards RE6.


Lurking is my jam.
Dunno what's worse......people who bitch about others alleged "bitching.
Or generally how they don't seem to realize that their attitude is no freaken better than the people they are criticizing.

I just really don't get why its so freaken hard for people to respect others opinions.

But I guess thats asking to much on a forum.

"bitching","whining", and "complaining" seem to be very loose words that "supporters" of RE6 throw around so casually just because someone says something negative towards RE6.
Says one of the dudes who hates the whole game & bought it for the slowest (but most difficult) campaign

Btw that's to all games it gets annoying after a while


Veteran Member
Says one of the dudes who hates the whole game & bought it for the slowest (but most difficult) campaign

Btw that's to all games it gets annoying after a while

Lol where did I say I hate the whole game?

If you would actually check on some of the topics and read them you would have seen that I have NEVER said I hated or disliked RE6.

in fact, I even said that I felt I got my money's worth out of the game and enjoyed Leon and Ada's campaigns.

I pointed out that it was a "ok" game in my book.

Nowhere did I say or imply that I disliked or hated RE6 as a whole.

So get your facts straight before spewing such things.

You have no idea how you look right now being so judgmental and throwing around accusations of bitching/whining/hating and stuff.

As I said earlier, you look no better than the people you criticize.

There really should be a rule against such behavior...


Lurking is my jam.
Lol where did I say I hate the whole game?

If you would actually check on some of the topics and read them you would have seen that I have NEVER said I hated or disliked RE6.

in fact, I even said that I felt I got my money's worth out of the game and enjoyed Leon and Ada's campaigns.

I pointed out that it was a "ok" game in my book.

Nowhere did I say or imply that I disliked or hated RE6 as a whole.

So get your facts straight before spewing such things.

You have no idea how you look right now being so judgmental and throwing around accusations of bitching/whining/hating and stuff.

As I said earlier, you look no better than the people you criticize.

There really should be a rule against such behavior...
You have mentioned pretty negative things about this game. Might as well be blunt about it and say you hate the game just to make your point by now that you don't like the game (hell at this rate who hasn't said something negative)

As i mentioned earlier it gets pretty annoying after a while.

Some like the game others don't

But is it REALLY needed to go on god knows how many places and say you didn't like it?

I played games i didn't like I returned got a different game....simple really i don't see the point on saying ''It sucks'' or ''It's the worse in the series''


There's nothing wrong with the series and if the creators can't make the series better no one can. Also for anyone doubting Capcom or Resident Evil look at this video.



I'll just get right to the ass kicking!
There is a lot wrong with the series, if there wasn't the fanbase wouldn't be split in half. As for the sales, they only mean RE isn't dying, which is good cause I don't want it to go down with last thing it did being a massive disappointment. What matters is that RE6 is the lowest rated in the series and continuing it in this Full Action/Quick Time direction will get it rated worse and worse, I know that they aren't gonna go back to Survival Horror, they're too dumb to try and make Resident Evil special again, so I think the only direction is to make another game like Revelations and put it on consoles, I mean Revelations was great, loved every minute of it, it kinda felt like another RE4 to me, had enough action and enough horror, plus it was the last RE game that was actually praised by both sides of the fanbase and is even the last RE game with a final score above 80, also it sold pretty well, so yeah Resident Evil needs to abandon this sh****y Action/QTE thing and stick to it's own material, then it'll have nothing wrong with it.


There is a lot wrong with the series, if there wasn't the fanbase wouldn't be split in half.
There's always going to be a split fan base when it comes to old and new fans with any game series. You have nostalgia fans that can't accept any change in the slightest and the fans who welcome it.

As for the sales, they only mean RE isn't dying, which is good cause I don't want it to go down with last thing it did being a massive disappointment. .
Sales mean the series isn't dying and that people actually like where Capcom is taking the series. If what you said was the case and its bad as you say, do you think over four million people would have bought it?

What matters is that RE6 is the lowest rated in the series and continuing it in this Full Action/Quick Time direction will get it rated worse and worse.
Where did you hear this from or what proof do you have of this? RE6 is far from being the worst in the series and could possibly be in the top five. What really matters is that people need to get over how RE use to be and accept that its going in a new direction. No game series can stay the same forever. I can't understand why someone would want the old RE mechanics of fixed camera angles and killing a hand full of zombies every thirty minutes.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking!
Sales mean the series isn't dying and that people actually like where Capcom is taking the series. If what you said was the case and its bad as you say, do you think over four million people would have bought it?
The 4.5 Million is only the amount of copies "shipped to stores" it is not the amount sold, RE6 hasn't even gotten that close yet. Plus I went into my gaming store today to pre-order Halo 4 and GTA 5, then I asked how RE6 is doing and he said it wasn't doing so well in their store and they were getting lots of trade ins. I've also tried on multiple occasions to sell my copy online (even for quarter the price) but it never sold and more cheaper copies kept showing up for sale.
Where did you hear this from or what proof do you have of this? RE6 is far from being the worst in the series and could possibly be in the top five. What really matters is that people need to get over how RE use to be and accept that its going in a new direction. No game series can stay the same forever. I can't understand why someone would want the old RE mechanics of fixed camera angles and killing a hand full of zombies every thirty minutes.
Look up all the main numbered series on metacritic and you will see that 6 is the lowest rated of them all even go into the RE Wikipedia page and see the line of metacritic scores. All of the main RE games have a score above 80 except RE6, which has a 60. Hell...even look at the user score, people clearly don't like this Action/QTE direction and it's just gonna gain more and more hate. Call the game you're favorite all you want, but unless RE at least goes more to what Revelations was like, then RE will be rated the biggest sell out in video game history.


The 4.5 Million is only the amount of copies "shipped to stores" it is not the amount sold, RE6 hasn't even gotten that close yet. Plus I went into my gaming store today to pre-order Halo 4 and GTA 5, then I asked how RE6 is doing and he said it wasn't doing so well in their store and they were getting lots of trade ins. I've also tried on multiple occasions to sell my copy online (even for quarter the price) but it never sold and more cheaper copies kept showing up for sale.
RE6 sold over 1.4 million in its first week. Then I read it sold over 2.3 million by its second. Its safe to say by the end of this month it will have reached its four million mark.

Look up all the main numbered series on metacritic and you will see that 6 is the lowest rated of them all even go into the RE Wikipedia page and see the line of metacritic scores. All of the main RE games have a score above 80 except RE6, which has a 60. Hell...even look at the user score, people clearly don't like this Action/QTE direction and it's just gonna gain more and more hate. Call the game you're favorite all you want, but unless RE at least goes more to what Revelations was like, then RE will be rated the biggest sell out in video game history.
Again man that's where you fall short. People should never take the word of someone else or some major critic based company before trying it themself. You keep going on about the QTE's, but it really wasn't even that many, and the ones that are in the game are fun to do. For action Chris is the only one who has a majority of it. This is why they gave fans multiple ways to play. Action, horror, drama, and suspense were all delivered. What more do you want?


I'll just get right to the ass kicking!
RE6 sold over 1.4 million in its first week. Then I read it sold over 2.3 million by its second. Its safe to say by the end of this month it will have reached its four million mark.
Well good for RE6, it's doing exactly what the fanbase didn't want it to do, become just like the movies "piles of junk that sell great"
Again man that's where you fall short. People should never take the word of someone else or some major critic based company before trying it themself. You keep going on about the QTE's, but it really wasn't even that many, and the ones that are in the game are fun to do. For action Chris is the only one who has a majority of it. This is why they gave fans multiple ways to play. Action, horror, drama, and suspense were all delivered. What more do you want?
It doesn't matter what the people think here, Capcom's gonna look at the games reception and see that continuing this path will get future titles panned, they have to try something else.
The entire game was a quick time event fiasco, the QTEs just ****ed me off and they were absolutely no fun, at any moment in the game were I was starting to get into it, it just kept pulling the rug out from under me with all these damn QTEs.
All 4 campaigns were exactly the same action crap with minor differences:
Action/QTEs with an Atmosphere
Action/QTEs with more Action
Action/QTEs with some Adventure
Action/QTEs without a partner
RE6 tried to please everyone and failed miserably, funny thing is Revelations actually did please everyone, critics, fans and gamers were all happy with it and were hoping RE6 would be more like it, but they turn around and give us the worst game in the main series.

What more do you want?
What I want from RE is game that can get me away from all this mainstream action bulls**t, I keep my distance from mainstream games because they are all the same boring action junk. I want Resident Evil to get me away from that, not pull me straight back into it

Anyway lets just end this here, it's getting off topic and I don't want this to turn into anything bad.


Veteran Member
Anyway lets just end this here, it's getting off topic and I don't want this to turn into anything bad.

actually, it really is not off topic what you to are discussing.

The topic at hand is cliff supposed "fixing" of the Resident Evil series.

Your giving reasons why it needs to be fixed while others are giving reasons why they believe it does not.

Just my view on things.


Tʜᴇ Gᴏᴅ
Well recently Capcom seems to be trying something different with every title Mercenaries 3D (arcade) Revelations (horror) ORC (tactical shooter) RE6 (action horror). Next up a REmake ;)
Capcom does it all and people should appreciate that more. What fun would it be if it always was the same thing?


Well good for RE6, it's doing exactly what the fanbase didn't want it to do, become just like the movies "piles of junk that sell great"
Lol what? So now when a game sells good its becoming a movie? Yeah, I wasn't going to carry on anymore after my last post. Sticking to the topic if the developers can't make a series better passing it off is one of the worse things you can do in my opinion.
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