Hey guys whatz up?

So, yesterday was created an petition on Facebook, asking for Claire on RE6. We all know that the history is already done and stuff, but we're asking for her on a mini game, just like Ada's.
So it's very very simple! All you have to do is "like" the page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Claire-on-RE6/223995141020598
Alysoun Court (owner of Claire's voice) is very happy with it and supporting us! So pleaseeee like the page and share this on Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, Myspace, MSN, everywhere... WE CAN DO THIS!

You can also sent tweets to @capcom_unity using the tag #ClaireOnRE6 and linking the page!
More information are on the Bio of the page.
Please guys help us, we don't see Claire on a cannon game since Code Veronica. Even if you don't like her, help us.
Thank you very much