A couple of pointers.
Astrology is a lot more than just "Sun Signs" (zodiac sign based on your birthday). There are 10 planets representing a general overview of different parts of your personality. Example your Venus represents your approach to love, Jupiter represents your luck, Saturn represents your discipline. So you may be a hedonistic Leo but if you have a strong Saturn in Capricorn, your self discipline will be more akin to that of Capricorn. You can be a Virgo but with a Venus in Pisces you're more Piscean in love. This is not even counting the duads, aspects, houses, angles, and the Arabic Parts (this alone is over 100! And it is based on a specific aspect in your personality; you may have a Venus in Virgo but your Part of Beauty is in Libra so while your general approach to love may be Virgonian you have Libra's taste for attraction in partners).
Secondly the reason why a person doesn't act like their Zodiac Sign is because of their dominants. Dominants are calculated based on the overall chart (all the aspects, how many planets you have in what signs and what houses, and a lot more). So a person can be a Libra but his personality is far more Scorpio because Scorpio dominates his chart. And I am only going by sign dominants;there are also planetary dominants, house dominants,elemental dominants, mode dominants, and more.
Also just because a person's say Pisces dominant doesn't mean he will be entirely Pisces. Depending on the percentages/how strong other signs are, they may create a hybrid personality or add a touch of their own. Someone who is Scorpio/Leo dominant tied at 15% will be exhibiting the extroverted partygoing nature of Leo at times and at other times may suddenly act secretive and paranoid. Often they will exhibit traits of both signs (friendly and lax but nervous and quiet as a stereotypical example) most of the time.
A person with a 20% Aries dominant chart may act Aries majority of the time but because they have Capricorn as a distant 12% dominant, once you get to know the person you will begin to see the Capricorn come out and even if you didn't, the Capricorn traits will be there but quite subtle.
More so for third dominants. Other dominants like planet adds even more variety and flavor.
And never forget, life experience impacts a person just as much as astrology. In fact many a times different life experiences activate different part of a chart. A person may be 40% Libra dominant but because he has Part of Armies in Scorpio, if he is sent to bootcamp he may suddenly come out the ideal soldier because of Part of Armies, even though he is a Libra outside of the military you would think he is too artistic to ever last in the military.
This is just a quick simplification and there is a lot more I don't understand yet.
An FYI, its the Ascendant and planets in the first house and aspects between planets that affects physical appearance the most. Because the cast is portrayed as more diverse beyond national stereotypes and physical features are more pronounced and detailed than other series such as Soul Calibur and Tekken, I think I might have fun playing around possible Ascendants, planets, and so forte that gives characters their appearance
