Resident Evil 6 Can RE6 bring the franchise back from the dead?

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I thought RE mad its LIVING off of the dead...

Jokes aside, I really think it can...It has a little something for everybody...
-Newer action gameplay
-Return of zombies/horror
-Melee is becoming a BIGGER part of the series
-Answering VERY old questions, like what happened to Sherry
-Bringing back older characters, as well as new ones
-Graphics that rival even Halo 4
-30 Hours of gameplay
-Return of Mercs
-Probably lots of good DLC
-And too top it off, the fact that it's the BIGGEST project that Capcom has ever worked on...

All this being noted, I really think RE6 is shaping up to be one the best, if not THE best installment in the series so far...
I think it looks pretty okay - better than 4 and 5 - even though the only part of the game I'm chomping at the bit to play is Jake's. (Because he's a total boss who apparently shares my dislike for Leon! :D) Well that and I'm anxious to see how the kids of Albert Wesker and William Birkin will be getting along, how they'll contribute to the fight against bio-terrorism. (But really, that's just a fancy way of saying I love the implied Leon-hate.)

To be honest, despite my love for Chris, Jake and Sherry's scenario looks like the best part of the game and the only reason I'll more than likely be buying the title. (That and the fact that Story's been pushing trailers in my face since they started releasing them. :rolleyes: :p)
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When has the franchise died? I read your article but I dont agree with the title. It was a great read and I'm glad that you didn't take a side (Old vs new RE fans) as some of the journalist do on popular gaming websites. I like what I've seen so far. I dont mind the QTEs at all. Some of you act like this is new, they were in RE4 and RE5. Resident evil always had action even in Resident Evil 1. The puzzles are still in RE but not as mind challenging as the ones in RE4 and previous installments. Hopefully the new game will have more of it to please the puzzle fans. I think it's great that capcom is trying to please all of there fans with the different types of gameplay. Capcom is listening to the fans but are they doing it right? I think so by what I've seen so far.

Also @MagnoliaGrandiflora, GREAT SIG!!!
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When has the franchise died? I read your article but I dont agree with the title. It was a great read and I'm glad that you didn't take a side (Old vs new RE fans) as some of the journalist do on popular gaming websites. I like what I've seen so far. I dont mind the QTEs at all. Some of you act like this is new, they were in RE4 and RE5. Resident evil always had action even in Resident Evil 1. The puzzles are still in RE but not as mind challenging as the ones in RE4 and previous installments. Hopefully the new game will have more of it to please the puzzle fans. I think it's great that capcom is trying to please all of there fans with the different types of gameplay. Capcom is listening to the fans but are they doing it right? I think so by what I've seen so far.

Also @MagnoliaGrandiflora, GREAT SIG!!!
That's what I said. The series had its lows and downtime, but I never would categorize it as being "dead". That's all just a matter of opinion.
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I think it looks pretty okay - better than 4 and 5 - even though the only part of the game I'm chomping at the bit to play is Jake's. (Because he's a total boss who apparently shares my dislike for Leon! :D) Well that and I'm anxious to see how the kids of Albert Wesker and William Birkin will be getting along, how they'll contribute to the fight against bio-terrorism. (But really, that's just a fancy way of saying I love the implied Leon-hate.)

To be honest, despite my love for Chris, Jake and Sherry's scenario looks like the best part of the game and the only reason I'll more than likely be buying the title. (That and the fact that Story's been pushing trailers in my face since they started releasing them. :rolleyes: :p)

Wait, but why do you hate Leon? I like Leon, but that doesn't mean I don't like Chris. What's going on? :(
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Wait, but why do you hate Leon? I like Leon, but that doesn't mean I don't like Chris. What's going on? :(

I like Chris more than Leon but it boggles my mind how some people have actual hatred in there hearts for some of these
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Hmm...but why is he irrelevant? In that case wouldn't Ada Wong and Krauser be sort of irrelevant too since they're only around when Leon is? I don't see how he is irrelevant to the story. He became relevant when he got involved in the Raccoon City incident. All involved have some relevance because they're tied in one way or another. :cool:
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When has the franchise died?

Great question.

Where was I during this time period when the series needed to be "saved" by RE6?

The series was doing just fine before RE6 so I do not see the point in RE6 bringing the series back from the dead if it wasn't dead at all.

RE5 was a highest Resident Evil game sold and RE4 has received many award and releases across many platforms.

The series FAR from being dead so no offense I do not see the point of your article.

The only thing that i saw that was wrong was the divided fanbase that preferred the traditional survival horror over the new action oriented games like RE4 and RE5.

And judging by the comments around the web, RE6 has did little to mend this divide IMO.
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Hmm...but why is he irrelevant? In that case wouldn't Ada Wong and Krauser be sort of irrelevant too since they're only around when Leon is? I don't see how he is irrelevant to the story. He became relevant when he got involved in the Raccoon City incident. All involved have some relevance because they're tied in one way or another. :cool:
Ada had a very good chance of being relevant, especially considering that little name-drop in RE...until she was sucked into Leon's web of irrelevancy. Now it's hard for her to even try and stand alone in the series as a character without him. (Which I suspect they're trying to rectify with her playing a bigger part in RE6 and what not...or maybe they're just trying to spread the heinous irrelevance to the other characters! :eek:)


Leon is irrelevant because he never really fit into the storyline - not the canon storyline for RE2 anyway, and RE4 just kind of went off the map altogether. Birkin is after Claire and Sherry because he's looking for someone to implant an embryo in and Sherry's the most logical choice and he's not that far gone yet; but as seen in both scenarios, his survival instincts will make him try to make an embryo work in anyone. Mr. X is after Claire and Sherry because of the G-virus sample Sherry carries in her locket.

What I want someone to explain to me is why Mr. X is after Leon and Ada - because that is how the gods of canon say the story went. Neither one of them have a G-virus sample as Ada is simply looking for one but is not in possession of one. Birkin's scenario, as strange as it would be for him to not try and plant an embryo in the most logical candidate, could be interchangeable, but Mr. X is programmed with one purpose and that is to acquire a G-virus sample.

Claire and Sherry fit very easily into either scenario. Leon and Ada? Not so much. The end result left me, even as a little girl, wondering just why Leon's even there...?
@TooCool - I think RE6 is trying to bring them together, but who really knows until the release date? I'm reading about Leon also being action oriented so that's a little disappointing, but I'll still get it since I know it's still going to be great.

@Magnolia - I see where your issue with the Leon character stems from now and I can understand that. Another point of view though, is that Leon is relevant as a secondary character to the main story. In the same way that Claire and Barry are. In other words, they're the supporting cast. New stories can be told and be relevant within the same RE Universe, albeit some more important or "relevant" than others. Perhaps Leon was more of a supporting character to begin with, but his popularity has made him relevant and important to the series and now, he's arguably on par with Chris as far as relevance.
Ada had a very good chance of being relevant, especially considering that little name-drop in RE...until she was sucked into Leon's web of irrelevancy. Now it's hard for her to even try and stand alone in the series as a character without him. (Which I suspect they're trying to rectify with her playing a bigger part in RE6 and what not...or maybe they're just trying to spread the heinous irrelevance to the other characters! :eek:)


Leon is irrelevant because he never really fit into the storyline - not the canon storyline for RE2 anyway, and RE4 just kind of went off the map altogether. Birkin is after Claire and Sherry because he's looking for someone to implant an embryo in and Sherry's the most logical choice and he's not that far gone yet; but as seen in both scenarios, his survival instincts will make him try to make an embryo work in anyone. Mr. X is after Claire and Sherry because of the G-virus sample Sherry carries in her locket.

What I want someone to explain to me is why Mr. X is after Leon and Ada - because that is how the gods of canon say the story went. Neither one of them have a G-virus sample as Ada is simply looking for one but is not in possession of one. Birkin's scenario, as strange as it would be for him to not try and plant an embryo in the most logical candidate, could be interchangeable, but Mr. X is programmed with one purpose and that is to acquire a G-virus sample.

Claire and Sherry fit very easily into either scenario. Leon and Ada? Not so much. The end result left me, even as a little girl, wondering just why Leon's even there...?
Actually...Mr. X's mission was to extract the G-Virus sample and exterminate any surviving police officers...Mr. Kennedy fits the description of the latter...
Actually...Mr. X's mission was to extract the G-Virus sample and exterminate any surviving police officers...Mr. Kennedy fits the description of the latter...
And see this is part of the problem that I have with Leon's canon scenario being the Mr. X one: G-virus would be Umbrella's top priority, so why is Leon top priority over finding Sherry and her sample? I still don't see it adding up in a logical way.
And see this is part of the problem that I have with Leon's canon scenario being the Mr. X one: G-virus would be Umbrella's top priority, so why is Leon top priority over finding Sherry and her sample? I still don't see it adding up in a logical way.
Leon isn't a TOP priority, but if Mr. X runs into Leon on his quest for the G-Virus, he would not ignore him...And since Claire/Sherry are always in relatively the same general area as Leon, this isn't a very far fetched explanation...
I used the phrase "raise from the dead" because by "dead" I feel that RE has been in a strange state of limbo post-RE4, I feel like it's lost its focus and raison d'etre... just seemingly becoming more and more action-like to provide for a wider audience, leaving its long-term loyal fan-base behind... I don't mean "dead" as in definitively dead, but as in more "dead inside" and not really truly thriving as it did in the old days.

This is just my perspective and how I see it :) I just miss the old days when RE scared the crap out of people and everyone loved it, now it seems to have a very mixed fan-base and it's made for slightly muddled games as devs try to please everyone.

I am hoping RE6 can bring back not only these old aspects, but revive the horror genre in general (and in particular, survival horror which seems to have fallen by the wayside as action-based mechanics have been more popular - Dead Space is another series that has fallen to this).

Hope this makes sense. This is just my personal perspective.
Leon isn't a TOP priority, but if Mr. X runs into Leon on his quest for the G-Virus, he would not ignore him...And since Claire/Sherry are always in relatively the same general area as Leon, this isn't a very far fetched explanation...
Leon sees Sherry...once I believe before the end of the game where Claire asks him to go back to the office and get her, and I can't say for sure - it's been a while - but you don't meet Mr. X in that area and he hardly ever sees Claire after the beginning of the game; your theory is not adding up for me. And the fact that Leon's B scenario is canon makes it look like killing Leon comes before finding Sherry and the G-virus, which I'll never believe is logical. If the G-virus was the top priority, wouldn't Claire's B be canon instead?
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Leon's B scenario is canon makes it look like killing Leon comes before finding Sherry and the G-virus, which I'll never believe is logical. If the G-virus was the top priority, wouldn't Claire's B be canon instead?

Let's be honest here... if you were Mr. X you'd wanna kill Leon first too. Hell, I would. ;) LOL

Anyway yes I do feel in a way RE6 will bring RE back from the dead, and also bring newer fans in which is a great thing and is what we need to keep the series going. :)