Operation Raccoon City Boss Battle Strategy Guide (SPOILERS)

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Pancham Cutie

The Cute Pancham
Jul 3, 2009
I've decided to make a strategy guide for the boss battles in Operation Raccoon City because I know that there are some people who are getting stuck on certain boss fights and I do want to help some people get through each boss easily.

BOSS #1 - William Birkin

Recommended Weapons - Anything
Recommended Character - Anyone
Recommended Squad - Anyone
Recommended Abilities - Anything

William Birkin is the easiest boss in the game and he's very simple to beat. All you have to do is shoot his eye which will stun him. When the objective marker apperas behind you then that's when you should turn around and run to it. That's pretty much the only strategy that you need for this battle.

BOSS #2 - Nicholai
Recommended Weapons - Assault Rifles, SMGs, or Machine Guns.
Recommended Character - Lupo or Vector
Recommended Squad - Anyone
Recommended Abilities - Incendiary Rounds or Cloak

Nicholai can be a tricky to beat if it's your first time through however there is an easy solution. First, forget using a sniper rifle, while this boss fight may look like that sniper is really recommended, assault rifles, SMGs, and machine guns are the perfered weapon. When the fight first begins immediatly run to the very front of the building and get a good aim on the windows, but make sure you don't stray to far from the building. Make sure you know which side Nicholai is at. When he pops his head out shoot him with your assault rifle, SMG, or machine gun. If you start to run out of ammo, quickly run to one of the ammo crates and refill, then run back to the front of the building. It's helpful to use Lupo's Incendiary rounds to do more damage to Nicholai or Vector's Cloak to make a safe run to the ammo crate and so that you can move back a little bit to get a better aim. After a few minutes you'll be informed to immediatly disengage. When you get to the power plant, you'll have to face Nicholai again, however this fight is a lot shorter and easier as all you need to do is just unload your bullets into him and he'll run away.

BOSS #3 - Codename: Nemesis
Recommended Weapons - Anything except Shotguns
Recommended Character - Four Eyes or Vector
Recommended Squad - Bertha
Recommended Abilities - Attraction Phermone, Program Infected, or Cloak

Rule #1 of this fight, never ever go to the ground floor. It's safer to just stick to the upper floor since Nemesis won't go up it. Rule #2 of this fight, aim for the head. If you're playing as Four Eyes, make sure that you have either Attraction Phermone or Program Infected on, but I highly suggest using Program Infected and if you don't have Program Infected then use Attraction Phermone. Attraction Phermone will make the zombies attack Nemesis, however don't count on it a lot as they do very little damage, and Nemesis will ignore the zombies for a little while. If you have it equipped, use Program Infected to infect Nemesis to make him your temporary ally. While he is infected by your ability either take the time to kill the Spec Ops or shoot Nemesis. If you're using Vector then equip Cloak as your Passive Ability, so that way you can sneak around the Nemesis. If Nemesis starts to move to the back of the area, go down there so that way you can have enough time to inject him with the virus. After a while he'll get on his knees and all you just need to do is run up to him and infect him with the virus that you got from the T-103.

BOSS #4 - Two T-103s
Recommended Weapons - Anything except Sniper Rifles, if possible use the "glitch weapon"
Recommended Character - Four Eyes
Recommended Squad - Bertha
Recommended Abilities - Program Infected

Albert Einstein once said "Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal." Imagine that Four Eyes is the pathological criminal and Program Infected is technological progress. That is why you need her for this fight. This is the toughest boss battle in the game, and Four Eyes is your best bet for this. First, while Vector's Cloak may sound useful for this fight, it's not because the area that you are fighting in is small and the T-103s can knock you into a corner and if both are present at the same time that can push you into a corner and they will never let you up. Four Eyes is key to this boss fight. When ever it is possible use Program Infected to infect the first T-103 to you. This will cause him to walk around, however be careful, while he may be on your side, if you get to close he will attack you. When both are present, it's best to infect at every possible moment. This will cause one of the T-103s to aid you in battle and this is very useful. Also note that only headshots will damage the T-103. If you start to run low on Health it's best to go near Bertha as she might heal you. If you are lucky then you can use the "glitch weapon" (This may or may not have been patched). You will need to get lucky to get the "glitch weapon". To get the "glitch weapon", stand near the pile of wreck cars. When a T-103 is about to jump, quickly move out of the way before it hits you and the T-103 will be stuck on the cars, aka the "glitch weapon". I do not recommend trying this glitch as you will need luck for it to happen.

BOSS #5 - Ada Wong
Recommended Weapons - Anything
Recommended Character - Vector
Recommended Squad - Bertha
Recommended Abilities - Cloak

When the battle first begins, immediatly destroy any trip mines that you have a good aim on. When you get an opportunity, use cloak to get near a trip mine to get closer. Once all the trip mines are gone and you get right next to her using clock the battle is over.

BOSS #6 - Mutated T-103
Recommended Weapons - Anything
Recommended Character - Vector
Recommended Squad - Bertha
Recommended Abilities - Cloak

Since this takes place on the same level as the Ada Wong boss fight, you'll need the same thing. This is a simple fight really. All you have to do is shoot the glowing orange spot on the T-103 and stun it when it's on the edge to make it fall off. After 1 or 2 more times, the fight is over.

BOSS #7 - Wolfpack/Traitors of Umbrella and Leon Kennedy
Recommended Weapons - Anything, highly recommend using sniper rifles
Recommended Character - Anyone, highly recommend using Four Eyes and Vector
Recommended Squad - Anyone
Recommended Abilities - Attraction Phermone, Cloak, or Mimicry

The first thing that is going to be a pain is getting to this boss battle. When you get near the end of the last level, Leon Kennedy will start sniping at you and you'll need to get through the barricade, and if you ever got there by yourself, then you know that it's not that easy to get through since there is about 50 zombies and soldiers and the game only gives you hint to do a blood frenzy. If you're playing as either Lupo, Beltway, Spectre, or Bertha then use a sniper rifle from a distance and shoot the soldiers and try to cause a blood frenzy. If you're playing as Four Eyes then make sure that you have the Attraction Phermone ability on, get close enough to the barricade and throw an attraction phermone grenade on the soldiers or if you're using Vector use cloak and try to get a good shot on the soldiers and try to get them in a blood frenzy while in cloak, or use mimicry so that you can fool them, just make sure that you high tail it out of there because if they spot you then they will not show mercy and will more than likely target you or Leon will target you. Once you get pass the baricade you'll finally make a choice, Execute Leon Kennedy or Defend Leon Kennedy, the choice is yours. No matter which choice you choose you will have to fight 2 members from your squad. The only person who seems to be a pain and only if you're fighting him is Vector because he will cloak and get near you. One important note is to never melee, the AI enemies will be smart enough to execute you if you try that stuipid stunt, also don't charge for them (Unless you are either Vector or Lupo), because trust me you also got zombies and they will not be afraid to target you if you try that jacka** move. Just keep back, stay in cover, and you should be able to defeat the 2 squad members and if you choose Execute then Leon as well.

DLC Boss fights will be added after the Spec Ops missions are released.
Sticky. :)

I've actually found the fight with the two Mr. X's the easiest in the game apart from Birkin. They walk quite slow, so keep shooting their faces from a distance, and then when they get too close for comfort sprint away to the opposite end and repeat. It's not too hard to walk out of this fight scratch-free.
^Yes, I found that relatively difficult as well. Thankfully though, I did it only once for the trophy and I have no intention of doing it again. :D
Defeating Leon was easy for me. As I just went invisible. Samurai Edge into his face. Works on professional swell.
wow thanks for all informations , yes me too defeating Leon was hard for me. :mad:
i use vector cloak and brutal killed leon took like seconds to kill him
the fire-fight with Nicholai at the clock tower was smooth sailing for me, which involved a Tactical SMG and Frag grenades. And when i think about it, it would be of amuzement if i were to have the incendiary bullets put in him and watch him burn whilst i fire away with incendiary bullets in him.
for the Ada confrontation, i'd had to knock out every laser trip mines as possible to get a good distance. until i could aim at her head and fire until she ran away. it was time consuming, whilst avoiding her shots and grenade frags....but this tactic i've used was worth all that time consuming tactic.
On the final mission, at the start of check point i've ran though it, checkpoint after check point and neutralizing any threats on my path until i've reached to the final stand off against the Traitors and Leon S Kennedy. this tactic isn't advised unless you want to collect data and try to find the security cameras and the alike.
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"Eye of the Storm".

Best pick is Tweed (Destruction),

- you can throw sticky bombs to destroy the crimson head army in the first part of the mission.
- you can stay on the roof when you don't care about the time, his gatling isn't a big threat when you stay on the building, throw bombs at Nemesis until your arm falls off....

did anyone has some good advices for other soldiers, normally i play medic (bertha/Harley), but that doesn't work for me in that mission.

anyone got experience and infos for fighting with Shona or Dee-ay in "eye of the storm"?
i've noticed that on the confrontation with Nicoli (this being on Professional difficulty) at the clock-tower when you have choosen Lupo and have her Incendiary Rounds ability and shoot Nicoli whilst you have the Incendiary Rounds active and your shots are being fired at Nicoli he reacts to it, like if some-one was literally on fire (meaning that he'd do the safety-dance). quite amuzing to see him do the "safety dance". so yes, i recommend this tactic if you want Nicoli to stop targeting you and taking a shot at you and your squad with his sniper rifle. and would like to add that the confrontation with Ada, the thing you have to do is get close to her as possible and she will run away, whilst you disarm her laser-trip mines, dodge her frags and shots ( and yes, the most obvious thing to do with the confrontation with Ada is to take shots at her but as i have mentioned, on what to do on the confrontation with her, is the thing to finish the confrontation with her, her being Ada).
The only bosses that I found difficult was Ada (before I found out that all you have to do is get close to her), Nemesis in the foundry, Leon (this battle took so long. That son of a bitch has a large amount of health.), and the parasite tyrant (this too took awhile, but fighting it was the most fun I've have fighting a RE boss).
The one that was more challenging in my opinion was the tyrant fused witht eh pyrasite in the last chapter of the spec ops campaign. I have never seen....THAT kind of tyrant. It was huge :eek:
Sticky. :)

I've actually found the fight with the two Mr. X's the easiest in the game apart from Birkin. They walk quite slow, so keep shooting their faces from a distance, and then when they get too close for comfort sprint away to the opposite end and repeat. It's not too hard to walk out of this fight scratch-free.

I find that fight incredible easy, too, but for a different reason.

As you may remember, there's a flamethrower available in a crate in front of the city hall. All you have to do is grab it before going to fight the two Mr. X's. The flamethrower takes them out ridiculously quickly.