aintnoscrub;54690 said:you seem to be obsessed with cheating.
but theres plenty of the trainers already on the net.
just use google.
GUNS N' ROSES!;54700 said:if i use cheats it doesnt mean that i suck and i cant finish the game, for example, i use cheats in gta to have fun, in gta vice city you can make cars drive on water and change your character and make cars fly, and i think thats fun, it doesnt mean that i suck
am asking for them just to play with my game not to cheat through it is wrong to cheat through a game i beat the game with no cheats then after that i feel i beat it i get to cheat and have fun
wpstudart;54829 said:Guys, stop arguing because your point of view, I agree with everyone here. Cheats in some games are nice, just to fool around, have fun. I particularly don't like using cheats to pass through some hard parts, I prefer fight until I do it. But if someone wants to use a cheat on it, guess is because he just can't pass it, it's to hard.