Operation Raccoon City Anyone Play Still?

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i just ordered a headset for xbox 360, and after i get it im gonna subscribe to xbox live,
so far i also dont like this game, however i wanna give it a second chance by playing it online
hopefully it will be more playable and actually enjoyable,
and if it still bad at least ill have re5 and re6 to play
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Actually you did. The title says "Anyone still play?" Spike answered "No." And gave you good reason on why He dosn't.

Any way, add me on Xbox, RE FAN 85

Thanks buddy. Glad common sense is still around.

ORC blows, no if's and's or but's about it.

I wish I could stand playing that game long enough to maybe do a run with you...

I do like Revelations and Mercs 3DS on the 3DS though, Those are quite nice.

Otherwise RE6 keeps me busy enough in my spare time.
i play re orc lot & just got a broad band. Just add me to psn my acc is fly-non-pure no scammers or trolls
Thanks buddy. Glad common sense is still around.

ORC blows, no if's and's or but's about it.

I wish I could stand playing that game long enough to maybe do a run with you...

I do like Revelations and Mercs 3DS on the 3DS though, Those are quite nice.

Otherwise RE6 keeps me busy enough in my spare time.
Just because you don't find it interesting doesn't mean it "blows". There are still a lot of people who play this game and honestly its not that bad.
Glad common sense is still around.
Then answer with a yes or no to a simple yes or no question. He wasn't asking what you thought of it.
Just because you don't find it interesting doesn't mean it "blows". There are still a lot of people who play this game and honestly its not that bad.

Whoa, get off my tits browski. I'm sure the online community for ORC is still pretty big, but as an RE game, it blows. Fair and square. The controls aren't like RE, the gameplay is horrid. Shoot-outs with Spec-Ops every 3 minutes really ruins the experience. The only good thing I can think of, were the parts with zombies and Crimson Heads, but that was short lived, because right after that, more Spec Ops.

I wouldn't even mind having action shoot outs, if it were fun, like CoD or Halo, but Spec Ops are bullet sponges, and are just plain annoying. And you pretty much have to kill them all to advance, while reviving your idiot AI teammates the entire time. If you find that fun, more power to ya.

Then answer with a yes or no to a simple yes or no question. He wasn't asking what you thought of it.

No. I don't play stupid games. I have however been meaning to go back and give ORC a second chance, because while I hate the controls and the gameplay, the characters, Spec Ops shoot-outs, etc, etc, the zombies actually were pretty nice in the game.

And I'll post what I think about the game if I want, thanks.

Oh, and if you open your eyes, you'd see that I had answered the simple question already in an earlier post, on this same page, duh...

Sorry, nope.
since i've been on RE5 and RE6 (switching between them), i'll sometimes go in and have a match (specifically team attack and only said match verses type), but i will not invest as much time as i do in RE6 and RE5, couple or few hours i'll do (when i do decide to go on in a team attack verses) :)
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Reactions: Ridley Lockhart
This is how it should have looked.
Sorry, nope.
We didn't need all this.
ORC kinda freaking blows.

The gameplay, characters and story aren't really worth a hoot. Did I mention the gameplay sucks?

I'm so glad RE6 doesn't play like ORC, or I'd be ****ed.
Or this.
ORC blows, no if's and's or but's about it.
You say you're glad to see common sense around so how about you use some and stick to what the topic asked for.