I don’t know I had a hard to to connect with Chris in RE6. He felt like a Commander Shepard clone to me (typical military leader, Legendary hero and blah blah blah. Not that I hate it, but I’m not generally a big fan of military leader dudes. Cmd. Shepard however is
really an exception) plus he felt too disconnected from his past (no mention of Jill and other things. At least in ME3 I meet all characters that are important to Shepard) and that bothered me as hell. Nobody really understands why I hate it so much when they didn’t mention Jill in 6, but it was always stated that both have such a strong bond ever since RE1, yet I didn’t see anything of it in 6, tbh.
Lol I usually let Chris die whenever I play the first RE xD As an act of revenge for not mentioning Jill in RE6 >

muahaha xD It gives me a good feeling.
Jill is pretty much the only reason why I keep playing the series as a I played the third game after the RE1 (RE2 wasn’t released back then in my country) so I played RE3 and naturally grew fond of her over other characters. I actually liked her in RE5 and the DLC’s. She doesn’t feel like a female version of Chris there as she’s more laid back than him and I like the flirtatious Jill, but in Revelations she had the personality of a wooden block, although she had a few moments, she was pretty damn boring.
What really p*sses me off is how she’s doesn’t get any credits she actually deserved for saving Chris’ ass in 5, but instead they locked her up in rehab and are done with it. Right now I’m worried if she’ll ever appear again. With the recent news of the stage play and the new CGI movie I feel like Capcom doesn’t really want to bother with her because they think she’s too old for the series or something (might be a personal thing but who knows)
With that said
I’m really worried about Jill Valentine and Capcom’s plans with her characters and her role in future RE games (if there are any or they simply forgot about her. I just don't trust Capcom anymore

They seem to have an obsession with Leon and Chris and honestly I'm sick of them both. At least there is Rebecca, so yay ^^ Still no sign of Jill. I'm really missing her :'(
Don't forget to mention Nina Williams from Tekken as well xD
Damn right! Mass Effect 3 was awesome

I don’t care what people say about the endings. I’m a die-hard ME fan and I love Commander Shepard (no homo, but wait Shepard can also be a woman xD) If he was real, I’d kill him for his badass N7 Armor x’D
I agree with you except RE6 as I didn’t enjoy the game and Halo 4 .I’m a Playstation-person so I never played any Halo game.