The people in those videos waving their signs and what not are too close to action to notice the Government Sheep Dogs run circles around them.
This ''AWAKENING'' will see mankind being no more alert than slumberous sheep being rounded into the pen.
Looks good, gets the juices flowing, makes all the right noises and strums the heart strings for sure...and can all be tracked on youtube, of all places....
Every now and then Humanity gets all sentimental about the wreckage they've caused, and the government, who have thousands of years experience in the containment of man and his mind, set up pressure valves so steam can be let out without leaving a scratch on the existing system.
Some think they are wise by saying the government are '' always one step ahead in the game of chess '' no, they invented the bloody thing, it's everybody else who signed upto it in the first place and allova sudden have decided we dont like the rules.
It's designed to
by the people. People can't exist without a government (I cite Lord of the Flies). They are capable of founding one and reforming one, as history tells us. The part of the problem that
can be fixed is corruption in the system. To do that, you need to vote for candidates who don't rely on corporate donations and, frankly, are opposed to them. I hate to attach a candidate to this (though I'm not affiliated with the party) but Ron Paul is a good example of someone like that.
On the whole world government thing.. very simply, The whole of the America's will unite as will Europe who will in turn be partners (officially)...... meanwhile, China and asia will be made out to be the big bad wolf of the 21st century, so that and a couple of wars ( probably korea ) will eventually see us or them fold, and come into the American/European/asia side, or vice versa. This plan is centuries old, reallllly old..
That will never happen. It's ludicrous. The major Asian powers would sooner nuke each other to death than form an alliance at present. Even 50 years from now, most like. I speak of course of North Korea, China, Russia, and Japan. There's blood between those four be it for past war crimes or from being friendly with the western powers. Russia might have tried something like that (like in The Great War), but I don't see them forming any form of alliance with any of the above mentioned except maybe Japan. China and Japan hate each other completely. Japan massacred the Chinese during World War II and refuses to cite it in their textbooks. China wants to overtake Taiwan but Japan and the western powers won't allow it. That leaves North Korea who would be left to choose either China or Japan as an ally, as having both is out of the question. Any of them could probably ally with someone out of the Middle East, but only North Korea would consider it. The rest of them have too many western ties. The rest of Asia doesn't have the technology, resources, or man power to even consider global war. The squabbles between neighboring countries in Asia buy-and-large keep them from exponential growth (citing Israel/Palestine, India/Pakistan).
Governments are scared of their people because they know all too well it only takes one person, (this is how deadly a single human being is ) Name any revolutionary...they all started by waking up one day and realized who they were...
No, it's always general discontent backing those individuals. Ghandi had a movement behind him that made him impossible to ignore. Martin Luther King Jr. as well. Hell, even Hitler would have been nothing without Germany being upset over what the war and the Treaty of Versailles had done to it. With no movement behind you (i.e. general agreeing sentiment), you do not represent the public opinion: you are a vigilante. (citing Lee Harvey Oswald)
ever stopped to wonder why humans rarely feature at number 1 on these (worlds most dangerous predators) things on tv ? nevermind the government being scared, you'd be scared if you caught yourself in the mirror. said it before, i'll say it again... we didn't get to the top of the chain by sitting around and banging on about rights..
What the discovery channel ranks as a dominant predator has absolutely nothing to do with human society. We dominated nature with larger brains, opposable thumbs, conscious thought, and the ability to develop technology through all of the three. Survival in the discovery channel sense of the word is beneath us now. Whining about rights isn't how we got where we are, but it's the next step for us to progress to better human society. Isn't that what every species living in the wild strives for?
The closest i've come to see a human ( in his natural envirnment ) and no i don't mean a tribe in Africa, when i say natural state, i mean mentally, because all of this is a war on the to watch very closely, someone who is in the middle of fasting....after a certain time, their instincts kick in because the mind and body thinks it's in danger... remove shelter,food or safety from the average human, and you'll get a little glimpse of the very creature who murdered his way to the top with a razor sharp intellect, an even sharper killer instinct casted in an almost unbreakable no mercy attitude...
Interesting, but I don't see how it's related. It seems like you're trying to imply anarchist messages what with talking about underlying survivalist instincts and human beings in perspective of the wild animal kingdom. We've transcended natural selection, but improving ourselves as a species is not below us. That's what revolutions and government reforms, hell, even wars are all about.
This is why we have Uni's, schools, colleges and all that. It's not to educate you.... it's to refine you... it's to shake off your self awareness and pigeon hole's to blunt your edge and reduce your point... Really think those who over look the uni's of the world give a **** about gay rights or anyother ? not really, they just want you to pick a mask so they know where you are on the chess board.
I'll let Femme Fatale handle this one. She hasn't said anything but I have a sneaking suspicion that the two of us are on the same page.
I used the phrase sheep dog in it's fullest at the start of this stupidly long rant, because that is what this is... Man will not waken from this slumber, he will not turn out the lights, because he simply doesn't trust himself, others or that which crawls in the dark.
For an illustration, go watch the wizard of oz, and keep your eyes fixed on the cowardly lion, he is modern man...being a lion isn't enough, you need to know you are.
Being lazy and being cowardly are two different things entirely. The economic recession today doesn't have the same effects on day-to-day life it did in the Great Depression. Not everyone feels it's severe enough to leave their jobs and go protest. People aren't cowardly, they're apathetic.
Listen, i want change just as much, but you have to be very very careful for what you wish for....revolution, always brings pain, true revolution that is.. not soap dodgers in tents.
Revolution only represents the interests of revolutionaries, not necessarily the people they hope to rule. In some cases (Lenin), the majority are thankful. In other cases (Castro) it does more damage than it's worth. Given the state of today, I don't think that anywhere near the majority of people would be happy with a revolution.
We, and our loved ones before us, have paid into this very system we are in, they've even died for it or indeed been killed by it... we work, pay our taxes and try to live good lives and do right by others even if we're no good at it. So we need to be really honest with ourselves, and ask why now ? and change it to what ? are you even ready ? do you even know what's going on ? would the new system even ignite with the monsters still lurking in the halls ?
There is no new system and there won't be one. Uprooting a government makes everything go back to zero and in most cases is
more trouble than it's worth. The current system is good - fantastic even. It's the politicians, therefore, the process of election to public office that needs to be reexamined, which is entirely doable.
Your rant sounds eerily like someone who's upset with the world but doesn't want to back your views with real world examples. It was 100% generalization and therefore 0% tangible.
You say universities are used to refine citizens into robots.
I say it's a place to learn a highly skilled trade and survive in our own created nature.
You say tomato.
I say tomoto.
See my point?
Without backing your views with some examples, you're just describing the general way the world works like a pessimistic novelist. Show examples and stop generalizing unless you want counter-examples up the arse from douchebags like me.
EDIT: I'm currently in my 4th year at University for Journalism but due to some complications I'm a sophomore. I'll be a junior after this quarter.