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Alice VS Weasker


momma cosplayer
Alright, so I know ALOT of people hated Alices' character, but...she was pretty strong when she became Super Human (though it ruined the movie) anyways, who do you think would win? Super human Alice, or Wesker?

(EDIT: forgive my horrible spelling with Weskers name ><)


Well-Known Member
Every Wesker would, even the UC one. After the Remake, he got very powerful, quicker and stuff, and I believe Alice would not be a match to him.


Well-Known Member
Are we talking about fatboy baldheaded movie Wesker or the real one?

Wesker would tear Alice a new asshole.

Resident James

Well-Known Member
They probably will have Wesker fight Alice in the next movie, because they don't really have any other villains in the movies besides some random scientist or experiment or whatever.

They will probably try to make him like Wesker in RE5, able to dodge bullets and etc.

Of coarse they wont capture what made Wesker the villain we all love.

I wonder if the guy playing him played the games (or watch the cut sceanes) or if he is just going on what he is told about the character by the directer.


PSN: floaty_McTurd
if they do have wesker fighting alice, they will have the actor do his research first i would think.
and i didn't think about that, but your probably right, and they will have wesker fight alice.
obviously alice will win in the film, the hero always does, but we know who should really win


Deleted member 1428

Of course we know who would win, Wesker of course :p. But who is the UC Wesker?

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
I'm going to play devil's advocate for a moment... as much as I'd love to jump on the 'Wesker FTW' bandwagon, he couldn't really give Chris and Sheva a run for their money and they're not even technically super-human. But, at the same time Alice is such a tool. So I don't know.


Polkka. lol
Gotta agree on LFF on that. He already has super powers yet he couldn't really take care of Chris and Sheva, who are btw, absolutely normal(maybe except Chris...)

If they make Wesker realistic enough, I'm sure Wesker would totally obliterate her. :p


Well-Known Member
^I really can't imagine that fat dude jumpin around doin backflips and stuff. XD

And Wesker lost to Chris and Sheva because the heros always have to win in the end. Relisticly on Resident Evil terms it wasn't a fair result of what the fight would have really been. Come on, Wesker has always whipped Chris' ass. (And Jill's for that matter) Don't forget UC he fought 3 tyrants in the same night and came out unscratched.


PSN: floaty_McTurd
realistically in resident evil 5 wesker should have walked all over them two, so i'm sure he could slap alice around


momma cosplayer
heh, well everyone pretty much knows Wesker will kick Alices' ass...which is about what I figured would happen in here. LOL

Deleted member 1428

I/ we all know Wesker should and will win in the real RE world. Despite I like the movies kinda, I do agree they were all changed alot. But let's not also forget that Alice has psionic powers so if she does master them she could repel Wesker around but I doubt that will happen since she'll probably need to focus and Wesker will probably be moving around to much to let her do so. But yeah I too back Wesker on this :)..... ALICE WILL HAVE A HUGE HOLE PUNCHED THROUGH HER CHEST!!!!!!

Resident James

Well-Known Member
Not to mention Alice has all those clones the movie makers will have to kill off now. Maybe hunters will be in the next movie.
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