A third remake of resident evil 4 a good or bad idea?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2019
Raccoon City
20 years from now do you reckon there will be a third remake of RE4? If there was would you be enthusiastic about the idea or not?

If you think about it anything’s possible since Capcom are talking about a third remake of RE1. As follows as well they might remake re2 again and also 3 (I would be up for another remake of 3 because they missed the mark on that one)
I don't think modern games are going to age as horribly in 20 years as a lot of early 3D games have for a long time already. There really isn't any reason for these games to be remade yet again like there is for the original Resident Evil which even with its remake, is still just a niche experience by today's standards. These games will live on through the digital marketplace, backwards compatibility, and even remasters in the foreseeable future. At most, I'd love to see them add more content to these games and make necessary tweaks to the experience that could address issues we had with them. I can definitely see something like that as part of some repackaging/re-release to justify paying full price for these games again than a full on remake.
Never say never. I wouldn't mind yet another take on RE4, but I must also say that this remake pretty much gave me most of what I wanted. So, I guess what I'm saying is that I would be cautious but not against it. Pretty much the same attitude I had towards this remake. lol
Another remake, even in 20 years time, I consider to be extremely unlikely. As Turo pointed out these remakes will still look and play well in the future since we’re currently about to reach the peak of graphics in video game development. Once we reach photographic realism there isn’t going to be anything beyond it. The only way I could see another take on RE4 being done in the future is if they decide to make some sort of reimagining that takes place in an alternate universe/timeline with a different set of characters, events and plotlines - But even that is quite unlikely to happen for various reasons.

Besides, even the brightest of scientists and futurists have a hard time predicting 10 - or heck even 5 - years into the future, so it’s near impossible to know how the video game industry will look like in a gulping 20 years from now, not to mention the world itself.
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We'll have to see how the trend is going 20 years from now. Though honestly I hope I'm retired from video games by then. xD

Besides, even the brightest of scientists and futurists have a hard time predicting 10 - or heck even 5 - years into the future, so it’s near impossible to know how the video game industry will look like in a gulping 20 years from now, not to mention the world itself.

Recent studies show that the smarter the person is, the worse they are at predicting the future. Smart people tend to be more focused and specialized in a narrow field and have a hard time ascertaining unexpected bits of data in their backyard and tend to be shocked when something unexpecting comes their way. I mean look at how shocked all these college graduates were when Donald Trump won in 2016. xD

Also for reference, I remember when Nintendo 64 came out in 1996 and people were saying at that time that graphical improvements to that were nigh impossible and would look photorealistic so I'm not so sure that we are reaching peak graphical fidelity. There's literally always something to improve upon.
I think RE3 is one of the titles in the franchise that needs a remake most, but my idea of improving it further would be making it a longer game, and that would be more like restructuring the story than just remaking it.

I'm also OK with another remake of 4, but honestly, I wouldn't have thought it necessary had they not omitted a few of the pretty good parts of the original in the current remake. Honestly though, I can't believe some are counting things like being able to kill the merchant, and escape and knife fight QTEs, but don't even mention the fight with the invisible Novistadors in the dungeon, which is absent from the remake.
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Recent studies show that the smarter the person is, the worse they are at predicting the future. Smart people tend to be more focused and specialized in a narrow field and have a hard time ascertaining unexpected bits of data in their backyard and tend to be shocked when something unexpecting comes their way. I mean look at how shocked all these college graduates were when Donald Trump won in 2016. xD

Also for reference, I remember when Nintendo 64 came out in 1996 and people were saying at that time that graphical improvements to that were nigh impossible and would look photorealistic so I'm not so sure that we are reaching peak graphical fidelity. There's literally always something to improve upon.
Photorealism was never an official thing in the 90's and anyone who made such comments back then was either a fan or a gaming journalist with no real insight. It's only in the last couple of years that photogrammetry has enabled games to look photorealistic, much thanks to powerful tools quch as Quixel Megascans which is world leading in its field. Not to mention real-time ray tracing which didn't become standardized in modern video games until as recent as 2019.

Fact is, although there might not be a limit as to how advanced computer graphics can get, there is a limit to what the human eye can perceive. There comes a point where difference in detail is so utterly tiny that our eyes can simply no longer notice it, and we are reaching that level of detail as of now.

And I disagree with you about the "smart people" criticism. If by college graduates you mean Hollywood actors, overpaid politicians and media journalists - yeah, sure they were definitely shocked when Donald Trump won, but we're not talking specifically about politics here, we're talking about technology which is a far more measureable field.

If I could make a prediciton myself, I'd guess that AI technology in 20 years will enable us "ordinary" people to create our own remakes of our favorite games. Maybe even earlier than that.
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And I disagree with you about the "smart people" criticism. If by college graduates you mean Hollywood actors, overpaid politicians and media journalists - yeah, sure they were definitely shocked when Donald Trump won, but we're not talking specifically about politics here, we're talking about technology which is a far more measureable field.

When did I criticize? I'm just pointing out that throughout history people considered geniuses were way off in their predictions about the future. One English professor, for instance, had an IQ of 200 or so and he literally thought that by the year 2000 England would be a country that was poor and had a scarcity of food because of bad economic policies.

Also, as long as there is a market for GPU's, we will continue to see GPU power and technology climb at a consistently slow rate and see the graphical fidelity continue to improve. I will believe we've seen the limit of graphics improvements as soon as the market for GPU's as we know them and the benchmarks they provide either die off or take a serious road turn. The most stagnant I have ever seen graphics power was during the Xbox 360 era where there were millions of drooling idiots paying boatlads of cash for the next CoD or Halo installment and making these companies many millions which ensured that there was no great demand to improve GPU power for some time.
20 years from now do you reckon there will be a third remake of RE4? If there was would you be enthusiastic about the idea or not?

If you think about it anything’s possible since Capcom are talking about a third remake of RE1. As follows as well they might remake re2 again and also 3 (I would be up for another remake of 3 because they missed the mark on that one)
Definitely opposed to another RE remake. I'm not down with all this, "Code Veronica deserves a remake!!", Or "I want to see RE5 remade"...smh

I do agree about the RE3R being rubbish. It's seriously an embarrassing skidmark on the underwear of Resident Evil...IMO and unfortunately graphically it still holds up and looks good and the gameplay when it isn't a dumb scripted event, is decent enough.

For the sake of giving us a REAL RE3 Nemesis experience where they don't gib us on Raccoon City, totally ruin some of the important locations, or simply omit them, and get the characters right. Jill, Brad, and Nemesis in particular were awful. The UBCS were done well although i found the interactions with Jill and Carlos at times really cringe. Capcom really did drop the ball with the opportunity to remake one of their most memorable, popular classic RE games.
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Definitely opposed to another RE remake. I'm not down with all this, "Code Veronica deserves a remake!!", Or "I want to see RE5 remade"...smh

I do agree about the RE3R being rubbish. It's seriously an embarrassing skidmark on the underwear of Resident Evil...IMO and unfortunately graphically it still holds up and looks good and the gameplay when it isn't a dumb scripted event, is decent enough.

For the sake of giving us a REAL RE3 Nemesis experience where they don't gib us on Raccoon City, totally ruin some of the important locations, or simply omit them, and get the characters right. Jill, Brad, and Nemesis in particular were awful. The UBCS were done well although i found the interactions with Jill and Carlos at times really cringe. Capcom really did drop the ball with the opportunity to remake one of their most memorable, popular classic RE games.

Nemesis is the most badass RE villain to date yet capcom did not give a **** about putting there resources into making it epic.
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Nemesis is the most badass RE villain to date yet capcom did not give a **** about putting there resources into making it epic.
You just trying to throw gasoline in the fire.?

I do agree, Nemesis should make you paranoid, afraid, anxiety ridden, and want to get the eff away to safety. RE3R didn't do that. He's basically coasting by on the Reputation of NEMESIS!
Honestly, I don't think a 3rd remake of RE4 would be necessary if they just include some of the omitted parts in the current remake in some Ada DLC. This is what some are speculating might happen anyway.
A third remake (second remake) of RE1 is not the same as a third remake of RE4.

RE1 was remade only 6 years after the original, when gaming had barely moved, and despite being a remake is not in the same category of remakes as 2, 3 and 4, which all came like 20 years after.
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A third remake of RE1 is not the same as a third remake of RE4.

RE1 was remade only 6 years after the original, when gaming had barely moved, and despite being a remake is not in the same category of remakes as 2, 3 and 4, which all came like 20 years after.
Agreed despite holding up extremely well I can't consider REmake in the same class as 2,3 and 4 it feels more like a superior peer to 0.
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Re1 remake is still immensely enjoyable even to this day especially the ps4 remaster.

Shame you can’t port the re1 remake HD to ps5
Re1 remake is still immensely enjoyable even to this day especially the ps4 remaster.

Shame you can’t port the re1 remake HD to ps5

I’m really turned off by the new HD textures they made, they’re just ugly compared to the Gamecube original pre-rendered backdrops. It’s also missing certain background animation (same with RE0).

I would seriously encourage anyone to track down a CRT (a difficult task I know) and experience the game as it was intended, you will not even want to utter the word "remaster" ever again afterwards.
Lamecube REmake is 720x480p resolution and looks extremely dated and blurry whilst HD Remaster can run on any resolution so the above post is not very accurate.

Even the PSX games look far superior with higher resolutions so the bottom line here is that higher resolutions absolutely trump any minor texture or lighting discrepancy you may or may not notice (I did not notice any wide varying differences between the two but the awful 480p Lamecube resolution certainly is glaring).