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Resident Evil 6 A few dialogue points that confused me


When Piers and Chris are fighting Iluzija, it grabs one of the BSAA and takes him down a hallway. Everyone just stands there, while Chris runs after it and around the corner in pursuit but loses the trail. Piers then gets ****ed at Chris for "pulling a stunt like that" or something. I don't understand this at all. What was Piers expecting Chris to do anyway? Just let the snake have his soldier? "Oh that's okay snakey, you can have him, we didn't like him very much anyway." Why did the rest of the team, including Piers, just stand there instead of following Chris? It seems to me like they're the ones who should be scolded.

After they kill the snake and their team is pretty much wiped out, Piers gets mad at Chris again for some reason, asking Chris if he even cares about the mission, and saying that if his personal vendetta didn't get in the way, he could have saved some men. First of all, do they have a mission that I didn't know about? I assumed their mission was to fight the bioterrorist outbreak and track down Ada, right? How then is Christ deviated from the mission at all? He is the BSAA, he found a BOW, and he killed it; isn't that what he's supposed to do? What was his vendetta against? The snake? How could giving up his personal vendetta save his men? I guess if he stopped chasing the snake and ran away from it, his men wouldn't have died... but that snake would still be on the loose killing civilians, so the BSAA would have kind of failed their job anyway.

When Chris tells Jake that he killed Jake's father, Jake points a gun at him, and Piers points his gun at Jake. Jake then tells Chris to put a leash on his puppy, Piers, as a reference to Piers' young age and relative inexperience. What I don't get about this, is that Piers is actually about 5 years Jake's senior, so if anyone's the pup, it's Jake.

After meeting with Leon and Helena, Jake notices Sherry is questioning Simmons' integrity, considering the possibility that he was involved in the attack, as Leon said. She actually doesn't believe it right away though, still holding her doubts. That's why she still brings Jake to Simmons, and why she asks him personally if he was involved in the attack. My question here is, why does Simmons just admit that he was behind it? One, he told Sherry to take Leon and Helena into custody, maybe if he claimed that he had nothing to do with the attack, and that Leon was out to frame him or something, she might have actually believed him. Even if she didn't, the fact that she didn't believe Leon up until now, and had to ask Simmons himself, means that she considers both his innocence and guilt a possibility. Perhaps if he didn't admit to the deed so easily, Sherry would at the very least still be undecided on the subject, and would not take a side.


Goddess of the Dead
@ Piers shouting at Chris before the snake fight: Yes, that one confused me too. But then again, I don't know anything about how soldiers are supposed to fight or chase an enemy. Maybe something about Chris's approach was unprofessional? They usually talk to each other using their hands, and this time Chris just ran off and left his subordinates clueless to what they should do, plus the fact that Piers is constantly worried about his captain. But it's all just speculation, I'm not sure where Piers is coming from in that scene.

What confuses me more, though, is Chris's answer: "If you don't follow my orders, I'll find someone who will." Well... great, Chris, but you didn't give any orders, perhaps that's the problem. You should know by now that your subordinates don't ever do anything unless you tell them to.

@ Piers shouting at Chris after the snake fight: I don't think capturing Ada was part of their original mission objective. HQ didn't even care about her until Chris asked them if they could track her down. They were supposed to free the hostages and get rid of some J'avo, I think. Chasing Ada only became a priority after Chris got his memory back, and from then on, he didn't seem to care about anything else anymore, which bothered Piers. And last but not least, since Piers is only human, I think he was also ****ed because Chris took his anger out on him several times, so that might have added to his bad mood.

All in all, Piers strikes me as a rather emotional person behind his cool façade, and sometimes it just breaks through.

@ Puppy Piers: This has nothing to do with age. It's just Jake's way of mocking Piers because they obviously hate each other. Piers, Jake and Sherry are basically Chris, Wesker and Birkin Junior and their relationships to each other are similar to those of their "fathers". However, when I look at Piers following Chris wherever he goes and doing whatever he is told by his captain, I can't help thinking that this is the way a good dog should behave.


Personally, I have a problem with Jake's fury and Chris's reaction when they talk about Wesker in that same scene. "Shoot, you have every right to." ... Er... no?? Apart from the utterly unimportant fact that Wesker was threatening the lives of Chris and three other people by attacking their helicopter with his tentacles, there's the even more unimportant fact that he would have killed billions if he hadn't been stopped. Yet Jake behaves like Chris had unjustly murdered the loveliest person on Earth - while he didn't even know him! Seriously, this is the most ridiculous scene of the whole game.


Girly Gamer
Premium Elite
When Piers and Chris are fighting Iluzija, it grabs one of the BSAA and takes him down a hallway. Everyone just stands there, while Chris runs after it and around the corner in pursuit but loses the trail. Piers then gets ****ed at Chris for "pulling a stunt like that" or something. I don't understand this at all. What was Piers expecting Chris to do anyway? Just let the snake have his soldier? "Oh that's okay snakey, you can have him, we didn't like him very much anyway." Why did the rest of the team, including Piers, just stand there instead of following Chris? It seems to me like they're the ones who should be scolded.

After they kill the snake and their team is pretty much wiped out, Piers gets mad at Chris again for some reason, asking Chris if he even cares about the mission, and saying that if his personal vendetta didn't get in the way, he could have saved some men. First of all, do they have a mission that I didn't know about? I assumed their mission was to fight the bioterrorist outbreak and track down Ada, right? How then is Christ deviated from the mission at all? He is the BSAA, he found a BOW, and he killed it; isn't that what he's supposed to do? What was his vendetta against? The snake? How could giving up his personal vendetta save his men? I guess if he stopped chasing the snake and ran away from it, his men wouldn't have died... but that snake would still be on the loose killing civilians, so the BSAA would have kind of failed their job anyway.

When Chris tells Jake that he killed Jake's father, Jake points a gun at him, and Piers points his gun at Jake. Jake then tells Chris to put a leash on his puppy, Piers, as a reference to Piers' young age and relative inexperience. What I don't get about this, is that Piers is actually about 5 years Jake's senior, so if anyone's the pup, it's Jake.

After meeting with Leon and Helena, Jake notices Sherry is questioning Simmons' integrity, considering the possibility that he was involved in the attack, as Leon said. She actually doesn't believe it right away though, still holding her doubts. That's why she still brings Jake to Simmons, and why she asks him personally if he was involved in the attack. My question here is, why does Simmons just admit that he was behind it? One, he told Sherry to take Leon and Helena into custody, maybe if he claimed that he had nothing to do with the attack, and that Leon was out to frame him or something, she might have actually believed him. Even if she didn't, the fact that she didn't believe Leon up until now, and had to ask Simmons himself, means that she considers both his innocence and guilt a possibility. Perhaps if he didn't admit to the deed so easily, Sherry would at the very least still be undecided on the subject, and would not take a side.

I think why Piers was mad at Chris for pulling that stunt was because Chris just ran in there, without backup. Basically he just acted rashly, instead of involving his team and therefore could have got himself killed. This would have left the team without their best agent, and also, if they'd have followed him, they could have died too. It sounds harsh, but that guy was clearly a goner, but Chris let his emotions get the better of him, putting both his life, and the lives of his team, in danger.

The puppy thing refers to Piers following Chris around, like a lost puppy.

I think Simmons admitted to it because he was planning on them not being around to tell anyone. He was planning on killing Leon and Helena, and capturing Jake and Sherry to perform research on them. Obviously, Leon and Helena couldn't tell anyone if they're dead, and if Jake and Sherry are captured, who can they tell? Remember, in that scene, he said that they were still of use to him, and I believe that was for research purposes, since they both have 'super powers'.

What confuses me more, though, is Chris's answer: "If you don't follow my orders, I'll find someone who will." Well... great, Chris, but you didn't give any orders, perhaps that's the problem. You should know by now that your subordinates don't ever do anything unless you tell them to.

Personally, I have a problem with Jake's fury and Chris's reaction when they talk about Wesker in that same scene. "Shoot, you have every right to." ... Er... no?? Apart from the utterly unimportant fact that Wesker was threatening the lives of Chris and three other people by attacking their helicopter with his tentacles, there's the even more unimportant fact that he would have killed billions if he hadn't been stopped. Yet Jake behaves like Chris had unjustly murdered the loveliest person on Earth - while he didn't even know him! Seriously, this is the most ridiculous scene of the whole game.

In the scene before that, Piers questions Chris's judgement, saying that they should follow Jake and Sherry. Chris tells him that their mission is to terminate the BOWs. Piers continues saying, 'But Neo-Umbrella is after them. Shouldn't we-" and Chris repeats himself: 'I said, our mission is to terminate the BOWs.' With the snake scene, Piers is challenging Chris's authority again, asking what he's doing pulling a stunt like that. Chris says, 'These are my men. You follow my lead or I'll find someone who will.' Chris is basically saying that Piers should stop challenging his Captain, and follow orders. (Though I think Chris was the one in the wrong rashly running after the snake).

I can understand where Chris is coming from though. However bad, however evil a person Wesker might have been, ultimately, he was still Jake's father. Since Chris killed Wesker, he denied Jake the chance of ever getting answers from him. Obviously he probably wouldn't have got the answers he wanted from Wesker, but Chris still denied him that remote chance. I think it was also because there was a personal element to Chris killing Wesker, so he thought that Jake would have had the right to shoot him if he so wished. This is just what I understood though, I could be wrong. :)


Personally, I have a problem with Jake's fury and Chris's reaction when they talk about Wesker in that same scene. "Shoot, you have every right to." ... Er... no?? Apart from the utterly unimportant fact that Wesker was threatening the lives of Chris and three other people by attacking their helicopter with his tentacles, there's the even more unimportant fact that he would have killed billions if he hadn't been stopped. Yet Jake behaves like Chris had unjustly murdered the loveliest person on Earth - while he didn't even know him! Seriously, this is the most ridiculous scene of the whole game.

I agree with most of what you said, except that last paragraph. I don't think Jake was ****ed that Chris "unjustly" murdered his father that he never knew (if that was the case, then yeah, that cutscene wouldn't have made much sense). But as Chris later says: "he was still his father." My interpretation is that Jake's mad because he never even had the chance to know his father, and he blames Chris for that. Obviously, Jake cares very much about family (he first became a mercenary to help his dying mother), but his mother is the only blood relative that he ever knew. Since Chris killed Wesker, he denied Jake any faint chance he might of had at seeing another living blood relative, let alone one that can answer many questions about his life. Also, it's not uncommon for people who grow up with only one parent to have a strong desire to see their missing parent.

The way I see it, family is simply a sensative topic for Jake...
But, that's only my opinion. Of course, all these scenes are subject to interpretation :)


e would have killed billions if he hadn't been stopped. Yet Jake behaves like Chris had unjustly murdered the loveliest person on Earth - while he didn't even know him!

I know right? What is even up with that? I was under the assumption that Jake wasn't even fond of his father. He even insults his father at one point when he's talking with Sherry, blaming his father's genes for his violent lifestyle.

"If you don't follow my orders, I'll find someone who will." Well... great, Chris, but you didn't give any orders, perhaps that's the problem.

Yes! You read my mind on that one. There only one possible explanation that i could think of, it that is perhaps the Japanese dialogue was able to include a lot more information in a lot shorter time, just based on the way the language is structured, so there was something previously that we didn't get to know about.

I think why Piers was mad at Chris for pulling that stunt was because Chris just ran in there, without backup.
He did but really when you look at it, it was just like two steps away, and his whole team was right behind him. I mean, i certainly hope that if something like that happen with a real life military force, the rest of the team wouldn't need specific orders to follow, to know that that's what they should be doing.
He was planning on killing Leon and Helena, and capturing Jake and Sherry to perform research on them.

Right, right. That actually makes more sense now.


Well-Known Member
Yes! You read my mind on that one. There only one possible explanation that i could think of, it that is perhaps the Japanese dialogue was able to include a lot more information in a lot shorter time, just based on the way the language is structured, so there was something previously that we didn't get to know about.

I'm pretty sure the Japanese versions are all dubbed in English except Revelation (which has selectable languages).


Goddess of the Dead
Sure, but maybe the dialogues were originally written in Japanese and something went wrong with the translation? It wouldn't be the first time. Or maybe we have another case of the AMR (Alice Madness Returns) syndrome here: Scenes were swapped or added to and removed from the original script and no one noticed or bothered to correct the continuity errors arising from it.


Well-Known Member
Sure, but maybe the dialogues were originally written in Japanese and something went wrong with the translation? It wouldn't be the first time

Sure wouldn't :) The files have a whole lot of errors in the English version as it is, so it wouldn't be anything new

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
When Chris tells Jake that he killed Jake's father, Jake points a gun at him, and Piers points his gun at Jake. Jake then tells Chris to put a leash on his puppy, Piers, as a reference to Piers' young age and relative inexperience. What I don't get about this, is that Piers is actually about 5 years Jake's senior, so if anyone's the pup, it's Jake.
How is Jake supposed to know that Piers is older than he is? Is there something he might have read or something?


The Master Of Unlocking
When Piers and Chris are fighting Iluzija, it grabs one of the BSAA and takes him down a hallway. Everyone just stands there, while Chris runs after it and around the corner in pursuit but loses the trail. Piers then gets ****ed at Chris for "pulling a stunt like that" or something. I don't understand this at all. What was Piers expecting Chris to do anyway? Just let the snake have his soldier? "Oh that's okay snakey, you can have him, we didn't like him very much anyway." Why did the rest of the team, including Piers, just stand there instead of following Chris? It seems to me like they're the ones who should be scolded.

After they kill the snake and their team is pretty much wiped out, Piers gets mad at Chris again for some reason, asking Chris if he even cares about the mission, and saying that if his personal vendetta didn't get in the way, he could have saved some men. First of all, do they have a mission that I didn't know about? I assumed their mission was to fight the bioterrorist outbreak and track down Ada, right? How then is Christ deviated from the mission at all? He is the BSAA, he found a BOW, and he killed it; isn't that what he's supposed to do? What was his vendetta against? The snake? How could giving up his personal vendetta save his men? I guess if he stopped chasing the snake and ran away from it, his men wouldn't have died... but that snake would still be on the loose killing civilians, so the BSAA would have kind of failed their job anyway.

When Chris tells Jake that he killed Jake's father, Jake points a gun at him, and Piers points his gun at Jake. Jake then tells Chris to put a leash on his puppy, Piers, as a reference to Piers' young age and relative inexperience. What I don't get about this, is that Piers is actually about 5 years Jake's senior, so if anyone's the pup, it's Jake..

Guess Piers is just mad at his boyfriend? lol

I thought it was a bit silly for Chris to be all open about killing Jake's father like he was.


Lurking is my jam.
Guess Piers is just mad at his boyfriend? lol

I thought it was a bit silly for Chris to be all open about killing Jake's father like he was.
When he mind f-up jake i couldn't help but laugh my butt off

This is the way jake took it

Jake:''So...you knew him..?

Chris:...Yeah i did...I'm the one who killed him..(Troll Face)

Pretty much how my friend took it

I just said ''Blooooown...''

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
Guess Piers is just mad at his boyfriend? lol

I thought it was a bit silly for Chris to be all open about killing Jake's father like he was.
Not only that, but it was kind of ridiculous that Chris felt Jake was entitled to shoot him in the face over it. It's like... dude, he tried to destroy the world...


La Vita Nuova
Not only that, but it was kind of ridiculous that Chris felt Jake was entitled to shoot him in the face over it. It's like... dude, he tried to destroy the world...

LMAO he totally should've said that after Jake shot his face. "Dude....he tried to destroy the world". I would've laughed my ass off as they all looked at each other akwardly =p.

I agree that the dialogue is a little bit over dramatic. Yes, Chris rushed in after the snake, but he DID say before that "No man is expendable". I dunno if Piers had the right to call it a "stunt like that".

Since "Ada" (Carla) is head of Neo Umbrella, getting her really is part of their mission, I think Piers just thinks that Chris' judgement is clouded by his anger towards her.

Simmons was planning to blame everything on Leon and Ada, that's why he didn't say anything.

Jake pointing his gun at Chris...... yeah that was kinda stupid. According to the emblem files Jake hated his father. His mom was still in love with him and he couldn't understand why. Maybe Jake wanted to kill him first? lol. His reason for not shooting Chris was even weirder. "There are bigger things at stake then you and me". Right. Or maybe you realize that you agree with Chris and don't wanna admit it lol.

I think the puppy reference was just poking fun at Pier's relationship specifically to Chris. "Captain! What are we doing now Captain? Where are we going? I wanna go with you! What should I do now? He's pointing a gun. Should I shoot him? I wanna shoot him! Please tell me I'm a good soldier Captain! I love you Captain! CAPTAIN!!" lol.


The Master Of Unlocking
Not only that, but it was kind of ridiculous that Chris felt Jake was entitled to shoot him in the face over it. It's like... dude, he tried to destroy the world...
Yeah, but we need some drama in RE! And apprarently shipping.

@Shinigami, lol, troll face.

@Spyder, maybe pointing his gun wasn't the most intelligent thing to do, but hey, there is a spark for a fued between these two. I mean, sure Capcom F'd up the Wesker/Chris fued in RE5, but this is a way to continue it a bit. And honestly, who isn't anxious to see these two cross paths in the next RE game? No one.


Girly Gamer
Premium Elite
I think the puppy reference was just poking fun at Pier's relationship specifically to Chris. "Captain! What are we doing now Captain? Where are we going? I wanna go with you! What should I do now? He's pointing a gun. Should I shoot him? I wanna shoot him! Please tell me I'm a good soldier Captain! I love you Captain! CAPTAIN!!" lol.

I lol'd :p


Super Saiyan Member
I think Jake isn't really mad at Chris for killing his father. He's mad because he never knew him. So since he never knew him, he never really questioned anything about him. Then. All of a sudden, everyone wants Jake. Something in his blood. His only thought is "WTF?" Then, he comes to find out, dear old dad, the same dad that ran out on him, is the root of all this. That's a kicker. He now had to rethink all of who he was, and how much of that is his father, who was an evil bastard. And on top of that, he was only killed THREE years prior. He had been alive that WHOLE time, and Jake never knew or suspected a thing. Then he meets the guy that killed him. If not for this guy. This "Chris Redfield" guy, Jake could have confronted his father himself, and gotten the answers to who he really was.
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