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9/11 - The Anatomy of a Great Deception (Full Documentary)

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member

Has anyone watched this documentary? Usually I don't believe in conspiracy theories but this video makes a lot of interesting points and has segments from scientists, engineers e.t.c

I'm not from the U.S.A. I was a child when the 9/11 attacks happened. I had seen the news on tv and went with the official story. I didn't event know a third building collapsed that day. lol

I'm currently flabbergasted. wow. It's 1,30 hours long. definitely worth the watch.

Venomous Oddball

Also Known as Maddy
Yeah, I usually find conspiracy theories weird and kind of disrespectful to the victims, but since I'm obsessed with New York, I've done a lot of research... I don't believe the "official" story at all.

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
I'd like to watch the documentary, but I can't right now because Santa's coming and I need to sleep or I'll get coal in my stocking.

While I will keep an open mind, I've seen many documentaries with the same subject and none have managed to convince me that 9/11 was an inside job in the sense that it was orchestrated by US officials. With regards to World Trade Centre 7 falling... I think the controlled demolition explanation is a bit... I don't know, I don't buy it. You have debris from the twin towers that created fires and burned unabated for hours because everyone was focused on recovering people from the twin towers. Eventually an internal column buckled... which could absolutely happen. There's no reason it can't.

That said - that's not to say the Bush administration and its bureaucracy wasn't exceptionally negligent... because it indeed was negligent. There were a lot of things (expired passports, visas, etc) that were overlooked by the bureaucracy. The CIA warned Bush seven times that Bin Laden was planning an attack, and Bush is on record saying 'thank you, you've covered your ass.' As early as June, 2001, Bush was warned directly that 'al Qaeda strikes could be imminent', however, his policy advisors were convinced that Saddam Hussein was planning to attack, instead. On June 29th, he receives a CIA briefing that says the CIA operatives expected the planned, near term attacks to have dramatic consequences, including major casualties. Verbatim. Look it up. And what does Bush do with these briefings? Absolutely nothing - he goes on vacation for a month. Do I think Bush intended for the attack to happen? No... but I do think the incompetency of his administration certainly made things a heck of a lot easier for the hijackers. And if it were up to me, I would have George W & Dick Cheney charged for their extreme negligence.

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
With regards to World Trade Centre 7 falling... I think the controlled demolition explanation is a bit... I don't know, I don't buy it. You have debris from the twin towers that created fires and burned unabated for hours because everyone was focused on recovering people from the twin towers. Eventually an internal column buckled... which could absolutely happen. There's no reason it can't.

Yes, column 79 which was located in the east side of the building.

I'm not an expert nor do I want to parrot the whole video, but one of the argument against that is the damage from the debris is assymetrical, hence the collapse should have been assymetrical.

To my understanding, it is like when you are playing Jenga and you remove one of the core blocks. The tower is going to fall towards a specific direction, not on itself like WTC 7.

The whole building collapsed simultaneously. If it were because of a single column it would be more logical to me to tip over jenga-style or at the very least the part that is held by column 79 to collapse first.

I don't know there are a lot of interesting things.
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La Femme Fatale

The Queen
But did the whole building actually fall simultaneously? At 0:27 in the video you posted, you see the whole building coming down at the same time. However, there's an extended clip of the very same video, which I've posted below (starting around 2:30) that shows the east penthouse collapsing 8 seconds before the rest of the building. It's the very same video - only ten seconds longer.

Should there have been more of a tilt? Maybe, I don't know - I'm not an architect or an engineer. From some angles, there certainly appears to be a tilt towards the east. But 9/11 truthers claim that WTC 7 fell in perfect symmetry which it most certainly did not - and I find it particularly fascinating how they never use the video showing the east penthouse falling. Had more videographers caught footage from the east, this probably wouldn't be half as controversial as it is.


Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
But did the whole building actually fall simultaneously? At 0:27 in the video you posted, you see the whole building coming down at the same time. However, there's an extended clip of the very same video, which I've posted below (starting around 2:30) that shows the east penthouse collapsing 8 seconds before the rest of the building. It's the very same video - only ten seconds longer.

Should there have been more of a tilt? Maybe, I don't know - I'm not an architect or an engineer. From some angles, there certainly appears to be a tilt towards the east. But 9/11 truthers claim that WTC 7 fell in perfect symmetry which it most certainly did not - and I find it particularly fascinating how they never use the video showing the east penthouse falling. Had more videographers caught footage from the east, this probably wouldn't be half as controversial as it is.

Ahh, I was not aware of the extended version. It is for sure used less often. I guess column 79 was holding part of the east penthouse. This leads to the question how can a local assymetric collapse lead to a global symmetric collapse. Because column 79 as stated is not in the center but in the east. the videos clearly show the front corenrs collapse simultaneously despite having different distance for the east part of the building.

Anyway, there are a lot of other stuff buffling me. Molten steel, fires burning underwater for 3 months e.t.c Even the official report claims it was becaue of fires while i was thinking a plane crush alone can bring down such buildings. lol

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
I watched the whole thing (well, most of it, I skipped every few minutes or so) and there was one thing that really stood out to me towards the end. I think it's about an hour and twenty minutes in - there's a lawyer who was talking about how quickly the clean-up efforts commenced and how there should have been a crime scene investigation and there wasn't.

I can tell you exactly why that clean-up had to start asap. There were 400 tons of asbestos in those buildings. Thousands of people die in the US every year of asbestos-related diseases and because of this there are now strict regulations on handling and using asbestos globally. But when the WTC were built, these regulations didn't exist so a lot of it was used. You also have to remember that many of the 9/11 first responders have died and are still dying of asbestos-related diseases and illnesses from the clean-up effort - in fact, more people have died die to respiratory diseases related to the clean-up effort than have actually died on 9/11.

An investigation would have lasted months. That's why the suggestion that you leave all that rubble there for that period of time is kind of absurd. You're talking about taking 20-40 years off the lives of not only the clean-up crew, but the investigators and Manhattan residents and whoever worked downtown. It's like investigating a crime scene where someone was bitten by a poisonous snake and insisting the snake remain there *alive* during the course of the investigation. You have to remove the snake first or you're posing a serious risk to everyone in the room.

All I'm trying to say is don't assume you're getting the full truth from documentaries such as these. They have a clear agenda and very rarely will they explore explanations that are not fully aligned with this agenda.


Entertain me.
There's also the fact that no building of that stature has ever been hit by a plane. In that respect, nothing about the theory is even testable. I'd be more surprised if a building hit by a plane wouldn't collapse. Even more surprised still if they managed to put the amount of explosives required, on all the various floors required, without any employees noticing. A man with a reasonable motive, with identified attackers from airport security, took responsibility for it. His organization and the organizations that inherited that mantle have continued to make attacks under that same banner.

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
All I'm trying to say is don't assume you're getting the full truth from documentaries such as these. They have a clear agenda and very rarely will they explore explanations that are not fully aligned with this agenda.

The asbestos could indeed be a valid reason, although i haven't looked into it yet. Still, it doesn't change the fact that the investigation was hindered because of that delay. Investigation that would have put an end to all the questions scientists and engineers outside of NIST have.

You brought up agenda and that these documentaries don't explore expalnations that fit their reasoning. Maybe they do, i don't know them personally but it's not like governments don't have their own agenda. In fact the official report of NIST has been critisiced for that exact reason - they focused only in fires as the reason of the collapse.

There hasn't been a single building in history that was recorded collapsing this way becuase of fires before (or after) the 9/11 event. That's fine though, maybe those three buldings were a special occasion. The question is why didn't NIST look for alternative explanations? Like I said the probability of a fire bringing down these buildings prior to that day was zero percent(0%). Ok, maybe they did their research and found a few good reasons it could have been office fires. Why not make further research to secure other more possible explanations were not the case? They've said it themselves they did not look for explosives:

22. Did the NIST investigation look for evidence of the WTC towers being brought down by controlled demolition? Was the steel tested for explosives or thermite residues?

NIST did not test for the residue of these compounds in the steel.

That is not how investigations work! It is embarrasing for them to just deny the existance of explosives without even looking especially when other researchers later found evidence of nanothermite -a highly explosive material used by the military- in the dust (or at least something that resembles it). But, again I'm not an expert maybe the substance indicative of nanothermite was created because of some other reaction during the collapse and not bacuse of controlled explosives. A proper investigation would require NIST to make these simple experiments in the dust, find the nanothermite-like material and then explain why it wasn't explsosions because of this or that. They didn't do any of this! All the questions about thermite/nanothermite in their FAQ were added after the reasearch from other scientists. They either did it on purpose or they are really bad scientists.

Anyway, I agree that the information wherever we get it from is probably filtered. If I wanted to get completely unfiltered information it would require me being a reasearch, but I'm not. The video I posted was about a guy doing his own research and watching videos from scientists talking. I did go a level below and took the time to watch these videos myself.

One of those was really interesting. Professor Steven Jones was teaching physics in his university for 21 years and had a couple of awards for his work - definitely not your typical crazy conspiracy guy. He made a paper questioning the official story and he was prohibitted from teaching because of this! He also was the first guy who found the nanothermite.

Anyway the point is maybe i was a bit overzealous at first but a lot of those people are just scientits wanting to answer every question in a reasonable way because that's what scientists do. Maybe it was not controlled demolition that brought down the buildings but it's not a given either that fires did the job until sufficient investigation has been made.

BTW, I remember back in 2010 (or 2011?) when Bin Laden was reported to be dead, some of us here were asking for the video of his death to become public like it was done with Saddam Hussein. I believe it was you who said that they would "leak" it once the elections of 2012 arrive to gain more votes. Yeah.. still waiting for that video! :p

Also here's the video of Steven Jones. It's half the duration of the first one and contains more "raw" material.

There's also the fact that no building of that stature has ever been hit by a plane. In that respect, nothing about the theory is even testable. I'd be more surprised if a building hit by a plane wouldn't collapse. Even more surprised still if they managed to put the amount of explosives required, on all the various floors required, without any employees noticing. A man with a reasonable motive, with identified attackers from airport security, took responsibility for it. His organization and the organizations that inherited that mantle have continued to make attacks under that same banner.

But these buildings aren't meant to collapse by a plane crush. The constructors themselves have said it in the video I posted. The official story supported by NIST claims all three buildings (WTC 1, WTC 2, WTC 7) eventually collapsed because of fires and conspiracy theorists try to prove it was not done by fires.
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