I didn't really say anything abot IQ - I mean, obviously wearing fur or eating meat has nothing to do with your IQ level. My reasoning, why I find it difficult to associate wearing fur with intelligence is the fact that I find wearing fur exhibits a social unawareness of injustices taking place around them. It's like buying a product you know has been made through child labour - which I would never consciously do either - just because it looks fashionable. I personally know five women who have fur coats - and the world's greatest injustice to them is a botched pedicure. I know this is a generalization, but it's a generalization I find quite consistant. To me, that kind of superficiality is not something I believe a genuinely intelligent person would possess.
Or maybe I just watched '101 Dalmations' far too many times in my childhood - perhaps that's why I associate every woman who wears fur with Cruella de Vil. :lol: