Thankfully, all of the rest of the classes I go hate him if he comes, mostly our Computer and Art and Music classes don't like him.
But other than that, I ignore him. Everybody acts good, and I make some of the other students laugh, teachers to. But there is some girl that likes to sit near me during History that keeps trying to get my attention, and smiles at me when I look at her. There is also this other girl that use to be one of my friend's girl friend, and now they broke up...and she smiles at me when I say the right answer to the teacher's questions, and when I joke. She sometimes just says my name and I say her name or say " Hi " in a different voice, and she smiles or giggles. So, have lots of friends and nice people at the school, with only one jerk and two friends that we don't really see since they are in a higher grade. Plus one of his original friends got mad at him and decided to be friends with me, and his second friend in most of his classes seemed to move away.