Recent content by Kurenai

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  1. Kurenai

    ah, ok. lucky find then

    ah, ok. lucky find then
  2. Kurenai

    yeah. did you make that signature?

    yeah. did you make that signature?
  3. Kurenai

    add me to your friends?

    add me to your friends?
  4. Kurenai

    the ghost of internet past

    that sounds sorta disturbing, and definately early on =x I used to surf the webs solely for forums and to watch anime and other shows at first, and then I got into IMs, but got sucked into some dumb forum drama and lost a bunch of IM contacts, so there was a period of time where I lost forums...
  5. Kurenai

    the ghost of internet past

    wow, I missed this topic for a while.. sounds like everyone's internet history was pretty eventful, I started on forums first, then evolved to IMs to personally chat with buddies
  6. Kurenai

    nice signature

    nice signature
  7. Kurenai

    I might switch back to it, but it's so archaic :o

    I might switch back to it, but it's so archaic :o
  8. Kurenai

    the ghost of internet past

    I was just going about my daily business of IM'ing, forum-going and whatnot, when I started thinking about how I used to surf the web in the past, I can't even remember when I started IM'ing or forum going, nor do I remember much about what I did back then, sorta strange I know, but I thought...
  9. Kurenai

    I don't mean to bug you, but you're the only one on my friend's list on.. I keep losing my...

    I don't mean to bug you, but you're the only one on my friend's list on.. I keep losing my bookmarks in firefox.. it's so annoying, what browser do you use?
  10. Kurenai

    Whats your Zombie plan?

    I'd just hang out with my favorite character Jill... that is, if we're talking about possibly being in the RE universe
  11. Kurenai

    Whats your Zombie plan?

    the last part of that plan was probably the best part lol. if you managed to get them there, I'd so be right in there with you and I'd be be busy hugging Jill as tightly as a barnacle sticks on a whale because I love her... but aside from my dorky fangirl-ism yeah, I'd want in on the bunker of...
  12. Kurenai

    Whats your Zombie plan?

    lol.. I think you should try to help others out if possible, but not if it's gonna cause you to risk your life or other's in some stupid attempt at something like in the example I gave. so basically, try to help/save others if it doesn't involve you stupidly risking your own hide
  13. Kurenai

    Whats your Zombie plan?

    yeah, that's why you need SEVERALplans for such an event, because plans will be ruined by strange turns of events in such a chaotic societal event.. so always have a plan B, C, D, E, F, etc, the more the better. also, I hate to say it, but often times people in the zombie movies/games get...
  14. Kurenai

    Whats your Zombie plan?

    ooo, these topics are always interesting.. they need to make a zombie MMO shooter, there's simply none of them, and it would enable you to test your plans without actually dying.. as for me, my plan would depend on where I was when it happened.
  15. Kurenai

    ah yeah, I just couldn't put my finger on the name lol.. good luck with that site BTW.

    ah yeah, I just couldn't put my finger on the name lol.. good luck with that site BTW.