RE3 is my favorite game (the old PSX one) and I can still get a A rank on it. I use to hate it because the game would have a different outcome/scene depending on the choices you make when you encounter him. In terms if he terrified me or not, yes he did.. he runs quick and takes a alot of...
I have not played them all yet, but the one I did not like was RE0. Died a whole lot, the switching of Rebecca and Billy was annoying but got used to it later on. I still have it on PS3 but the save file I have on it is beyond beatable.
The classic 1990s DOOM series from ID software. Doesn't get any better then that, I feel that It makes RE brand new again after playing some FPS. Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Arcade Version) Virtua Fighter 2, Street Fighter 4, arcade games are cool.
I would wan't Chris to have a longer part in the game, I felt that it was too short and unfinished. The characters voices should remain intact, Alfreds laugher isn't the same with out it. Everything else was fine with me.
meiwow, I played it because my friend down the street had it, the PlayStation had just come out and I was trying different games (I asked if I could borrow it) RE2 felt different and it caught my interest, he didnt have it so I went to the store to buy the game that came in the fat 2 disc jewel...
I played the first one first (1996 one) and I hated it. Didn’t understand tank controls, kept dying next to Berry checking the blood. RE2 is where it started for me. It changed the way I thought about the games.
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