'Ello Ello!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2011
Hia! I'm quite new to the Forums, though I've been slinking about the internet for a good RE one to join, and thus I decided on this one! M'name is Song, but you can call me Lirium if you'd like. Either or! I'm a huge fan of Resident Evil, I've loved the games since I was a little tot. 'course when the first one came out, I was reduced to watching m'brothers play since I wasn't "old" enough (...Though I played them anyway!) I'm not a big fan of the movies (I'm sorry if anyone likes them, just not my cup o'tea.) And my favorite characters are Wesker, Krauser, Ada, and Steve. (Though I love all of them, especially Carlos and Hunk!) Well...this has gone on a bit long, apologies! Pleasure to meetcha all!
Hia! I'm quite new to the Forums, though I've been slinking about the internet for a good RE one to join, and thus I decided on this one! M'name is Song, but you can call me Lirium if you'd like. Either or! I'm a huge fan of Resident Evil, I've loved the games since I was a little tot. 'course when the first one came out, I was reduced to watching m'brothers play since I wasn't "old" enough (...Though I played them anyway!) I'm not a big fan of the movies (I'm sorry if anyone likes them, just not my cup o'tea.) And my favorite characters are Wesker, Krauser, Ada, and Steve. (Though I love all of them, especially Carlos and Hunk!) Well...this has gone on a bit long, apologies! Pleasure to meetcha all!

Hey there Song...I like you haha...From what you have to say here you seem pretty killer...