Resident Evil 5 REmake of 5?

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Sep 23, 2021
With all the REmakes Capcom has been making alongside their main games, I do really hope that an alternative version of RE5 is eventually made. I don't mean a remaster, or even just a graphical upgrade - but a RE2R style remake from the ground up and using the original plan (outlined in the art book) as the basis, with some adjustments.

Mainly I'd want them to build it as a single player game with 2 campaigns. Chris and his mission with the BSAA and reaches Jill; and Sheva with the local militia, figuring out what Tricell is up to. Barry would pop on and out of Chris' story, and Josh on Sheva's. No Plagas, more zombies, way more horror (even still in daylight for parts) but no vehicle section, QTEs, boulders, or volcanoes.

What about you? Would you play a REm5ke?
Another shot at one of the most controversial games in the series? Hell yeah, I'd play that. I like Resident Evil 5 a lot, still play it til this day and still planning on getting it on Switch someday, but I'd definitely be down for a remake of RE5, especially if it ditches co-op and completely reimagines the story and gameplay to what it could have been.

I personally don't think it will ever happen. Not just this idea but any kind of remake of Resident Evil 5. It's a modern enough experience that still holds up great on modern consoles. But would I ever be opposed to it? Of course not. Resident Evil 2 was the best thing to happen to Resident Evil in a loooong time and I don't really have any love for the current games either that remakes are pretty much the only things I'm looking forward to with this series. Even when they're as bad as Resident Evil 3, it's still Resident Evil 2 enough for me to enjoy.

I feel like we were definitely robbed of a single player experience with Resident Evil 5 and it had so much potential to outdo Resident Evil 4 but they watered it down to make it a co-op game just to capitalize on the trend. Another chance to redo that? Yes. I'm all for it.
Of course I would play it. I have a nasty habit of snagging up every RElease without even checking fan reviews first and fattening Capcom's pockets. This is mostly because the vast majority of Twitter and Youtube users hardly ever have anything bad to say about a new iteration, they are the polite part of the internet, not to mention 'Village' still has an 'Overwhelmingly Positive' rating on Steam (A sure sign that it's quite overrated!)

Whether I would like it or not is a different question. RE2R had lots of promise but then backslided quite a bit with RE3R which is not a promising trend. I enjoyed RE5 quite a lot, the narrative was quite good, but they would truly have to go above and beyond to make it a unique experience. Basically take what made RE2R good and go even further than that but I have a hunch that may be asking for a lot.
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Another shot at one of the most controversial games in the series? Hell yeah, I'd play that. I like Resident Evil 5 a lot, still play it til this day and still planning on getting it on Switch someday, but I'd definitely be down for a remake of RE5, especially if it ditches co-op and completely reimagines the story and gameplay to what it could have been.

I personally don't think it will ever happen. Not just this idea but any kind of remake of Resident Evil 5. It's a modern enough experience that still holds up great on modern consoles. But would I ever be opposed to it? Of course not. Resident Evil 2 was the best thing to happen to Resident Evil in a loooong time and I don't really have any love for the current games either that remakes are pretty much the only things I'm looking forward to with this series. Even when they're as bad as Resident Evil 3, it's still Resident Evil 2 enough for me to enjoy.

I feel like we were definitely robbed of a single player experience with Resident Evil 5 and it had so much potential to outdo Resident Evil 4 but they watered it down to make it a co-op game just to capitalize on the trend. Another chance to redo that? Yes. I'm all for it.
I definitely get the sentiment about 5 - as much as I love it - feeling like wasted potential. I still remember vividly the original announcement trailer and at the time I was knee-deep in the forum's, speculating with the rest of the RE crowd.

I agree with 2R as well. That was the game that renewed my love of this franchise after so long feeling burned out. I'm not a fan of the FPS games (can't play that POV due to intense migraines) so all I've been looking forward to are the remakes they've released.
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Reactions: Turo602 would be interesting to see the original concept, but that's uber-unlikely since RE5 (which is actually the only one from the unholy action trilogy that I kind of like - at least it tried to wrap things up and was serious and dark in tone) took a different direction, especially after it got accused of being racist, which led to Sheva being promoted to co-star and co-op character.

Quite frankly, I have no idea where Capcom wants to go with the remake series: remaking RE4 seems already unnecessary, as it still holds up well technically speaking. And remaking the entire series seems idiotic anyway: what are they going to do, remaking 6 and 7 too? The only one that I would like to see remake is Code: Veronica because it is still a classic-style entry and I love to see the RE2make formula applied to it.

It would be cool if remaking RE4 would mean making a completely different game (possibly, the real 4th entry about Umbrella's downfall we never got to see), thus establishing a new timeline. But that would never happen.
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Reactions: RedfieldFanboi would be interesting to see the original concept, but that's uber-unlikely since RE5 (which is actually the only one from the unholy action trilogy that I kind of like - at least it tried to wrap things up and was serious and dark in tone) took a different direction, especially after it got accused of being racist, which led to Sheva being promoted to co-star and co-op character.

Quite frankly, I have no idea where Capcom wants to go with the remake series: remaking RE4 seems already unnecessary, as it still holds up well technically speaking. And remaking the entire series seems idiotic anyway: what are they going to do, remaking 6 and 7 too? The only one that I would like to see remake is Code: Veronica because it is still a classic-style entry and I love to see the RE2make formula applied to it.

It would be cool if remaking RE4 would mean making a completely different game (possibly, the real 4th entry about Umbrella's downfall we never got to see), thus establishing a new timeline. But that would never happen.
Honestly, a lot of the changes they made to Resident Evil 3 are things I wouldn't mind so much if they were applied to Resident Evil 4. So I agree, a completely different game would be better. But that aside, I think there is plenty of merit to remaking Resident Evil 4 whether they alter the structure and story or not.

Resident Evil 4 was originally developed for the Gamecube before the HD era of gaming and looks rough graphically by today's standards. Even the various remasters don't really do it much justice. The leap from Resident Evil 4 to 5 was huge and something I don't think RE5 gets enough credit for. It seriously still looks great today despite how amazing the RE Engine based games look.

Resident Evil 4 is also a little awkward these days because you control the character with one stick as opposed to the dual analog movement of modern video games. Then there's also the host of improvements to the gameplay and enemy A.I. that have been made since Resident Evil 4's release that could also be applied to it.

I know the idea of remaking Resident Evil 4 hasn't been quite popular, but I really think people are going to change their tune when they see the game in action just like a lot of people did, myself included, when Resident Evil 2 came out. People really are underestimating just how much can and will be improved and just how much the RE Engine will enhance this game's atmosphere and gameplay.

Even if it's a 1 to 1 copy of the original, the game will still look and play better than it ever has with stronger writing and performances that the original would become obsolete and this would be the definitive way to experience this classic game.

Then there's also the fact that this remake will no doubt serve as a follow up to the last 2 remakes, which already connected Nemesis to las plagas and can potentially do more with Leon and Ada as characters as they'll more than likely be the same exact actors and characters we saw in Resident Evil 2.

On a technical level, it is now the worst over the shoulder numbered entry in the series despite its revolutionary, classic, and masterpiece status which is probably why Capcom has prioritized it over Code Veronica. Especially since they're seeing how successful video game remakes have been as of late with not just their own Resident Evil 2 and 3, but with games like Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, and Final Fantasy VII. It's guarenteed money and far less of a gamble.

I just hope Code Veronica will get its day sometime. They already seem to be working out what Wesker will be like on the RE Engine with RE4, and surely they can't leave the audience in the dark about Claire's side of the story after RE2. They've even developed a brand new young Chris model for Dead by Daylight. There's really no reason for them not to do it.
(possibly, the real 4th entry about Umbrella's downfall we never got to see)

Didn't that already get wrapped up in 'Degeneration'? I know it's not exactly a dramatic showdown into their European laboratory but unfortunately it is quite realistic. If something similar to this happened in real life, investors in said company would run for cover and most of management not clever enough to hide their tracks would be arrested, resulting in the companies quick dissolution.

Same logic applied to the collapse of the Soviet Union. Many people across the planet expected some kind of massive showdown between the U.S. and the S.U. but the S.U. was in fact run like a corporation, and when its "investors" (in this case the entire population living in its borders) no longer thought investing in it was worthwhile, it fell apart, leaving many war dogs very unhappy. It's O.K. though, it didn't take long for the U.S. to find new enemies like Iraq, Afghanistan, it's own citizens (police brutality is unfortunately still an issue in the U.S.) so they got plenty of sequels in that story, lol.
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Like I mentioned in some other thread where a conversation about a RE5 Remake sparked: I wouldn't mind. 5 is not one of my favorites. I mean, it starts really well. I love the beginning. However, after a while the game starts to slag. I really dislike the whole Tomb Raider stages that added nothing to the story. I think a Remake of 5 could work Sheva in a different way (or at least make the partner indirect, like in 6, where it can't die and you don't share items with it.)

I don't think any of the earlier versions stuff would be included, nor I don't care for it. Maybe make the game mostly at night, but other than that, I would like to see the majinis in the RE Engine and with new A.I.

The only thing I think goes really against the idea is that I doubt Capcom would poke at it. We live in a much more "aware" world, with a much more present internet community. I don't think the idea of RE5, the portrait of Africa (and all that implies) would be well received, no matter what. Some things are just too complicated and not worth the effort for companies to thread over political and social discussions that can get the game some bad mouthing. To be honest, I don't think RE will ever go back to Africa in any other game.

As if I agree with that: It doesn't matter. It's too much of a bigger discussion to be had here. But regardless of opinion, I don't think Capcom will try to do that again.
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Didn't that already get wrapped up in 'Degeneration'? I know it's not exactly a dramatic showdown into their European laboratory but unfortunately it is quite realistic. If something similar to this happened in real life, investors in said company would run for cover and most of management not clever enough to hide their tracks would be arrested, resulting in the companies quick dissolution.
When you set up an entity like Umbrella as the evil corporation that can conduct illegal experiments on humans, buy itself entire towns, shut down police investigations, own a private army of mercenaries (who can be deployed on US soil without questions), and even has its own Auschwitz-style prison camps, you cannot show it go down because its stock drops. It being unceremoniously shut down because their secrets had been discovered was the core idea behind RE 1.5, but 2, 3, Gun Survivor, and C:V expanded the lore and made it into something more than just a company that has to keep its shareholders happy. Besides, the whole idea was that it had ties with the US military and that it was at war with rival companies: an ideal RE4 should've shown the other company Wesker was working for wiping Umbrella out and taking its place...which is what the Castle build of 4 was more or less about (HCF was supposed to storm Oswell Spencer's castle during the final attack against the corporation).
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Some things are just too complicated and not worth the effort for companies to thread over political and social discussions that can get the game some bad mouthing.

Not only that, but there is a growing segment of the population that just as viciously bad mouths the "bad mouthers", creating a screwed up kind of mirror image and an environment that no sane person wants to get involved in. You say the wrong thing to the wrong person on the wrong end of the political spectrum you risk severe headache (Or worse) so yeah, basically, f* todays politics.


Yes, I get it, but when the entire world population knows about your nefarious schemes and has gone completely viral (no pun intended) way out in the open, that's usually a one way ticket into the dumpster. There's no way a shady company like Umbrella could continue to operate once its been exposed and out of the shadows. Literally everyone involved would bail and deny being involved in it.

Who knows how this whole "Blue Umbrella" thing will go but perhaps it's some of the old players who escaped justice and have secretly launched a new front under the guise of legitimacy. That's obviously a leading theory but we simply don't know anything at this point.
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Yes, I get it, but when the entire world population knows about your nefarious schemes and has gone completely viral (no pun intended) way out in the open, that's usually a one way ticket into the dumpster. There's no way a shady company like Umbrella could continue to operate once its been exposed and out of the shadows. Literally everyone involved would bail and deny being involved in it.

Who knows how this whole "Blue Umbrella" thing will go but perhaps it's some of the old players who escaped justice and have secretly launched a new front under the guise of legitimacy. That's obviously a leading theory but we simply don't know anything at this point.
Dude, it was weak. Umbrella had been established to be a cross between Weyland-Yutani from the "Alien" movies and Spectre from the James Bond movies (actually, I think it was Yoshiki Okamoto who was against the company being already gone in RE2 because he really wanted the possibility of an on-going series 'a la James Bond): having it simply go bankrupt like that was a lousy idea...especially since RE2, 3 and C:V all end with a hint at a final attack ("It's up to us to take down Umbrella", "That's it: Umbrella is going down!", "It's payback time! We've got to destroy! Let's finish this!") and it was established multiple times that people like Leon had joined anti-Umbrella organizations (the lead from Gun Survivor was sent on Sheena Island on Leon's orders)...and even Capcom realized the error of their ways by introducing the Caucasus bit at the end of Umbrella Chronicles to show a final fight had actually taken place...kind-of...even though it was too little too late...and Sergei Vladimir is one of those characters I like to pretend they never existed.
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I also grew to love RE5 a lot more since it’s release, but ever since looking through the RE5 beta art it just saddens me what could have been. What we got was a fun coop game, one of the best in the industry mind you, but revamping the story to have more of Wesker would be a treat. If Capcom is serious about remaking 5 and possibly 6 in the future, I want them to be even less faithful than what REmake 3 did.

There are so many garbage rooms in RE4 that can be cut out and still offer a great game. I never understood people who love 4 but dislike 5.. like they are almost the same exact type of game. Both games 3rd acts introduce more military-esque enemies and become more action shooters than survival.

Uroboros was poorly utilized and should have been used for more grotesque enemies like Revelations 2 did. Half of the main story is just chasing Irvine which can be cut down significantly. More Wesker and Jill screen time would also be great.

So yeah I am totally down for more remakes, and I hope they revisit REmake 3 to add more content down the road. My only worry is Capcom cutting too much out of the recent games when they can easily leave them in the oven for another year to improve overall quality.
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I just replayed 5 after so many years and it has WAY more action than I remember and the poster who said it starts to slag around the middle of the game is spot on. It's not really survival horror (unless you count inventory management and freaky monsters, but I think S horror needs to be a bit more than that!) and is a flat out co-op shooter with a fairly good story and narrative. 5 takes place right after Revelations 1, correct? iirc Chris's timeline is RE1-> Code Veronica -> Umbrella Chronicles -> Revelations 1 -> RE5 -> RE6 -> RE7 -> RE8. Feel free to correct me here.

Since the story is quite good, and playing on Veteran you do have to be careful with your inventory, ammo, and upgrades, I wouldn't mind a remake but they would seriously have to tone down the action in favor of survival horror. I feel dumb for even posting in thread before replaying it.
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I just replayed 5 after so many years and it has WAY more action than I remember and the poster who said it starts to slag around the middle of the game is spot on. It's not really survival horror (unless you count inventory management and freaky monsters, but I think S horror needs to be a bit more than that!) and is a flat out co-op shooter with a fairly good story and narrative. 5 takes place right after Revelations 1, correct? iirc Chris's timeline is RE1-> Code Veronica -> Umbrella Chronicles -> Revelations 1 -> RE5 -> RE6 -> RE7 -> RE8. Feel free to correct me here.

Since the story is quite good, and playing on Veteran you do have to be careful with your inventory, ammo, and upgrades, I wouldn't mind a remake but they would seriously have to tone down the action in favor of survival horror. I feel dumb for even posting in thread before replaying it.
"iirc Chris's timeline is RE1-> Code Veronica -> Umbrella Chronicles -> Revelations 1 -> RE5 -> RE6 -> RE7 -> RE8. Feel free to correct me here"

Yes that is the timeline for all of his appearances, but several of them don't have anything direct to do with his confrontation with Wesker (which was why I singled out only 1, CV, 5 and 6, if you count Wesker Jr.).
Make it closer to the original single player 5 and i’m all for it. They should find a way to keep co-op in though.

I need to see how 4 remake turns out before I can imagine 5.
No remake of this game, please. Remaster it, improve the gameplay, AI, allow Chris and Sheva to move while aiming, by all means, but RE5 doesn't need a remake. It's generally all right.
No remake of this game, please. Remaster it, improve the gameplay, AI, allow Chris and Sheva to move while aiming, by all means, but RE5 doesn't need a remake. It's generally all right.
You'd be surprised by what they can do these days to warrant a remake. I know it doesn't really need one, but the possibilities for improving not just the gameplay, but the storytelling, level design, and so on is endless. It would be a waste to do a 1 to 1 remake of Resident Evil 5 because there isn't much improving left on that product. So I'd welcome a full on survival horror reimagining that follows the events and tone of the remakes more closely.
I'd like to see what they do with RE4R before I pull my personal trigger on my personal gun on a remake of RE5. Past the identical looking cosmetics of RE4R, I do see some potential gameplay improvements, the question is whether they implement them in a way that feels natural and "fresh" (God, I sound like a cheesy shampoo commercial now!). Like I said a few posts up almost a year ago, I did not enjoy RE5 on my most recent replay aside from the plot and characters, but much of that could be because I'm playing on PC and it is a shoddy port and still requires 'Games for Windows Live" for crying out loud.

The graphics and sound effects I'm not worried about, RE Engine is proven a genuine success despite 'Village' still having some performance issues even to this day and RE7's Glock 17 sounding like someone dropping a rock in a dry well when you fire it (I don't think people realize how loud a handgun is especially when you fire it in a confined corridor, we're talking permanent hearing damage here). RE4R is looking to be a fluid gameplay experience with decent graphics if nothing else so I doubt a hypothetical RE5R would fail here. The problem is that you need more than graphical fidelity and fluid gameplay to really capture the essence of survival horror. It helps, but it's simply not enough, you gotta go above and beyond 'Call of Duty' with 'Resident Evil', I'm sorry.

So yeah, if I like the direction they take RE4R and feel that they are properly augmenting the overall tone, gameplay, and narrative and feel like it's something they could build on even further, bring on RE5R! Otherwise I will not hesitate to shout "No!" and will instead call for a 'Revelations 3' and an improved RE9. That, or I'll just declare RE4R the title that hangs on the balance on whether I still want to consider myself a fan of the series. If it sucks I may just move on with my life. I doubt that'll happen, but it's good to have a contingency plan regardless. :LOL:
Considering what RE4 remake is up against, I'm not too worried about it "disappointing." The original is already a game I enjoy playing but I've also criticized, analyzed, and dreamt of every conceivable way the game could have been improved and everything I've seen so far from the remake is already an improvement to me.

I don't expect a game like RE4 or even an RE5 remake to become full on survival horror games either. That's dreaming too far. But what I do expect is a more nuanced experience that can toe the line between survival horror and action. Any shred of survival horror, whether it be through atmosphere, mechanics, and so on, is already a game I'd rather be playing than what we have now.

Besides, after 7 and Village, the damage to this series is already done. Chris Redfield is a sh*tty character, everyone is old, and anything can be Resident Evil now. Yeah, gimme more of those remakes. We got at least 3 games left for them to go back and reimagine in the way they brilliantly did with RE2 and that's as much excitement I'm ever gonna get out of this series by the way things have been going lately.
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