Unpopular Opinions

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Re6 is the most underrated re game in the series and is my most favourite re game.

Re7 is the most overrated re game in the series.

My favourite virus is c-virus.

Main numbered re games ( plus recv and excluding re0 since that's a prequel similar to rerev games. ) focusing more on action than horror ( Re4, re5 and re6 basically. ) doesnt bother me and it actually makes sense storywise. I wished re7 also did this.

Re2 remake is a better re game / game than re1 remake however re1 remake is a better remake; re2 remake is more of a reimagining than a remake if anything; especially storywise.

Rerev2 is underrated and a great improvement over the 1st one in every way.

Re5 is better than re4 and re6 is better than re5.

Mangas, especially marhawa desire and heavenly island are underrated.

Biohazard the stage is underrated.

Cgi films are also underrated.

Jill is a boring main character, especially when compared to chris, claire and leon.

Not hiring a writer for re4 was a laughably bad decision. Though even with that, it still has a better story and characters than re7.

Mold from re7 sucks, enemy variety is terrible and there's barely any origins for it other than a lame hcf fanservice.

Re0 is underrated and a great prequel to remake. ( Giant bat bossfight still sucks though... )

I like both re2 and re2 remake equally.

Main re games shouldnt stick to 1st person camera like re7 did. Either over the shoulder, fixed or both.

Recv has the best villains of the franchise.

Rerev is overrated.

Jake's addition to the franchise was a great idea, it made wesker's past more interesting and likeable. Plus he doesnt look nonsensical and forced.

The new characters in re5, re6 and rerev2 are underrated.

Re5 and re6 have the best stories of the franchise. ( Re6 has a better story than re5 imo. )

From the classic re games, recv's story is the best one.

Simmons and carla are underrated villains.

Chris' campaign in re6 is my most favourite campaign.

Rerev3's story should be highly connected to re6's story similar to how rerev2's story is connected to re5.

Steve isnt annoying.

Simmons' mutations are fun to fight. T-rex mutation is my most favourite simmons mutation.

Memories of a lost city's ending is better than re2 remake's ending due to connecting to re4 and re6 better.

Chronicles games are the best spinoffs of the franchise and darkside chronicles is better than umbrella chronicles.

Ustanak is fun to fight ( Especially the hand to hand fight with jake at the end ) and has a better backstory than nemesis.

Re6 has the best chris, sherry, leon and ada.

Red9 and blacktail in re4 are overrated. The best handgun in that game is the silver ghost.

I think re7 should have focused more on jack. Also the not a hero and end of zoe dlcs should have been longer.

Character designs in darkside chronicles are underrated.

Speaking of character designs, re6 has the best character designs of the franchise.

Javier, sergei and alex wesker are underrated villains.

Manuela is an underrated character.

Resident evil games arent that scary.

Game of oblivion's boss battles are better than recv's boss battles.
Can I first say that many of those things you listed are not unpopular opinion as I've heard them said before.

My unpopular opinion(s) is that RE 4 was the worst RE game with RE 3 close behind it.
The only one I have is RE1>RE2 but it's extremely close.

Both are miles ahead of 3 and CV though.
I keep coming to this thread to respond to something, but every time I read y'all opinions - I get enraged. I cannot read this blasphemy over and over! And I am talking to ALL of you - Mert (RE6 is the best), Rain (RE4 is the worst when I KNOW you've played RE6), and Wesker90 (RE1>RE2). You're entitled to these opinions! But I hate it!!! {Insert Michael Scott gif here}} haha
I keep coming to this thread to respond to something, but every time I read y'all opinions - I get enraged. I cannot read this blasphemy over and over! And I am talking to ALL of you - Mert (RE6 is the best), Rain (RE4 is the worst when I KNOW you've played RE6), and Wesker90 (RE1>RE2). You're entitled to these opinions! But I hate it!!! {Insert Michael Scott gif here}} haha

Yes, Uniq, I knew you would have something to say lol XD.
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I can't help that I feel strongly about this series! haha

I suppose my most unpopular opinion on the series is that the original RE Survivor is actually a GREAT game. I f***ing love it. And I am not ashamed of that. I will not say it is among the best of the series, but I had a lot of fun with it and I have probably beaten it about 6 or 7 times due to the short run time of the game.
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I keep coming to this thread to respond to something, but every time I read y'all opinions - I get enraged. I cannot read this blasphemy over and over! And I am talking to ALL of you - Mert (RE6 is the best), Rain (RE4 is the worst when I KNOW you've played RE6), and Wesker90 (RE1>RE2). You're entitled to these opinions! But I hate it!!! {Insert Michael Scott gif here}} haha
Right? I read the first commenter's opinions and though, oh dear God, death has come for us all, and it's in the form of annurisms...
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Now imagine being on the forum and seeing people praise RE7 and calling RE4 the best while they hate RE5 and are unimpressed with Revelations 2. Makes me want to Jay and Silent Bob some of you.
To be fiar, I love RE7, RE4, and RE5. Revelations isn't bad at all, but I'm very upset that Claire is in it XD. Other than that, I liked it quite a bit.
* None of the classic RE games are really survival horror, the alleged scarcity of ammo and health items are just false memories of nostalgic players. Unless you're playing on the highest difficulty, which is supposed to be hard, you'll find more than enough if you just keep your eyes open.
* I prefer the over-the-shoulder perspective over fixed camera angles.
* Jill is a bland character whose full potential is unfortunately never used, and Wesker is just a cool-looking, but ultimately generic villain ticking all the boxes on the list of stereotypes.
* There is no more romantic tension between Chris and Jill than between Harry and Hermione, who both end up marrying other people. Shipping wars, crack pairings and other fun things aside, I don't actually want romance in RE anyway, and this cat-and-mouse game that Ada and Leon have been playing for 20 years is starting to get on my nerves.
* RE4 is not for me. Even after playing the HD remaster, which corrects many of the grave mistakes made by the horrible original PC port, I just can't bring myself to enjoy it. The setting, the controls, the story, Leon's attitude, none of it really captivates me.
* I wouldn't touch RE7 unless I was paid for playing it, from what I've seen I dislike it both as an RE game and as just a game.
* Even RE6 haters say that Chris's campaign at least has a great story, I say it has the most illogical and overall worst story of them all. I explained the reasons in detail here for anyone who is interested.
* Sheva's AI isn't terrible at all, and even if it was, that doesn't automatically make Sheva a terrible character. If you want terrible AI, play ORC.
* Speaking of which, ORC is actually fun and has some great ideas and back-stories for the characters. Too bad those ideas aren't implemented well, and the back-stories don't actually matter in the game itself.
* Rape Mode is better than Mercenaries.
RE6 is extremely fun and is better than RE5 in many ways. It's as good as RE4.

RE7 is the worst RE game in the series; I would like to imagine it never happened.

RE3 and RECV are equally good IMO. Apparently there's a rivalry between both games' fans but I never really understood that.

RE0 is unnecessarily frustrating and Billy is a boring character.

RE1 is good but didn't age that well.

Remake > RE2 Remake

RE6, RECV and RE3 are the most underrated RE games in the series.

As much as I like Revelations 2; it shouldn't have been a separate game and instead should have been a part of RE6. Basically; 2 more campaigns for the game and one of them is Jill's campaign ( She's partnered with Barry. ) and one of them is Claire's campaign. ( She's partnered with Moira. ) I still don't understand why Capcom needed a separate game for Claire, Barry and Moira.

Moira is an obnoxious character. She's basically created just to make Claire look bad.

Steve isn't that annoying and he's fine.

Revelations is a waste of time. I only had fun with Raid Mode in that game. Generic characters and generic villains. Weird character designs too.

RE2 Remake is kinda overrated. It could have been a lot better, especially storywise which for some reason has scenarios / campaigns that don't even connect to each other at all unlike RE2 and RE6. Not to mention the impact of the weapons is way too low which becomes a big problem when using shotgun or magnum. And I don't like how Mr. X doesn't drop items when you knock him down temporarily. I hope in RE3 Remake; Nemesis will drop items when you knock him down. I would love to use that badass shotgun again.
RE0 is unnecessarily frustrating and Billy is a boring character.
I think this is actually a quite popular opinion. An unpopular opinion would be to actually like this trainwreck of a game that fails to be a worthy and interesting prequel to RE1.