1)Make him at least a full head taller than mr X. Maintain the steady creepy walk (maybe make it even more menacing and impactful), but Nemesis can also sprint, jump from rooftops in front of you, fall from ceilings and all the wonderful stuff we are used seeing him do. Maybe even smash through walls this time.
2)He can utilise his tentacle to pierce you like scorpion from mortal kombat, but he can also make you trip over with it, grab your leg with it, drag you towards him, and even give you the pulverising tossing around treatment Hulk gave to Loki in Avengers 1. (which was totally doable in the original.)
3)He can lift and toss large objects at you. Even with one hand. Like ripping and throwing barrels, cars' doors, street lantern columns, road signs and whathave you. When he runs out of rockets he can utilise the environment as his weapon in the same way that you can at specific points.
4)He can still dodge, like in the original. Why not even deflectsome projectiles with his bare hands at occasions, and even using his non tentacle arm as a shield to not get stunned. His stun will be nothing like mr X's, it wont last more than 8 seconds.
5)He can push, smash, and flip over vehicles that block his way. His long punches that you avoid (those that had a bigger arc) can damage the environment if you dodge them like crush wall corners etc. He can find and make shortcuts to get faster to you.
6)He makes a charged attack, which if it hits you is almost one hit KO, if you dodge it though and he crushes some place it leaves him for a tiny moment, open for an attack.
7)He can hit and shake the ground and make you trip. (longer radius than the tentacle lasso).
8)Can tear appart zombies with his bear hands (remember the 3 zombies decapitations with one punch anyone)?
9)In every single battle/encounter he adapts to your dodging patterns and becomes even harder to evade. (This memory is not retained to the next encounter though. It will become inhumanly difficult otherwise).
10)He plays with you like a predator plays with his prey. He can throw you around effortlessly, mockingly laugh at you, or even hold trophies from every stars member he slays for intimidation. Every time he grabs you in combat, like in good old times, if you escape from his grab, the next grab will be harder to escape (pray there is no second time). it will make the stabbing mr X to let you go you seem completely puny. If you try stab his hand ala mrX he laughs at the effort and smashes your skull like a tomato instead of piercing you with his tentacle which is his standard move. They can also add more finishing moves. For example if you succeed once at using a secondary during being grabbed, the second time you attempt it he grabs your weapon holding hand, squeezes it, the gun falls down, and he streches both your arms till he tears you appart.
2)He can utilise his tentacle to pierce you like scorpion from mortal kombat, but he can also make you trip over with it, grab your leg with it, drag you towards him, and even give you the pulverising tossing around treatment Hulk gave to Loki in Avengers 1. (which was totally doable in the original.)
3)He can lift and toss large objects at you. Even with one hand. Like ripping and throwing barrels, cars' doors, street lantern columns, road signs and whathave you. When he runs out of rockets he can utilise the environment as his weapon in the same way that you can at specific points.
4)He can still dodge, like in the original. Why not even deflectsome projectiles with his bare hands at occasions, and even using his non tentacle arm as a shield to not get stunned. His stun will be nothing like mr X's, it wont last more than 8 seconds.
5)He can push, smash, and flip over vehicles that block his way. His long punches that you avoid (those that had a bigger arc) can damage the environment if you dodge them like crush wall corners etc. He can find and make shortcuts to get faster to you.
6)He makes a charged attack, which if it hits you is almost one hit KO, if you dodge it though and he crushes some place it leaves him for a tiny moment, open for an attack.
7)He can hit and shake the ground and make you trip. (longer radius than the tentacle lasso).
8)Can tear appart zombies with his bear hands (remember the 3 zombies decapitations with one punch anyone)?
9)In every single battle/encounter he adapts to your dodging patterns and becomes even harder to evade. (This memory is not retained to the next encounter though. It will become inhumanly difficult otherwise).
10)He plays with you like a predator plays with his prey. He can throw you around effortlessly, mockingly laugh at you, or even hold trophies from every stars member he slays for intimidation. Every time he grabs you in combat, like in good old times, if you escape from his grab, the next grab will be harder to escape (pray there is no second time). it will make the stabbing mr X to let you go you seem completely puny. If you try stab his hand ala mrX he laughs at the effort and smashes your skull like a tomato instead of piercing you with his tentacle which is his standard move. They can also add more finishing moves. For example if you succeed once at using a secondary during being grabbed, the second time you attempt it he grabs your weapon holding hand, squeezes it, the gun falls down, and he streches both your arms till he tears you appart.