Resident Evil 2 (2019) Do You Prefer Playing as Leon or Claire?

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Do you prefer playing as Leon or Claire?

  • Leon

    Votes: 15 37.5%
  • Claire

    Votes: 25 62.5%

  • Total voters
I prefer Claire.

I've played through both Claire and Leon's A scenarios now, although I must say I do prefer Claire's. The subplot with Sherry is just so much more interesting, since there's something very rewarding about looking after a child. Also I think the first appearance of Mr. X was much more surprising and scary in Claire's scenario, because in Leon's scenario you'll get a hint of him in a cutscene before you actually stumble across him. In Claire's scenario his reveal is a total surprise and makes you **** your pants. I totally didn't see that coming. And even if I like Ada Wong, I feel like there's no chemistry between her and Leon. Unpopular opinion I guess.

I guess I'm a bit biased, because I have never played the original version of RE2 from 1998. Additionally, I've never played RE4 either so I don't have any special connection to Leon. On the other hand I've played Revelations 2 quite a lot so I think that's why I really like Claire as well.

On the game's official Facebook page, when the developers asked the same question, one of the most upvoted comments was "If you choose Claire you're weird" and that made me quite sad.
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Claire! Why? Well...

1) It's Claire Redfield! My favourite character.
2) She has a bigger and better selection of outfits.
3) Her campaign has some of the best (and most heartbreaking) cutscenes.
4) Mister X doesn't stalk her as much as Leon.
5) It's fun to look after Sherry despite the hideous potato bag she's wearing.
6) Speaking of Sherry, her section is more interesting than Ada's in Leon's campaign.
7) As much as I like Ada, her new look reminds me a little too much of a coworker that I can't stand, and I think they made a poor choice with her voice actress.

That's not to say that I don't also enjoy Leon, and I actually prefer his weapons over Claire's. At the end of the day, however, my vote still goes to Claire.
I've always preferred Claire and never took to Leon the way everyone else did and that hasn't changed with the remake. (Even though they did make his character a bit more tolerable in the remake than it was in the original.)

Claire was also my first favorite character for Resident Evil, even though I love Jill to pieces.
There's a reason my username was Claire_Redfield when I first signed up many years ago.

Sherry's subplot is a lot more interesting and is connected to the story better than Ada's, in my opinion. Claire's cutscenes are better, her alternate outfits are better - though I love both of their Noir outfits - and Claire gets points from me for remembering what's important during this tragedy; helping people, as opposed to chasing some end of the world booty.
I prefer Leon. He has always been my number 1 character. His weapon choices give me a deeper appreciation for him. The shotgun, flamethrower, and magnum are all much easier for me to control ESPECIALLY in a boss fight.
Leon. I much prefer his design.

RPD has always been one of my favorite designs on a character, why a rookie has that kind of armor when Marvin didn't is both confusing and amusing as well.

And while I much prefer Sherry over Ada, I just don't like Claire's design in this game. Which is a shame since every other bar Rev 2, makes her design look really good imo.
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While I enjoyed Ada's subplot more than Sherry's, I gotta go with my girl Redfield all the way. Honestly, she had more badass scenes than Leon did.
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Claire is really really nice. :biggrin: I would play Claire first than Leon second.
I'm going to be the boring one and sit on the fence. I like playing as both characters equally, but then, this might also be because I really like both Leon and Claire. When I was choosing my first playthrough, I was genuinely torn over which character's scenario I should play first.

Both have different scenarios and goals that differentiate them and make them equally as good in my mind. With Leon, there's more focus on the virus itself and doing what's right. I also liked his naïvety in his scenario, and some of the situations you get with Leon are downright scary (for example, when you're in the prison section). With Claire, we get more of an emotional story and a focus on the people involved, and her story has it's tense moments too.

It's a dead heat for me. Sorry to be boring. :lol:
I'm going to be the boring one and sit on the fence. I like playing as both characters equally, but then, this might also be because I really like both Leon and Claire. When I was choosing my first playthrough, I was genuinely torn over which character's scenario I should play first.

Both have different scenarios and goals that differentiate them and make them equally as good in my mind. With Leon, there's more focus on the virus itself and doing what's right. I also liked his naïvety in his scenario, and some of the situations you get with Leon are downright scary (for example, when you're in the prison section). With Claire, we get more of an emotional story and a focus on the people involved, and her story has it's tense moments too.

It's a dead heat for me. Sorry to be boring. :lol:
I really like both characters too. I just didn't add a both equal option to see what would happen without it.
I prefer Leon simply because I like this story more. I don't care so much for the Sherry bits in Claire's campaign and in my personal experience Mr X would not leave me alone.

That being said I'm not Leon's biggest fan from a broad spectrum viewpoint because I only really think of him as REs poster boy at this point and it wouldn't hurt my feelings if he missed out on a game or two because of this.
I prefer Leon simply because I like this story more. I don't care so much for the Sherry bits in Claire's campaign and in my personal experience Mr X would not leave me alone.

That being said I'm not Leon's biggest fan from a broad spectrum viewpoint because I only really think of him as REs poster boy at this point and it wouldn't hurt my feelings if he missed out on a game or two because of this.

So this is what Leon's fourth appearance as the protagonist(s) if we count the Remake as its own separate entity? If so I think he either ties or surpassed Chris Redfield for most appearances
The answer to the age-old question if Leon or Chris has the most appearances depends not only on whether or not you count the remake as a separate game from the original (in which case you'd have to do the same for the remake of RE1, so it doesn't make a difference here), but also if you only count numbered titles or all RE games, if and how you count cameo appearances in bonus modes (such as RE2's Extreme Battle), and if you count the CGI films.

So far, Chris has appeared in:
RE1 / REmake, RE2 (Extreme Battle), RE5, 6, 7, Code Veronica, Mercenaries 3D, Revelations 1, Revelations 2 (Rape Mode), Vendetta.

Leon has appeared in:
RE2 / REmake 2, RE4, 6, Revelations 2 (Rape Mode), Degeneration, Damnation, Vendetta.

I'd say whichever way you spin it, Chris has appeared more than Leon in the series so far.
Leon and Claire are my two favorite re characters. Back in the day I only had Leon's disc for years, before I got a copy of Claire's disc. Back then the scenarios had more differences, than in the remake.

But even though the scenarios are almost identical, apart from Cherry / Ada parts, I felt Claire was a stronger character of the two and I preferred her big/littlesister relationship with Cherry, over that of Leon's partnering with Ada. In the original it was done better.
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