Leon & Claire obviously have differences about their playthroughs.
Who do you prefer playing as?
Who do you prefer playing as?
I really like both characters too. I just didn't add a both equal option to see what would happen without it.I'm going to be the boring one and sit on the fence. I like playing as both characters equally, but then, this might also be because I really like both Leon and Claire. When I was choosing my first playthrough, I was genuinely torn over which character's scenario I should play first.
Both have different scenarios and goals that differentiate them and make them equally as good in my mind. With Leon, there's more focus on the virus itself and doing what's right. I also liked his naïvety in his scenario, and some of the situations you get with Leon are downright scary (for example, when you're in the prison section). With Claire, we get more of an emotional story and a focus on the people involved, and her story has it's tense moments too.
It's a dead heat for me. Sorry to be boring. :lol:
I prefer Leon simply because I like this story more. I don't care so much for the Sherry bits in Claire's campaign and in my personal experience Mr X would not leave me alone.
That being said I'm not Leon's biggest fan from a broad spectrum viewpoint because I only really think of him as REs poster boy at this point and it wouldn't hurt my feelings if he missed out on a game or two because of this.
:surprised:When did this happen and what's the story to rape mode?(Rape Mode)
Does Ada and Leon make out in the original too?
:surprised:When did this happen and what's the story to rape mode?