Resident Evil 2 (2019) How would you rate REmake 2?

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Resident Evil 2 Remake is...

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Goddess of the Dead
Jul 29, 2012
Whether you rate it as a game by itself, or as a remake of the classic, or both is up to you.
Feel free to explain your rating and/or write a review if you want!

I've set the poll to allow you to change your vote later if you think it's too early for a definitive verdict.
I give it a 8 since I m a big fan of resident evi, unless I should give him a 7,5 or 7

The gameplay it s perfect but the story is really bad it's written bad...

The original resident evil 2 it s much better, in the remake you never understand what s happening, who are the character and their motivation, it s a big mess, who Is Mr x? Who is ada? What are birkin motivation? What are irons motivation? How the virus spread? The original had much more detail in the story, the remake it s just a big mess...

The second run it s the same as the first run you fight the same bosses in the same area what the hell? And Annette die in two different way so did the tyrant... It was a disappoint, I don't know how everyone see this remake as a masterpiece...
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I give the game a 9/10 as I think it's a great Resident Evil game obviously since it's a retelling of one of the best in the franchise and I think it's a fantastic return to Survival Horror form.
The only thing that's stopping it from getting the 10/10 is the plot/continuity issues and the fact that I just don't like the Super Tyrant design so I can't call it the perfect remake of the perfect sequel.

Whenever I look back on the story of the Mansion Incident, I ALWAYS think of the REmake over the original and hold it as the canon example as it respected the lore and plot of the original and the existing universe as well as adding new and interesting stories.
REmake 2 just doesn't do that, it half assed on everything lore wise and just lets the original and the spin offs fill in the gaps.

Therefor I can't consider REmake 2 as canon which is a huge shame and has me nervous for a potential screw up of RE3's continuity if it does get remade.

But still all an all, REmake 2 is a fantastic game and it's all I've been playing since release.
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I give the game a 9/10.

This title did a lot very, very well. The redesigns for the characters, all of the characters, and the voice cast were all amazing. Redesigns for the game and making the RPD a little more realistic was done very nicely as well. As someone who played the original many times, I got a great sense of nostalgia in some places and was totally panicking in the unfamiliar areas, which is great that just the surroundings could make you feel that.

I feel like the dialogue between characters was a bit more realistic this time around, which is always nice to see instead of those downright laughable moments the original had to offer. The cutscenes were extremely beautiful and the controls, while initially something to get used to, were quick and easy to pick up.

Despite all the good things, however, there's always room for improvement and they most definitely should've improved the story. You can tell that they really tried to make this a masterpiece, and it is - or at the very least it's close - but to be perfectly honest, I really wish they had ironed the A and B scenarios out better and made it so that we weren't doing the exact same things over and over. (Or having the exact same boss fights over and over.)

It's hard to believe that there's only two lucid, cognisant people in a police station surrounded by a bunch of zombies, trying to find their way to safety and they both have to do the Exact. Same. Tasks. Over. And. Over. Whether they went directly in the front door, or got there a bit later and had to take a different route, the puzzles are the same, the key items are the same (ie; the jack, the big cog, all the hip pouches that you have to solve puzzles to get to, etc.) and every boss fight is the same, even though the A scenario character has already been here and done that before you.

I also want to talk for just a minute about the uneven weaponry we see in this game. I understand that there has always been, and probably always will be, certain advantages to choosing certain characters over others but come on people!

Leon gets to fully upgrade the Matilda and gets two shotgun upgrades while Claire gets a host of useless ass **** like the JMB and MQ11. The only thing that the JMB really has over your SLS 60 is higher storage capacity for ammo and, to use the high powered rounds you find later in the game, you have to switch back to the SLS anyway so I don't even grab the damn thing anymore, nor do I spend time picking up the very, very useless submachine gun in the STARS office. (And if I'm not mistaken, you get two useless upgrades for these useless weapons where, alternatively, you COULD potentially get a better weapon, like the magnum, or a weapon that you could fully upgrade like Leon's Matilda.

I mean, yes, I realize that Claire gets the grenade launcher and Leon gets the shotgun - which seems a little weird in itself that they're both stored in the same locker but the 'extra' weapon isn't even seen during the first run thru - but come on! And as the prize for getting less but better weaponry? Leon gets more useful ammo throughout instead of being bombarded with submachine gun ammo.

And will someone tell me why there is more flamethrower fuel laying around as opposed to needles for the sparkshot?

[/Claire problems][/weapon rant]

I loved the game though.
I don't have to say repeat any other information, because Magnolia Grandiflora explained all of my gripes perfectly.

However, I did rate it a 10, because I honestly give it a 9.5 and why not round up, you know? It's so close to perfect. I might as well just live with the continuity errors and be happy.
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perfect 10 for me best Resident Evil game released since the remake of the first one besides RE2 has always held a special place in my heart and Capcom did not disappoint in the slightest bit,

I actually can not fault this game in any way it's plays beautiful and visually looks fantastic.
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I rated it a 9 because this game isn't perfect (I don't think any game is, at least off the top of my head), however it was very good. I am very happy with how they managed to make it feel so familiar and new at the same time. I feel like the character redesigns were good, and it kinda tickled me to see Sherry climbing the same way she did in the original. I know it's nothing special but it reminded me of old times.

I'm not the biggest fan of some of the controls, but overall I feel like the improvement over tank controls probably makes up for it.

Also, I think it's cool they have 5 tofus lol.
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I give it a 9/10. I would like a fix camera option and that would be a 10/10 for me. I get dizzy easily nowadays. Fix camera angle would help me. But as it is, I'm managing fine.
Just started the game with Claire and got to the police station and quite amazed at the graphics and cutscenes. Capcom did an awesome job.
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Okay, time for me to answer my own question!

Overall a great game and a nearly perfect remake. I had lots of fun with it, so much that I immediately restarted the campaign after finishing it once. The fixed camera angles are gone, but I’ve never been the biggest fan of that mechanic anyway, especially since I recently replayed the first remake and quickly got tired of it. I actually think the over-the-shoulder perspective provides an even more immersive experience.

My major concern before the game’s release, the Mister X situation, slowly went poof when I finally played it myself. Whoever spread the lie that he follows you into safe rooms deserves a visit from him in their bedroom, and once you’ve figured out the events that trigger his appearance, you can avoid them for as long as possible to have a much easier time with him afterwards.

I had a few minor issues with the controls, with my character sometimes not drawing or reloading their weapon when I pressed the button, or putting it away for no apparent reason while I was still holding the button. Other than that, the controls are very intuitive and quick to get used to (on PC at least), there is no evade button this time around, but it’s not really needed anyway.

Can’t really comment on the new music because I never even heard too much of it, it’s very subdued and quickly drowned out by other sounds, and if there was a new version of Ada’s theme, one of my favourite tracks from the original game, I must have missed it. They say it’s a good thing when the music only contributes to the atmosphere without you consciously noticing it, but I say otherwise. The few times I did hear it (during Mister X chases or the laboratory escape), it was quite intense and fitting, but I still prefer to play with the original soundtrack from 1998, simply because that one I can actually hear.

The story isn’t so different from the original, but the characters feel a lot more fleshed-out and human, and there are a few scenes that made me marvel at how far the writing in video games has come. Watching some of Claire and Sherry’s interactions is the sweetest thing ever, my prediction that they would turn Leon into a full-blown badass before his time was fortunately proven wrong, and while Ada’s romantic feelings for him still seem to come pretty much out of nowhere (assuming they are genuine, which I’m not entirely sure about), her overall presentation is very fitting for her character and makes me appreciate her even more.

That being sad, there has been one major disappointment for me concerning the story, which I elaborated on in this thread. Don’t click the link unless you’ve already finished both campaigns yourself or don’t mind spoilers. Because of this, I’m holding back my rating for now because I’m still not sure how much it bothers me. But other than that (and Sherry’s outfit), it’s rather hard to find something to complain about here, so it’s probably going to be an 8 or 9 in the end.
@Hel I'm a bit surprised that you don't like the soundtrack for the new game. I haven't played with the original soundtrack yet - I've been too busy trying to platinum this damn thing, lol - but I've noticed during my many run thrus that there will be moments where I'll hear something that sounds like original save room music or something that makes me think of the original.

It's never the exact same but I thought they did a very nice job with having the music that they did include to be similar to that of the original in some ways.
I don't dislike the soundtrack per se, as I said, I just rarely consciously heard it throughout the game. The only time I noticed the new save room theme was in the dark room after switching on the light, but only for half a minute or so, and I found it a little underwhelming compared to the original. There's another version of it playing in a few submenus of the title screen, though, and I liked that one better.

After playing the game, I looked up the soundtrack on YouTube to see (or rather, hear) if I had missed any gems, and I'm glad I found this one in particular. It plays during Leon's final boss fight, and it's just... epic!

Gave it a 7. As a game of what it tries to do from a horror and gameplay aspect.

It's very fun, mechanics make even replaying the same exact section entertaining, the difficult specifically of the zombies is very refreshing. For once in a video game a zombie can actually kill me without having to throw a freaking axe with John Wick style precision across the universe?

What timeline are we in?

Designs of characters, enemies, locations are all very well crafted and I cannot stress enough just how AMAZING the RE engine is. I have been enjoying just staring at a hallway full of corpses and blood because it ACTUALLY looks good, believable, gives an amazing atmosphere with the lighting, AND it sets up the mood for the game super damn well. You see that the first time, you know what to expect in the game.

Graphically speaking, everything you can mostly look at, pick up, and of the characters themselves are amazing. Claire still looks a bit uncanny to me, and the eye movement is uhhhh...well, the animations in every category make up for it.

Now, while these positives to outshine the negatives I got to say, the negatives are pretty damn noticeable.

Lickers - That damage and speed is ridiculous, it's not scary, it's frustrating. It's not fair in the slightest that they can be literally across a wall, down the hall, behind Mr X or a zombie or two, but they can STILL dash towards me who is already 3 feet from the damn safe room and put me from full health to DANGER in 1 hit?

You call that fun, fair, or scary? Hell no, I'm reloading that save because that damage value is unjust. I can stand a BOSS doing that. But a regular enemy that is I want to say, objectively harder than the first 2 bosses in the game is just whack.

G Creatures; I am FORCED to waste a sub weapon, ammo, healing items, or my time. There is no skill regarded in dodging them. You have to HOPE they aren't in your way. And even if you use a sub to escape, their stunned animation prevents you from moving past them, so no matter what, you lose a good amount of items or you better be good at having patience for that reload button, because something forcing me to lose resources in a game that is all about resource management and where you can bypass MANY enemies if you're skilled enough, by sheer design is crap.

I can almost pass the Lickers because I'm impatient, granted with Mr X, that's not really an option either so...

If you can have the skill to strategize your route, maximize your resources, and conserve a lot of resources, it's damn unfair to just have something forced in your way to say, "Sit your ass down boi." Bonus if they can just put you in danger instantly with one hit and lack of Iframes means you literally are dead if another enemy is around because they caught the tip of your hurt box and you stay stunned for 9 years with the IRS breathing down your neck about your unpaid taxes the moment you recover.

Instakills are always a negative. You ever substitute actual difficulty for cheese, Ima hound your game no matter who you are.

Disappointing at best, boring at worst. Game fluctuates on both. I DO appreciate the songs having build up though. Something lost in lots of games these days. Some songs are good, but I wouldn't call them "Resident Evil" songs and that's a crime in itself. The series has some absolutely divine music under its belt.
Overall, I heard better music in a game from 1998.

Voice Acting:
Decent. Nothing to write home about, that writing needs a major look at.

Alright, Claire and Ada seem a bit more bitchy than I like given their base personalities don't strike me as the kinds that honestly talk like they do in game.
Sherry is wholesome, sweet, adorable as all heck and would protect and adopt her.


Don't think I missed anything, and while I can rip into RE2 all day in detail about some of the bs that is known as Lickers G, and Ivys, the game is very solid, and as the par with every REsident Evil game in history, prone to the 'Resident Evil hiccup.'
I will never not let a game get away with it, but that doesn't mean that I don't like it.
I think the game is great. No where near amazing as long as the industry think Instakills + gore death scenes = fun, but it's pretty damn close to being an amazing game.
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Gave it a 7. As a game of what it tries to do from a horror and gameplay aspect.

It's very fun, mechanics make even replaying the same exact section entertaining, the difficult specifically of the zombies is very refreshing. For once in a video game a zombie can actually kill me without having to throw a freaking axe with John Wick style precision across the universe?

What timeline are we in?

Designs of characters, enemies, locations are all very well crafted and I cannot stress enough just how AMAZING the RE engine is. I have been enjoying just staring at a hallway full of corpses and blood because it ACTUALLY looks good, believable, gives an amazing atmosphere with the lighting, AND it sets up the mood for the game super damn well. You see that the first time, you know what to expect in the game.

Graphically speaking, everything you can mostly look at, pick up, and of the characters themselves are amazing. Claire still looks a bit uncanny to me, and the eye movement is uhhhh...well, the animations in every category make up for it.

Now, while these positives to outshine the negatives I got to say, the negatives are pretty damn noticeable.

Lickers - That damage and speed is ridiculous, it's not scary, it's frustrating. It's not fair in the slightest that they can be literally across a wall, down the hall, behind Mr X or a zombie or two, but they can STILL dash towards me who is already 3 feet from the damn safe room and put me from full health to DANGER in 1 hit?

You call that fun, fair, or scary? Hell no, I'm reloading that save because that damage value is unjust. I can stand a BOSS doing that. But a regular enemy that is I want to say, objectively harder than the first 2 bosses in the game is just whack.

G Creatures; I am FORCED to waste a sub weapon, ammo, healing items, or my time. There is no skill regarded in dodging them. You have to HOPE they aren't in your way. And even if you use a sub to escape their stunned animation prevents you from moving past them so no matter what, you lose a good amount of items or you better be good at having patience for that reload button, because something forcing me to lose resources in a game that is all about resource management and where you can bypass MANY enemies if you're skilled enough, by sheer design is crap.

I can almost pass the Lickers because I'm impatient, granted with Mr X, that's not really an option either so...

If you can have the skill to strategize your route, maximize your resources, and conserve a lot of resources, it's damn unfair to just have something forced in your way to say, "Sit your ass down boi." Bonus if they can just put you in danger instantly with one hit and lack of Iframes means you literally are dead if another enemy is around because they caught the tip of your hurt box and you stay stunned for 9 years with the IRS breathing down your neck about your unpaid taxes the moment you recover.

Instakills are always a negative. You ever substitute actual difficulty for cheese, Ima hound your game no matter who you are.

Disappointing at best, boring at worst. Game fluctuates on both. I DO appreciate the songs having build up though. Something lost in lots of games these days. Some songs are good, but I wouldn't call them "Resident Evil" songs and that's a crime in itself. The series has some absolutely divine music under its belt.
Overall, I heard better music in a game from 1998.

Voice Acting:
Decent. Nothing to write home about, that writing needs a major look at.

Alright, Claire and Ada seem a bit more bitchy than I like given their base personalities don't strike me as the kinds that honestly talk like they do in game.
Sherry is wholesome, sweet, adorable as all heck and would protect and adopt her.


Don't think I missed anything, and while I can rip into RE2 all day in detail about some of the bs that is known as Lickers G, and Ivys, the game is very solid, and as the par with every REsident Evil game in history, prone to the 'Resident Evil hiccup.'
I will never not let a game get away with it, but that doesn't mean that I don't like it.
I think the game is great. No where near amazing as long as the industry think Instakills + gore death scenes = fun, but it's pretty damn close to being an amazing game.
You can kill the likcer whit simply one shoot of the m79 of claire loaded whit fire ammo, with Leon you can shoot them 3 shotgun ammo in the head, or you can simply avoid them pretty easy... For the g creature, simply return back to un upper spot and they will leave, as soon as the leave run and you will dodge them or you can use claire electric gun and shot one bullet in their eye charge at max and they die in one shoot, for Leon simply use the shoot gun and shoot in the eye they die very easy... Dude it s a survival game, you can't pretend it to be easy, the game it s already damn easy compared to past resident evil game (the original re 2 was easy too) i finish it in extreme mode whitout infinite ammo and was too easy...
I never kill the G monsters. I run past and hope that they can't catch me. Especially on the way to get the King/Queen plugs. That is teh toughest part of the entire game. But at least it sautosaves in the room.
You can kill the likcer whit simply one shoot of the m79 of claire loaded whit fire ammo, with Leon you can shoot them 3 shotgun ammo in the head, or you can simply avoid them pretty easy... For the g creature, simply return back to un upper spot and they will leave, as soon as the leave run and you will dodge them or you can use claire electric gun and shot one bullet in their eye charge at max and they die in one shoot, for Leon simply use the shoot gun and shoot in the eye they die very easy... Dude it s a survival game, you can't pretend it to be easy, the game it s already damn easy compared to past resident evil game (the original re 2 was easy too) i finish it in extreme mode whitout infinite ammo and was too easy...

Nope and Nope. With adaptive difficulty, Lickers take 2 Flame Rounds and about 5-6 shotgun shells at point blank to the head. Avoiding them is not easy. If pressured, you HAVE to run, and they can be across a hallway and get to you in about a second with a near instakill slash.

My complaint is not about the game being too easy, it's about the ridiculousness that is Licker's damage value and G's can eat up an unfair amount of sub items just because they are quite literally too fat, and any strategic use of your movement, skills, or whatever else is none existent. They also eats up entire pathways. So it's either take that hit, move at a crawls pace for a second, waste a healing item.
Or waste tons of ammo, and/or sub items. Plus they kill the pacing of the game much harder because of that.

Or if you have the patience, save scum it. Because that's not a very fair way to sit you down in a game where you can bypass literally everything else but the bosses.
Nope and Nope. With adaptive difficulty, Lickers take 2 Flame Rounds and about 5-6 shotgun shells at point blank to the head. Avoiding them is not easy. If pressured, you HAVE to run, and they can be across a hallway and get to you in about a second with a near instakill slash.

My complaint is not about the game being too easy, it's about the ridiculousness that is Licker's damage value and G's can eat up an unfair amount of sub items just because they are quite literally too fat, and any strategic use of your movement, skills, or whatever else is none existent. They also eats up entire pathways. So it's either take that hit, move at a crawls pace for a second, waste a healing item.
Or waste tons of ammo, and/or sub items. Plus they kill the pacing of the game much harder because of that.

Or if you have the patience, save scum it. Because that's not a very fair way to sit you down in a game where you can bypass literally everything else but the bosses.
The g creature can easy be dodged by climbing on a spot and wait until they go back, I avoided them..... The licker and the g are sub boss not normal enemy so it normal that they deal more damage and they are more difficult they are not normal zombie, they are like the chainsaw Majin from re 4 5, that the point of them
The g creature can easy be dodged by climbing on a spot and wait until they go back, I avoided them..... The licker and the g are sub boss not normal enemy so it normal that they deal more damage and they are more difficult they are not normal zombie, they are like the chainsaw Majin from re 4 5, that the point of them

You can dodge THAT specific G creature relatively easily, but not the ones before or the one that blocks the path to the secret elevator. And if they hit you on spawn you're stunned as if you took a hit from Caution to DANGER with a 9 year stun duration.

By technical definition, Lickers are normal enemies. They don't fit the criteria of mini, sub, or roaming boss. Mr X is the closest thing that fits sub boss, but he's more a roaming enemy.
I give it a 9.3. Its fantastic in literally every aspect except the A/B scenarios and plot points. The original had the feeling that you were playing two sides of the same story. Here you're literally playing the same story with minor changes. That's my only grip, which is kinda inconsequential, since I still love RE1make despite the same issue.
Being a Resident Evil fan over the last 14 years has been very tough. From the controversial over the shoulder perspective that purists still detest, to the linear structure, simplified puzzle design, and emphasis on action to be more accessible for newcomers, and even co-operative play to capitalize on the rise of online gaming. Capcom would do whatever it took to keep Resident Evil in the mainstream. Which was evident even in the so called return to form that was Resident Evil 7 with its first-person perspective, open yet simplified design, and overall lack of series iconography so that the Resident Evil brand can get its foot into the VR market and compete with all the niche horror experiences flooding it.

At first, I was accepting of these new games. The quality, polish, and fun I was having was undeniable. I was young, didn't really question much, and I was just along for the ride. But as I grew older and wiser, I started to see things more clearly. I started to feel more and more disappointed with this series. With each new installment, the series would only stray farther and farther from why I loved these games. But after 14 years, I think I can finally say...


Holy sh*t! Capcom actually did it. Capcom actually remembers how to make a Resident Evil game. I'm so f*cking surprised with how much this game feels like a Resident Evil game, and sure, a lot of that might have to do with the fact that they're using one of, if not, the greatest Resident Evil game as their foundation, but Capcom could have honestly gone in so many different and worse directions than what we ended up with.

At first, I was unsure how I felt about Capcom taking such an iconic game and tarnishing its unique gameplay by modernizing it with the over the shoulder perspective due to the stigma that carries with this franchise, but wow, they really refrained from taking this into the action hand holdy route. This really feels like a Resident Evil game. I still can't get over that. It's pretty amazing too, because this is the first time, ever since the franchise went over the shoulder, that we get a game that uses that modern gameplay perspective within that classic Resident Evil design. That's pretty mind blowing.

I've been asking for that for years, because unlike the purists who trashed RE4's decision to go over the shoulder, I actually understood why the choice was made and I honestly had no problem with it. While I still firmly believe that fixed cameras are a lost art and actually enhanced the horror in the survival horror genre, I still saw the potential in the over the shoulder perspective and could recognize that the perspective itself wasn't what ruined the franchise, but all the other choices made to make the game more accessible and action focused. The tank like controls and classic Resident Evil gameplay were definitely still in tact, so it was never the gameplay that didn't feel like Resident Evil, it was its design.

But for a while there, it just seemed like that Metroidvania design was a thing of the past for survival horror games. Resident Evil ditched it, and both Dead Space and The Evil Within followed RE4's linear footsteps, and like that, we lost one of the greatest elements of survival horror. But then RE7 came along and gave us a glimpse of that design, but that's all it was. A cheap attempt to trick us into thinking the game had so much in common with the originals while still largely playing it safe so that newcomers don't get lost or have a hard time finding the solutions to puzzles so that they can progress more easily. REmake 2 on the other hand goes full blown Metroidvania.

But it's not just that either. Health and ammo aren't overly abundant. There's enough for you to get by, but it's spread across in a way that doesn't make you feel powerful during each encounter and playing smart rewards you with a comfortable amount of supplies by the end, just like any classic Resident Evil game before it.

Speaking of the encounters though, holy sh*t, zombies are intimidating again. I absolutely love the way they handled zombies here. The last time we saw them, they were used as cannon fodder, but now, even 1 or 2 zombies can be a nightmare. I love that they take so many shots and that you never know if they're truly dead or not. On my first playthrough, I would keep getting surprised each time I'd backtrack by zombies I thought I had killed already, so it definitely adds an element of randomization to keep the player tense. Their sporadic movements combined with the unfocused reticle really makes for a good compromise for the much easier free-aiming style of the over the shoulder perspective and greatly balances the zombies in this survival horror setting.

Though, we can't talk about encounters and not mention Mr. X. I had huge concerns about this guy just being another Jack Baker and I'm glad he feels nothing like him. Mr. X feels like a force to be reckoned with. Those loud foot steps always following you really keep you tense and always moving which unless you know what you're doing, can really mess you up which is sooo good. He always keeps me on edge whenever I'm in a room and I just keep hearing those footsteps or whenever I think I lost him only to run into him. On later playthroughs, he's not as much of a threat, yet his presence is still very effective. Small nitpick though, I know there's an area where he busts through a wall like in the original, which I've yet to experience myself which is a bummer, but I do wish there were just a couple more scripted dramatic moments like that sprinkled around the game that only trigger whenever you've lost him. For instance, like how in the original, he climbs over the railing and corners you on the second floor or how you're hit with a huge scare when you see him on the security camera heading right your way.

And while we're talking about enemies, I might as well mention the Lickers, because they're total assholes here. I swear, these guys are stupid fast. Trying to avoid them is just as scary as trying to outrun them. It's like they can still hear you creeping around and they react to it even if they're not on the attack and they make you tense the hell up with how close they can get to you. I thought the Ivy Zombies were pretty cool too. Can't say I missed their original cartoony plant-like design. The first time I encountered one was so cool, and up close, they're grotesque as hell. I will say though, I am a bit disappointed at the lack of Spiders. They feel like a staple of classic Resident Evil, and they would have definitely made for some nice variety in the sewers as the G Creatures were a bit overused and tedious.

I think it's strange how easily I jumped into this game when my initial impressions on the demo were pretty mixed. Though admittedly, I didn't spend too much time with it. I made some adjustments to the field of view and camera wobble, and everything just came together. I remember Leon feeling really heavy before, not being comfortable with toggling the stick to run, and opening doors just by moving into them, yet none of that was an issue for me. I don't know if I just got used to it or if they actually tweaked some things in the final game. Overall though, gameplay feels like a natural evolution of the classic controls and movement. Kind of like Revelations 2 but more limited. I will say however, the knife still feels kind of cheap. There's just something off about the knife ever since RE6. It felt perfect in RE4 and 5. Like, the way it connects and the way the character holds it out in front of them. Now, it looks and feels like they're barely trying.

I praised the Resident Evil engine back when RE7 came out, and I still think it's really awesome. The visuals and the sound design are just absolutely amazing. I've said the photo realism of RE7 was the best Resident Evil has looked since REmake's and 0's pre-rendered backgrounds, and this game really shows it with how it brings the iconic setting of RE2 to life, as opposed to some rundown hillbilly house that looks like my old basement. Even the characters look great. While I absolutely hated Redfield in RE7, the characters here look a lot closer to what they're supposed to look like or at least get the idea of them in current generation graphics across way better than Redfield did.

Their performances contributed a lot to that too. Leon and Claire have so much more character and their great performances add so much to the believability that these new actors are who they are portraying, unlike Redfield who could have at least made up for his lack of resemblance by actually sounding and acting like Chris Redfield. Marvin and Kendo are also real standouts that add life and character to this world. Oh, and Chief Irons is legitimately creepy as f*ck... I got serious pedophile vibes from him.

Though I will say, I'm still unsure about Kendo's use in this game. For so long, he's just been the gun shop owner who gets killed when zombies break in, and it was a really memorable moment, and now it's gone in favor of some sad and tragic story that doesn't really affect the characters. I was disappointed by how short Leon's trek to the police station was this time, and I was absolutely blown away with how they completely rearranged those missing locations the further I got into the game. I really enjoyed Claire's outside portion, but the gun shop just doesn't live up to its original purpose. Not to mention the risk/reward predicament that it creates with obtaining the shotgun. It's a small gripe, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

As much as I absolutely love this game and see this as the return of Resident Evil, it's not without its faults and there are some pretty big ones. I keep seeing everyone say that this game sets the standard for remakes and I honestly don't get it. To say that is to completely disregard how amazing the original game was/still is.

Resident Evil REmake is still the definition of how you do a remake, because, you gotta ask yourself, is this really so good that it not only retains everything that made the original special, but also does it better in every single way? For many, including myself, that describes REmake perfectly. I see no reason to play the original ever again because it offers me nothing that the REmake doesn't already have. Resident Evil 2 on the other hand is a completely different experience from its original and for that, I can't really say that the original RE2 holds no more value.

Right off the bat, you won't get that classic fixed camera gameplay experience from the REmake. Which is a shame because I heard from someone over at Reset Era that fixed cameras were indeed going to be in the game, and it made sense given they had announced before that the game had lock on assisted aiming. So I don't really see any excuse as to why they couldn't include the option and I'm still holding out hope that it's yet to be announced DLC. And I know asking for fixed cameras in 2019 has got to be like hearing a broken record, but I'm not asking for fixed cameras for RE8, just this remake because it makes sense, even if just as an option.

Leon and Claire's scenarios are also very problematic. How is it that a game that came out in 1998 has 4 unique scenarios and a zapping system that affects the other character's scenario in several ways, yet the 2019 REmake couldn't even manage 2 consistent stories? I remember starting up Claire's 2nd run and thinking what the hell are people talking about? This is different enough from Leon's story, while still being disappointed and confused at the repeat boss fights and Mr. X somehow being killed by William Birkin. But that aside, I thought it was unique enough, until I played Claire's 1st run only to find out the only thing that changes is how you start the game but everything after the medallion puzzle is just tied to the character and not the run you're playing.

It honestly feels like a tacked on last minute idea. Especially since Capcom even confirmed the A/B scenarios wouldn't return, only for these 2 runs to be quietly discovered on the day of release. I thought the weapons, characters you meet, and path you take was dependent on the run you were playing and you'll get to see each character go through the other's story and have different interactions with characters, but nope, this isn't 1998.

The story also feels a bit neutered as well. Some cutscenes and interactions are just gone from this remake and some of it is just alluded to without proper explanation or just weirdly conveyed. I really wish we could have gotten more instances where Leon and Claire interact and are maybe even separated by Mr. X just to make their split up believable. It's crazy how many things were in the original that made the game so much better than its predecessor that are just not here. The original is just so much more fleshed out in ways this REmake isn't. It's still baffling how poorly they handled the 2 scenarios with the repeat boss fights and character interactions with Annette.

I'm also disappointed that they dropped the ball with the ink ribbons. Why is it that if you want an experience closer to the originals with ink ribbons and no checkpoints that it's gotta come with stronger enemies? They should have really just implemented a classic mode that adds ink ribbons to the game regardless of the difficulty. I also have to mention this but it's not so much a critique of the game, but a critique on Capcom for charging money for costumes that the 1998 original offered as a free game reward. Even the original soundtrack. Who the hell charges for a soundtrack in a video game? That's just unbelievable. At the very least, they seem to be making quality products again which is something, considering how sh*t Capcom has been as of late.

I remember when this game was first announced in 2015. I wasn't excited, I expected the worst. It was fixed cameras or nothing for me. But you know what, I think I get it now. This game had to happen this way, so that Capcom can move forward in the right direction with Resident Evil. What better way to go back to your roots than to actually revisit those roots with what is arguably the best example of a Resident Evil game in RE2? It was kind of the same deal with REmake back in 2002. Before they moved on with projects like RE0 and RE4, they took a step back and revisited the original game to give players an idea of what Resident Evil is on the then new hardware.

While it is definitely not the greatest remake of all time like everyone is trying to call it, it's still a damn great game in its own right. It's a game that feels unlike anything around today. A game that delves deeper into the realm of survival horror than anything ever has in so many years. It's everything Resident Evil should have been and could be, because Resident Evil just hasn't been this much like itself in so long. Resident Evil is back.

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9 / 10.

While i still prefer original RE2 game, my favourite RE game, i do like this game.

I rated it 9 / 10 because i liked how the developers took care of even the small details in the game mechanics.
It's a solid game, i can't deny that and as such it deserve it's praises.

My only complaint is that it is a bit too much gory.


But a very honest opinion?

2 reasons why i will always like Original more than remake.

