Hilarious fanboy melodrama!

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You mean Grace Saunders. https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Grace_Saunders

Pretty disturbing sh*t. Turns out our friend here is a massive creep and a pretty pathetic human piece of garbage. Get a life, Peter. I know you have a lot of sleeper accounts here. Stop going on internet forums and exposing yourself. Seek professional help. There's more to life than the internet.
Oh man, this makes me feel so old. I totally remember Grace Saunders from the old school Umbrella Inc forum back when I was a tween. :D

Peter - listen bud, you're not welcome here. I know time is perhaps the one singular thing you have in abundance, but for goodness sake, have some self-respect to not spend to waste hours and hours of it trying to connect with people who are not interested in what you have to contribute.

Also, get help or something.
Oh man, this makes me feel so old. I totally remember Grace Saunders from the old school Umbrella Inc forum back when I was a tween. :D

Peter - listen bud, you're not welcome here. I know time is perhaps the one singular thing you have in abundance, but for goodness sake, have some self-respect to not spend to waste hours and hours of it trying to connect with people who are not interested in what you have to contribute.

Also, get help or something.
Wow, can't believe you knew of him firsthand! Crazy after all these years it crops back up. From what we've read it seems he's been at this a long time.
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Oh ya, he must have been up to this exact schtick for nearly 20 years now, I'd say. I think I was 12 or 13 when I joined UI and while I don't think I ever spoke with him directly, I do remember the other members taking the **** out of him. I hope he gets the help he needs. :/
Apparently in 2007 or so he went to a mental institution or something. He clearly needs to go back.
Dude, I've not heard of the guy. I read this whole thread, as it appears you posted it in the wrong section. He seems like Norman Bates material!
Shut up, Peter.

No need to point fingers all the time.

Dude, I've not heard of the guy. I read this whole thread, as it appears you posted it in the wrong section. He seems like Norman Bates material!

I think we're all a little on edge about this Grace/Peter guy, especially after finding his Encyclopedia Dramatica page. It's all good.
If you get this worked up over one troll, you'll likely end up leaving your son behind when you go on holiday! :biggrin:

There's so many things I could say to this psychopath, I'll just sum it up with this, since a picture is worth a thousand words:


Sorry, couldn't find any other non-obscene Dr. Phil "You Need Help" pics without the "F" bomb in it.
How can you say the REmake 2 sucks
By the way, bSTAR_182, are you the user called NanayaShiki on silenthillforum.com? Proof:

Yeah, honestly worrying about the character designs being different in a remake sounds like the biggest waste of your time possible, man. I only saw the other threads you posted about this in after I went here, so it kinda sounds like you just wanted to complain about this again a few weeks later. Character designs get updated all the time and it's really not unusual for them to be changed for a remake.

As for the idea of the "canon" changing in any way with the remake, or the various plot threads introduced in Revelations not being continued in the mainline series, I really hate to break it to you but I don't think Capcom cares as much as you do about it. I don't expect RE2 to change the plot in any significant way, if only because they know how sacred it is to some fans, but if you are getting this worked up over character designs being different, yeah you probably won't be happy. It's not going to be a 1 to 1 recreation (and will be better for it). As for Revelations, if you compare the critical reception and sales of RE7 to that of Revelations 2, it's very clear which one resonated with people more, and yeah don't expect to see RE8 start dealing with Alex clones or super soldiers. We're most likely going to be sticking to the mostly stand-alone incidents that made RE1, RE4, and RE7 the instant classics they were.

I get you care a lot about this series and I don't want to make you feel bad for caring about it, I just don't think Resident Evil is the healthiest series to be this obsessive over because it really doesn't take itself as seriously as you take it.

It’s been ages since I’ve ventured onto that site so lolz at your “proof”. I damn sure don’t consider RE7 a classic but I do agree with him on how RE isn’t the best series to obsess over the finer details of... sad but true.

Just had to clear the air there. I’m sure he’s reading this despite being banned. :lol:
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RE isn’t the best series to obsess over the finer details of... sad but true.

A better series to analyze probably would be a Silent Hill, at least the first few of them. Way more character appropriate symbolism behind the monster design and cryptic character motivations in those games than any Resident Evil I could name.

But if I really thought ill of Resident Evil, I wouldn't have been here on the site this long.
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A better series to analyze probably would be a Silent Hill, at least the first few of them. Way more character appropriate symbolism behind the monster design and cryptic character motivations in those games than any Resident Evil I could name.

But if I really thought ill of Resident Evil, I wouldn't have been here on the site this long.
I think it’s fair to say the Silent Hill series has been more consistent with the first 4 games. I know some fans have their complaints of The Room but I will defend that game to the end- as it’s my favorite one.

But yeah same here, I think it’s safe to say we all have a soft spot for RE, even with all its glaring inconsistencies. Not to mention they’re still coming out with RE games for us to all discuss. Plus I’ve always found the RE community to be... easier to warm up to than Silent Hill’s.

I’m rereading that person’s post in the SH forum:
Let me just add that I think that guy is kind of wrong to say that RE7 is more critically acclaimed than Revelations 2. The fact that it is a numbered title in the main series is where it’s financial success stems from, if you ask me, rather than it being more well received amongst fans. I just don’t even remember seeing advertisements for Revelations 2 like I did RE7. RE7 has the stunning graphics, sure, but it’s story and characters are weak as hell especially in comparison to the lower budget, side game Revelations 2.
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Just had to clear the air there. I’m sure he’s reading this despite being banned. :lol:

No kidding. He has nothing better to do with his life than create a bunch of sock accounts and troll this board knowing full well he's just gonna get banned every time he makes a new one. :lol:

This is one deeply-disturbed individual.

EDIT: seriously, who the f*ck holds a tooth brush up to their mouth and uses it as a f*cking mic in their YouTube vids? Lemme guess: he's too cheap to buy a real one.
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My icon is honestly my reaction upon finding out about this ordeal. Sheesh.

I feel for the guy. I hope he gets some much needed help.
This is one deeply-disturbed individual.

EDIT: seriously, who the f*ck holds a tooth brush up to their mouth and uses it as a f*cking mic in their YouTube vids? Lemme guess: he's too cheap to buy a real one.

I think it's hilarious that of all the things you could have followed up with, it was that damn toothbrush that did it for you.:lol:
I think it's hilarious that of all the things you could have followed up with, it was that damn toothbrush that did it for you.:lol:

If I wrote a whole list of all the dumb/borderline psychotic things he's done, I'd be writing until Labor Day.

Just go to his ED page, he's been arrested and fired from his job for repeatedly stalking and even assaulting women, literally.

Oh, and I was able to dig up MORE dirt on this freak. Check this sh!t out, he's even a creep around women in the sex industry. :lol:
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