Has Resident Evil had it's day at this point?

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black 93

Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2013
Ok so, this may not be a popular opinion but iv been thinking really hard lately about how this franchise has been going since 2009 to now. With the release of RE5, the fanbase has been divided with every single release. RE5, RE6 and now RE7 has been extremely controversial. Capcom haven't seemed to be able to please one half of the fanbase without upsetting the other and after RE6 i was optimistic that Capcom would really get this series back on track. and in some ways i feel they've succeeded, but failed in so many others. The only RE's iv truly enjoyed and gone back to again and again in the past decade is RE5 and REV2. RE7, while it was crafted with great attention to detail, has tons of depth, and overall is just a very well made game, it's nothing memorable to me. Nothing since RE5 has truly hit a cord with me ( bar a budget spin off!) and thats a problem. I just don't know where this series can go anymore. RE7 literally set up nothing for future games and with Lucas being killed in Not A Hero, we have lost the only character from 7 that could even come close to being an interesting built up villain. Likewise with Alex Wesker being killed in her first game. Yes she was transferred into Natalia but this is Alex Wesker. One of the only two surviving Wesker children, and shes hit with the signature rocket launcher in her first game. Capcom have already said that RE8 is 'already in motion' and a few years ago that would have excited me but now, my first thought is literally, why? Whats the point? where's it going?. I dont know, im just rambling at this point but do any of you feel like the franchise is just going nowhere like me? Capcom just seem to be pumping out these games now with no direction.
They need to hire me to be in charge of the ¨yays¨ and ¨nays¨ on what to do with this franchise, then it would all come back to glory :lol:
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It's felt like this since RE4. Before, the series had clearly defined itself. Everyone knew what a Resident Evil game looked and played like. The story from game to game, character to character, was always deeply connected to a larger picture, making the series interesting to follow as any great television or movie series would.

Now, Capcom has completely stopped caring about making a great and consistent series and would rather focus on making individual games, each following different trends, while banking on the success of the Resident Evil name. These are no longer Resident Evil games, they're just a bunch of corporate tests to see what can make them the biggest dollars. There's no soul in this franchise anymore.
It's felt like this since RE4. Before, the series had clearly defined itself. Everyone knew what a Resident Evil game looked and played like. The story from game to game, character to character, was always deeply connected to a larger picture, making the series interesting to follow as any great television or movie series would.

Now, Capcom has completely stopped caring about making a great and consistent series and would rather focus on making individual games, each following different trends, while banking on the success of the Resident Evil name. These are no longer Resident Evil games, they're just a bunch of corporate tests to see what can make them the biggest dollars. There's no soul in this franchise anymore.
That's the problem man. Iv had so many people say to me " how can you enjoy RE5 more than RE7? 7 is actual survival horror!" and i can answer that easily. The difference between 5 and 7 is that 5 had focus, 5 felt like a natural progression from 4, 5 continued the story that had been going since 1996 and closed a lot of loose ends. RE5, while an action bro shooter, was still Resident Evil. It had Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Albert Wesker, Ozwell E Spencer, the progenitor virus etc. It even had files refering to James Marcus. It was still Resident Evil to me, while RE7 was a fantastic survival horror title, it was a very poor Resident Evil title. It totally lacked the charm and the loveable characters that has made the series last this long. It was all horror, no substance.
That's the problem man. Iv had so many people say to me " how can you enjoy RE5 more than RE7? 7 is actual survival horror!" and i can answer that easily. The difference between 5 and 7 is that 5 had focus, 5 felt like a natural progression from 4, 5 continued the story that had been going since 1996 and closed a lot of loose ends. RE5, while an action bro shooter, was still Resident Evil. It had Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Albert Wesker, Ozwell E Spencer, the progenitor virus etc. It even had files refering to James Marcus. It was still Resident Evil to me, while RE7 was a fantastic survival horror title, it was a very poor Resident Evil title. It totally lacked the charm and the loveable characters that has made the series last this long. It was all horror, no substance.

I agree with you to some extent. While I enjoyed RE4 and RE5 more than 7, I still wouldn't call them "Resident Evil." Sure, they continued the story of the previous games, 5 more so than 4, but it was done in a very tasteless way.

With RE4, it was obvious they were just stalling the story rather than advancing it. Some argue that RE5's story was more traditional and meaningful to the series due to the players involved, but I don't see it that way. It felt more like a race to the finish than the proper ending it should have been.

They added so much brand new lore in the span of the 2 games and completely messed the series up. Rather than Chris' motivation being what we saw in the previous games, they time jump so drastically and add filler story in between like the formation of the BSAA and Lost in Nightmares to set up the events of the game. They keep abandoning previous plot threads because they keep skipping through time so goddamn often and adding brand new elements that come out from nowhere.

There is no rhyme or reason or bigger plan to this series. They just keep making sh*t up as they go and step all over their own toes in the process.
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As one of the few people who actually liked and appreciated RE6, I didn't get the feeling that the series had lost its identity until recently. While I do acknowledge the changes that have been made over time, and I certainly don't like every entry in the series equally, it all made sense to me up to and including RE6. In the poll I made a year ago asking what you think makes RE what it is, most of you agreed with me that the story and characters are most important (not necessarily to enjoy a game per se, but to recognise a new episode as part of an already existing series), and if you look at it from a story perspective, that's just what we had: Zero and RE1/REmake laid the groundwork, RE2 and 3 logically expanded on that by infecting an entire city with the T-virus rather than just one remote location, and Code Veronica showed for the first time that Umbrella is more than just one or two facilities in Raccoon City.

RE4 and 5 added new elements to the story without betraying its roots. Yes, a mind-controlling parasite was now the source of all the chaos rather than a virus turning people into mindless zombies, but the result was pretty much the same: You had to fight your way through hordes of infected who were once ordinary people, and you did that with those same characters introduced in the first games, who had since moved on to work for different organisations, but with the same goal as back then – stopping bioterrorism. I admit they kind of messed up Wesker in RE5, but got many other things right: Leon's new job is a direct consequence of the ending of RE2, Jill's T-virus infection from RE3 comes into play in a meaningful way, Ada is still collecting virus samples for Odin knows who, and a game focusing more on the origins of the BSAA (whose creation also made sense in the game's lore) was given later in the form of Revelations 1.

All of that culminates in RE6: Terror is going global by means of the new C-virus, which is basically a combination of all other viruses previously introduced, several characters from past games return, including Chris and Leon who have never starred in the same game before, and all their stories are intertwined. Sure, there's a whole list of things that could have been done better, some campaigns are clearly more fleshed out than others, and Capcom may have overestimated themselves trying to create a game that pleases everyone (and ended up pleasing no one 100%), but it still felt like a logical continuation of what the series had become up until that point.

Then came RE7 and was like: "Screw this, I'll do what I want!" It gave us a completely new story with completely new characters, only loosely based on previous games by means of a few blink-and-you'll-miss-it references, and a recurring character in a minor role who doesn't look, sound, or act anything like his previous incarnations. It also dramatically lowered the scale from global bioterror to a single person's struggle, which would have been fine if this was a reboot or a spin-off, but no, RE7 still acts like a continuation set in the same universe as the previous games, and fans fall for it because the main location slightly resembles the original mansion and manual saving is back… Yaaay. This is the point where I say the series has lost its way, because there is no red thread anymore, and like the OP said, RE7 didn't even lay out a new one for the next game to pick up. All of this gets even more frustrating when you think about how easily the mess could have been avoided or at least made less terrible by replacing Ethan, Mia, the Bakers and Eveline with Chris, Jill (or Piers), the Burtons and Natalex, but alas... It is what it is now.
This is actually a tough one for me to answer because it's a head-vs-heart dilemma. My heart says no, because I still want to have a Resident Evil game that I become obsessed with as I have in the past, with the characters I love and a gameplay style that has just the right mix of horror and action, and if there's a possibility for that then I would definitely be up for it. Resident Evil has been one of the few main video game series that I've followed for most of my life and however stupid it is, I still have a tiny bit of hope left that the series could still be like that for me.

Having said all that, the majority of the evidence is to the contrary. In my opinion, Capcom just doesn't seem to be willing to bring cohesion and continuity to the story. One of the main issues that I've had for the last few games is that they're pretty much standalones, and I feel like we need to bring a recurring villain so that we can have true sequels that continue the series and leave you wondering what's going to happen next. However, even if they did that there's no guarantee that the loose ends would be tied up anyway, as everyone knows that that is something that hardly ever happens with Resident Evil. They seem to go from one game to the next and treat the new entry as it's own entity, rather than a part of a whole.

I'm in the camp of people that didn't like RE6 because it pushed the action to the max, it was very linear and the four entwining storylines created a less immersive experience for me and made it too stop-start. It's one redeeming point was that it had the characters in there and continued their story somewhat. It was mind-boggling to go through such a drastic change to the next main series entry; RE7 also came from so far out of left field and I really don't understand the logic behind it. Capcom said that things had gotten too big with global scale bio-terror threats and they wanted to condense it down to one small area. That's absolutely fine, but I see no reason why they couldn't do that with the existing cast of characters and why they had to change to the first person perspective. It might have been a bit more acceptable to tie of some loose ends and have some resolution to the current storyline and characters before overhauling everything and starting afresh with new characters.

I do wonder if I come across as one of those fans that are never happy, but then to me it's sort of justified because the series is flip-flopping around from one extreme to the other, and we never seem to have any middle ground. The fan base is more and more divided with each entry which means that nobody can agree on what a true RE game is anymore. Revelations 2 was the best RE to come out for a long time for me (though it's not without it's flaws), and it seemed to be a game that a lot of the fans liked as far as I saw, yet Capcom still went the way they did with 7.

I'm gonna stop here because this post is getting too long and I run the risk of rambling, but I think my answer to the question is that I don't know. I don't want the series to end because it's been something that I've followed for most of my life, but for me, it would depend if Capcom could get their act together and start tying loose ends and bringing true continuity, answers and resolution to the series... but then I don't know if I can trust them to do that.
I think the biggest problem is: with the way they empowered the original characters (Chris, Jill, Leon, etc) in the first games, by being characters that was totally oblivious to the zombie and bio-weapon thing to zombie killing experts, RE cannot go back to the classical survival horror with the original characters. unless, they creatively do something with the story ala Rev2. but even then that was just scary for Moira (and somewhat Natalia). Claire was experienced in this kind of situations (zombies + getting kidnapped and left in an island prison) and Barry with the original RE and he has his arsenal to blow away anything. the only way to bring back survival horror RE (I think) is either to bring new characters, that are not law enforcement or soldiers, like Ethan in RE7, or set the timeline back in the Raccoon City incident with the classical characters who was not still experienced with this whole thing, or new characters like in REoutbreak.

P.S. while I haven't played RE6 or 7, I watched enough lets plays of them to conclude: RE6 is just b movie fun (as any RE :lol: ) and RE7 brought back the scares and introduced some memorable characters (at least to me): Jack and Joe Baker. Jack for his Nemy-like persistence and great lines, and Joe for his dumb-awesome strength against BOWs that really fits with how stupid (in a good way) RE is.
P.S. I'd always save Mia... always
Love seeing these kind of discussions, guys!

Now, Capcom has completely stopped caring about making a great and consistent series and would rather focus on making individual games, each following different trends, while banking on the success of the Resident Evil name. These are no longer Resident Evil games, they're just a bunch of corporate tests to see what can make them the biggest dollars. There's no soul in this franchise anymore.
It certainly feels that way, but in some ways I am thankful for this, because it is unrealistic to expect newcomers to the series to devour all of the dozens(?) or past Resident Evil games before being able to dive into the newer ones. It would be extremely off-putting for Capcom's prospective audience to have to somehow acquire all of the older games and outmoded consoles, too. I feel that Capcom had a plan in place for the PS1-PS2 era of Resi games, beginning with RE1 and due to its success extending the universe onwards through RE2 to Code Veronica, but RE4 was almost a soft reboot of sorts in order to make it a more palatable experience for newcomers - an experience which debuted some 9-10 years after the release of the PS1 original.

I think that Capcom have made good efforts to keep the later titles self-contained enough so as not to overwhelm newcomers, but also leave in enough past nods in order to remind fans that they are still -- hopefully -- enjoying a piece of the Resident Evil universe that they have become invested it. That's how I see it, anyway, even if a great many of the newer games aren't really my cup of tea.
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I think the biggest problem is: with the way they empowered the original characters (Chris, Jill, Leon, etc) in the first games, by being characters that was totally oblivious to the zombie and bio-weapon thing to zombie killing experts, RE cannot go back to the classical survival horror with the original characters. unless, they creatively do something with the story ala Rev2. but even then that was just scary for Moira (and somewhat Natalia). Claire was experienced in this kind of situations (zombies + getting kidnapped and left in an island prison) and Barry with the original RE and he has his arsenal to blow away anything. the only way to bring back survival horror RE (I think) is either to bring new characters, that are not law enforcement or soldiers, like Ethan in RE7, or set the timeline back in the Raccoon City incident with the classical characters who was not still experienced with this whole thing, or new characters like in REoutbreak.

P.S. while I haven't played RE6 or 7, I watched enough lets plays of them to conclude: RE6 is just b movie fun (as any RE :lol: ) and RE7 brought back the scares and introduced some memorable characters (at least to me): Jack and Joe Baker. Jack for his Nemy-like persistence and great lines, and Joe for his dumb-awesome strength against BOWs that really fits with how stupid (in a good way) RE is.
P.S. I'd always save Mia... always

Oh what an illusion they've created. Ethan has no issues in defending himself throughout RE7, the only reason that it seems like more of a struggle is the lack of ammo and firepower. You put Chris in a situation where he is stripped of his weapons (and clothes :biggrin:) and voila- you have a vulnerable Chris. I can just imagine a game where, instead of downscaling the situation with random characters, they do so with Chris or Jill. Have it to where some sort of outbreak or situation arises with Alex/Natalia in the character's hometown and the only weapon they have is their handgun/knife they keep in their truck. It would be like Tremors, only instead you have it to where they need to make it to Barry's house or a local gun shop to gain more firepower.

Something else that annoys me is how much praise fans have given the ridiculous DLC with Joe, where he literally rips molded with his bare hands. The same people giving this DLC praise are probably some of the same ones who said that Jake wouldn't be a good continuation because he knows how to fight and it wouldn't be scary. So aggravating.
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Something else that annoys me is how much praise fans have given the ridiculous DLC with Joe, where he literally rips molded with his bare hands. The same people giving this DLC praise are probably some of the same ones who said that Jake wouldn't be a good continuation because he knows how to fight and it wouldn't be scary. So aggravating.
I couldn't agree with your entire post more, but this part in particular is something that bothers me so much too. I've seen so many people say that the main characters are too overpowered and are like superheroes with the moves they use, yet we have a ridiculous, random character whaling on everything, including punching doors/barriers open and people love it. Joe literally has two combos in his repertoire and he can take down anything. Seriously? And that's before he finds the bionic hand thing... It was completely idiotic.
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I can just imagine a game where, instead of downscaling the situation with random characters, they do so with Chris or Jill. Have it to where some sort of outbreak or situation arises with Alex/Natalia in the character's hometown and the only weapon they have is their handgun/knife they keep in their truck. It would be like Tremors, only instead you have it to where they need to make it to Barry's house or a local gun shop to gain more firepower.

but the thing is, it's been done already. Chris started with just the knife in RE1, Jill was stuck in a whole city infected with an almost unstoppable BOW following her and they both survived. by the time of RE6, Chris can take on an outbreak with his pants alone. With how Capcom built up the original cast, it's kind of "unrealistic" that they will struggle with any outbreak.

the thing with Jake is, at least for me, I didn't like him not because he knows how to fight. his character was just not likable to me, and adding insult to injury, trying to make him the son of Albert Wesker, the legend.
It certainly feels that way, but in some ways I am thankful for this, because it is unrealistic to expect newcomers to the series to devour all of the dozens(?) or past Resident Evil games before being able to dive into the newer ones. It would be extremely off-putting for Capcom's prospective audience to have to somehow acquire all of the older games and outmoded consoles, too. I feel that Capcom had a plan in place for the PS1-PS2 era of Resi games, beginning with RE1 and due to its success extending the universe onwards through RE2 to Code Veronica, but RE4 was almost a soft reboot of sorts in order to make it a more palatable experience for newcomers - an experience which debuted some 9-10 years after the release of the PS1 original.

I think that Capcom have made good efforts to keep the later titles self-contained enough so as not to overwhelm newcomers, but also leave in enough past nods in order to remind fans that they are still -- hopefully -- enjoying a piece of the Resident Evil universe that they have become invested it. That's how I see it, anyway, even if a great many of the newer games aren't really my cup of tea.

Yeah, but there were easy workarounds to those things that they had in the games, but for some reason, they still decided to change everything and make up new lore. For instance, rather than having Leon explain that Umbrella is shut down and the President's daughter has been kidnapped, they could have used his narration as an opportunity to catch up everyone with the events of previous games. RE5 even had a bunch of files detailing the characters and the history of the series and even displayed a lot of this information during load screens. Honestly, that's all they really had to do.

but the thing is, it's been done already. Chris started with just the knife in RE1, Jill was stuck in a whole city infected with an almost unstoppable BOW following her and they both survived. by the time of RE6, Chris can take on an outbreak with his pants alone. With how Capcom built up the original cast, it's kind of "unrealistic" that they will struggle with any outbreak.

the thing with Jake is, at least for me, I didn't like him not because he knows how to fight. his character was just not likable to me, and adding insult to injury, trying to make him the son of Albert Wesker, the legend.

Just because they've survived things in the past, doesn't mean they're invincible characters. They're still vulnerable people and they can easily play that up by taking a more realistic approach to the series. The series went overboard with RE4 and onward, but they could easily tone it back down if they wanted to, and it wouldn't hurt the characters nor make them any less badass so long they do it right. After all, it's just a game. Who the hell cares if the gameplay goes against other stuff we've seen, especially if it's a good survival horror game or even has a balanced mix of action without compromising the horror. I doubt people are going to care that the characters aren't punching boulders and flipping through lasers if it's survival horror again. I'm sure they're willing to make the trade.

Ugh, among other things, I found Jake's fighting skills stupid. Just as bad as that stupid grandpa punching everything in RE7. We get it, he's Wesker's son, but why does he have abilities? He's still a human. It wasn't cool and it came off stupid. Especially when he's seeing infected people and toying with them while eating an apple with very little reaction because he's so "cool." Oh, and then there's the whole beating the crap out of the Ustanak. I seriously don't understand why more people don't hate this idiotic, forced, corporately created, ungrateful, ginger, lizard faced, broken condom bastard of a character.
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Ugh, among other things, I found Jake's fighting skills stupid. Just as bad as that stupid grandpa punching everything in RE7. We get it, he's Wesker's son, but why does he have abilities? He's still a human. It wasn't cool and it came off stupid. Especially when he's seeing infected people and toying with them while eating an apple with very little reaction because he's so "cool." Oh, and then there's the whole beating the crap out of the Ustanak. I seriously don't understand why more people don't hate this idiotic, forced, corporately created, ungrateful, ginger, lizard faced, broken condom bastard of a character.


It's late here so maybe I just can't recall any inhuman strength in terms of speed running or punching fists through enemies. All I can recall are special ops. moves and acrobatics, which maybe he gets his poll skills from his stripper mother? Why I think his mom was once a stripper- IDK. Perhaps because he will do anything for a dollar?

But I get the point that they really didn't need to over exaggerate his fighting style just because of his lineage. If you think about it though his skills/moves are no different than Leon's or even the exaggeration of Chris' strength. RE6 was just really over-the-top and, as with most of the concepts in the game, Jake was poorly executed on top of being random and only added in because they killed off Wesker. Despite this his character does bring something to the table for the series in terms of having interesting interactions between Chris, Alex, and maybe even Wesker himself- if they do decide to bring him back from the dead. That's more than I can say for Joe or anyone else in RE7. If Capcom were to take down the action and make the games more realistic then Jake could be more likeable and a worthy character addition for the series.
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Ugh, among other things, I found Jake's fighting skills stupid. Just as bad as that stupid grandpa punching everything in RE7. We get it, he's Wesker's son, but why does he have abilities? He's still a human. It wasn't cool and it came off stupid. Especially when he's seeing infected people and toying with them while eating an apple with very little reaction because he's so "cool." Oh, and then there's the whole beating the crap out of the Ustanak. I seriously don't understand why more people don't hate this idiotic, forced, corporately created, ungrateful, ginger, lizard faced, broken condom bastard of a character.

:surprised: All the other flaws would have been acceptable, but that one really takes it too far!

In all seriousness, though, I like Jake mainly because he's different from all the other heroes. If we look at Chris, Claire, Jill, Leon, and now even Sherry, as much as I love some of them, and despite their differing personalities, there's one thing they all have in common: They're selfless, kind, all-loving guardian angels hellbent on doing the right thing, no matter the personal cost. Jake brings a breath of fresh air into the mix because he's such an arrogant jerk who's only in for the money. I get what you say about his forced "coolness", but let's be honest, other characters such as Leon and Ada also do that too, even more so than Jake, and if they can get away with it, why can't he?

Of course, that doesn't change the fact that he's a complete ass pull. Wesker can't have had the antibodies to all the viruses that the C-virus is comprised of at the time Jake would have been conceived because some of them didn't even exist back then, and even if he did have them somehow, the C-virus itself is still a new virus that Wesker could never have been exposed to. Still, if we look past that as well, Jake couldn't have inherited his antibodies because those are passed down from the mother, not the father, and fighting skills aren't passed on at all. Add to that the sheer impossibility of the American government knowing about Jake's existence in the first place, because I doubt Wesker's one-night-stand with some stripper in Eastern Europe would be anywhere on record, and Jake's involvement in RE6 gets more and more ridiculous.

But at least his superior fighting skills fit into the game he appears in, whereas RE7 is supposed to be survival horror, not a Chuck Norris simulator.
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I do really love his “this place is a circus, ya got any popcorn?” line. Always makes me chuckle.

That’s actually right up there with Barry’s one liners for me.
:surprised: All the other flaws would have been acceptable, but that one really takes it too far!

LMAO! I should have known you'd have a bias for Jake. You're the goddess of the dead after all, and Jake has no soul, so he's practically dead. :razz:

In all seriousness, though, I like Jake mainly because he's different from all the other heroes. If we look at Chris, Claire, Jill, Leon, and now even Sherry, as much as I love some of them, and despite their differing personalities, there's one thing they all have in common: They're selfless, kind, all-loving guardian angels hellbent on doing the right thing, no matter the personal cost. Jake brings a breath of fresh air into the mix because he's such an arrogant jerk who's only in for the money. I get what you say about his forced "coolness", but let's be honest, other characters such as Leon and Ada also do that too, even more so than Jake, and if they can get away with it, why can't he?

Here's the thing for me though, as dumb as it was for Wesker to have a son, I could have gotten passed that had they not treated him like such an edgy cool guy badass with poor character development. Yeah, a character like Jake who isn't the ideal hero like Chris, Leon, and so on, is definitely interesting as it leaves room open for character growth and unique character dynamics. However, when the character is being shoved down our throats as this too cool for school Wesker-like hero despite his awful writing, I can't credit him with being a flawed but likable character.

It's hard to appreciate any aspect of the character when he's done the way he was. Being selfish, arrogant, and flawed aren't the reasons I dislike Jake. He could have been those things and worked out well as a character by the end of it, but the forced "badassery" and "coolness" as well as how much characters let him get away with acting stupid, completely detaches me from the character because the game might as well have had an arrow pointing at him with the text "isn't he so cool" written all over the screen.

You see, that's the difference between Leon being cool and Jake being cool. Leon earned his coolness in Resident Evil 2 because of the events that played out in Raccoon City. We didn't need the game to tell us he was cool, we decided that all on our own. We saw him go from nothing to something, that by the time we got to RE4, his coolness is deserved because he's now a veteran at this. Not to mention, when Leon is being cool, he doesn't ruin it by being whiny later in the game nor is he picking fights out of some forced rivalry and jealousy all while being wrong and deserving a humbling ass beating.

It's like, how am I supposed to care for this prick who's actively challenging Chris, when the whole time I'm just thinking, "kick his ass, Chris." But then the game does something worse. They make Chris a total pussy who never bites back despite having every reason to, just so it looks like there's a meaningful conflict between the two guys, even though in reality, it's clear one guy is just acting like a little bitch over nothing. Chris literally tells this dipsh*t that it's okay to kill him and that he's more important and we're supposed to be cool with this? Rather than making Jake accept his flaws and forgive Chris and look like a better man for it, he gets to go on with this childish resentment of Chris all while being shoved back into our face in the special ending as if Capcom is telling us he's the star now.

I honestly can't believe it.
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I can understand that and agree that Chris should have put up more of a fight with Jake. Jake was being an emotional bitch in that moment and, as a captain who has likely dealt with putting a great many cocky, testosterone driven punks in their place for training, Chris shouldn’t have seen Wesker’s son so differently. Especially in such a high stakes situating that called for them to come together. It’s why I wish they would have written it so that Chris and the BSAA were the ones on an escort mission for Jake that way you can see them butt heads with eathother and then forced to work with one another or save the other in RE6 or a future installment. But I know: shoulda, coulda, woulda.

I can see Chris’ reasons for ultimately wanting to try and make piece with a troubled guy like that too though... but Capcom missed the chance to really build it up and make us see truly why Chris forms this soft side and becomes so submissive to Jake’s antics...

Maybe it’s because he truly wanted to believe there was a soft side to Wesker at some point. :biggrin:
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After having my own thoughts, and seeing everyone else’s opinions all i can think is, Capcom have f##ked up. Badly. The story, the characters, everythings just gone to hell. Capcom just contradict themselves all the time. As many others have said in this post, Capcom call Chris and Jill superheroes, then have Joe go all clubber lang on molded, which is not only ridiculous in itself, but totally removes any tension or threat from the molded as enemies, which wasnt really there to begin with. I don’t know, i can’t say anything else that hasnt been said by everyone else at this point. It just sucks.