Resident Evil 7 What are your thoughts on RE7 so far?

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Jun 26, 2015
I personally have mixed feelings about this game. I don't know, I'm getting more of a Silent Hilly type vibe than I am of Resident Evil. Then again, this is a good step for Capcom going back to the series main roots.

What do you guys think? Yay or nay?
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I have mixed feelings too, i think the only thing getting me is that its first person and it dont look like any of the characters are in the game though thats not to say they wont be.

I did say in another thread though, it has to have connections to previous games and characters which the characters are pretty much what people love about the series. So im thinking it must do otherwise i dont think it would be called resident evil.
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So far so good. As I've been saying. This was too be expected and I'm not surprised in the slightest. It's been hinted before and I definitely feel like I'm 14 again playing Resident Evil for the first time. So it's a neat change in my opinion. I suspect Revelations 3 with continue the old style. We also have the Resident Evil 2 remake. So I couldn't be happier right now to have 3 ways to play.

There are defiantly some links. Looking at the pre-order bonus's. It looks like it'll have multiple different short stories for DLC. The game might be like that. Experimenting with different idea's like past numbered titles did.

I'm having an absolute mental blast and this blows PT out of the waters. Very fun game with so many different out comes and easter eggs. It just saddens me that I seem to be alone in this.
Will it have the classic RE vibe to it? Probably not, that vibe was lost years ago (although it was made up with the presence of the characters we love so much). Am I still hyped about it? Definitely.

I'm not the best at analyzing and criticising things. I just take what is served truth be told.

So yeah, definitely gonna get RE7 and definitely gonna enjoy it as well. First, I need to save up... so many games to get... rip my wallet.
Not good thoughts.
1st. First person perspective subtracts from experience- if enemies harm player, you won't see the damage (like leon's head getting chopped off ) just probably a red flash indicating damage- also fp perspective = no limpimg character, cod-esque damage indicator (like parts of the screen going red)probably,
and feels like if Doom or cod went 3rd person- a betrayal/not the same game series anymmore

2nd. Apparent lack of characters. This is a MAIN INSTALLMENT and NOT a spin off, why the lack of main characters as PLAYABLE MAIN characters and 3rd person. part of what made re games fun was finishing the game/or fulfilling some task that allowed costumes for the characters. furthermore it seems like they might sideline them to spin off games(ie revelations 1/2).

3rd. No resident evil vibe( lack of enemies, campiness, gun/weapon variety) makes it feel like a cheap knock-off of the silent hills p.t. which hopefully it is and the actual game is third person with horror AND action (like the All re games)
The game takes itself too seriously. - lack of: absurd minigames (like tofu), leon's ****ty jokes, interacting with stuff in the environment. also mercenaries.

4th.Too much change/imitation. It feels like it's imitating indie fp horror games like - Outlast, Amnesia, Penumbra. The one thing i hate from all of these games- cheap jumpscares which are cheap because of the first person perspective. Consider Nemesis who you think youve escaped from after loading a new area and he appears suddenly- that's a good jumpscare not let's shove an enemy into your face from nowhere. It's like what happened to the original re4 (or re 3.5/dmc) where it detracted too much from what resident evil was so it became a new game/ redone from scratch.

5th.Not feeling relevant to the main story. It doesn't feel like they'll explain new plot holes implemented by 6: the family, neo-umbrella, etc. The game also doesn't seem to want to continue character plots-ie ada's agenda, Jill after going albino, other rarely used characters(rebecca).

6th. Lack of action-the three things that make up a resident evil game- horror, puzzles, and action (don't deny, you have a rocket launcher in most games) it seems they took "survival horror" too far and got rid of the survival part. this looks plain horror, with minimal enemy variety and lack of activity.

7th. It's not the RE2 REmake.

good thoughts- It might just be a playable teaser and not the actual game.
Im more curious than anything. Im excited as hell tbh, i really want to see what the story of this game is about. The box art shows a blacked out little girl standing outside a house that looks an awful lot like Barrys house from revelations 2. We all know what happened to Natalia at the end of that game don't we. And as for the first person mode, im mixed. At first i was pi**ed, but after playing the teaser, it works pretty well. The game seems very atmospheric and it feels like a natural progression to me. Re1- RE0: Static camera angles with tank controls. RE4- RER2: Over the shoulder action style, RE7: First person horror. Im all for a new style. The only thing im a bit down about is the fact that so far, the game seems to totally ignore classic RE characters, but who knows at this point, it's only a teaser.
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I know that its too early to talk about this but i am thinking maybe this game will introduce a new type of virus. Something we've never seen in the previous games. And something tells me that its gonna have chapters or Tapes as what the title refers to them.
Okay, I've checked out the demo. It's not bad per se, but I just don't get that RE feeling out of it.

My main gripe is that it's FP. I hate it when modern horror games believe that the only way to be a good and scary horror game, you have to use first-person view. That's BS. Back then you could have a creepy game by using 3rd-person, but I guess horror games have changed drastically over the years as well as the definition of how a good horror game is supposed to be.
I'm intrigued. It's not what I expected, but it could still be pretty cool. Apparently the demo wasn't actually part of the main game. So I really want to see some of the main game. I'll keep an eye on it for sure.
I'm in love. I haven't been this excited since the reveal of Claire returning in Rev2 and that was just for the character and not the actual game. I'm excited to see how this goes its a pretty good start for Capcom.
I have really mixed feelings on this.

I appreciate the idea of horror back to RE but 1, it's first person and it looks too much like Outlast and while I get that it's a VR project and those are better in first person, it doesn't change how it doesn't scream RE to me, which brings me to 2, what about this is a bio hazard of any kind? Even RE4 had a biological reason for the enemies. This is just looks like crazy hobo/hillbillies doing f'ed up s*** in their cabin in the woods. Where's in this is the biological terror? It doesn't have to be a pharmaceutical but some kind of biohazard.

There is that photo of the umbrella helicopter so I have hope it's not going entirely off rails.
If Resident Evil had not popped up at the end of the trailer none of us would have even known it was a Resident Evil title, that in my opinion isn't a good thing.

There where ways for Resident Evil to REALLY go back to its roots without just becoming something completely different.

We could have kept the gameplay of Revelations 2 and actually refined it and added some new innovations to it, give it some true current gen graphics, and put more emphasis on horror over action.

We also could have gotten a new cast of chacters who are helpless and caught up within this horror and have to find a way to survive.

I feel that it was entirely possible for them to go back to the horror roots properly and still keep a large part of the fanbase onboard without going this route, I'm starting to lean more towards those fans who feel this may have been in part because of a deal with Sony for VR support which is why the game had to be centered on the First person gameplay.
I have a theory.

What if we got the whole RE going to its root in the wrong way. if you all remember RE1 took place in a mansion. Which is considered as a Residential building filled with Evil. Now from what we have seen from the trailer and the demo. The event takes place in a Cabin which is also a Residential building filled with Evil.

I know what some of you would say. The Japanese version is called Biohazard. So it should have some sort of a virus. which is true. But remember we don't really know anything about this game. and there is that strange message at the end. Its really intriguing.
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My thoughts of RE7 are mostly of confusion. While I appreciate the return to horror, I'm not entirely sold how the first person Outlast/Soma-esque gameplay just yet. I'll have to see more information and play the actual game to know how exactly I'll feel about it but right now I'm mildly suspicious since we've been burned before with RE6.
I know what some of you would say. The Japanese version is called Biohazard. So it should have some sort of a virus. which is true. But remember we don't really know anything about this game. and there is that strange message at the end. Its really intriguing.
But we do know that the full title is RE7: Biohazard. Kinda needs a biohazard now.
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I am extremely excited about this! 10xs more excited to see what we have seen instead of blown up buildings and enemies with machine guns! Said it before and I will say it again Capcom killed it with this teaser and it being revealed it has nothing to do with the main game has me yearning for even more info.
I'm cautiously optimistic. I really enjoyed the demo and it has atmosphere. While it didn't have the original RE feel it has a survival horror feel. It's a step in the right direction.
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