Revelations 2 The villain of Revelations 2

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Goddess of the Dead
Jul 29, 2012
There's a new article on RelyOnHorror discussing the villain of Revelations 2. Apparently, at the end of the demo, a female voice can be heard explaining the nature of the bracelets to Claire and Moira. I don't remember such a voice, but then again, it might have been there and I just didn't hear it thanks to the annoying Japanese commentator lady saying "Hai, hai, hai" all the time.

Anyway, according to a magazine mentioned in that article, this female villain is "one that hardcore fans will know", and now I think it's time for us to speculate who it might be. The members of RelyOnHorror have already begun doing so in the comments section, mentioning Annette Birkin, Alexia Ashford, Jessica Sherawat, Carla Radames and Rebecca Chambers as possible candidates.

Personally, I don't think it's any of those (although such a Face-Heel Turn from Rebecca would be interesting) because they're all too obvious. Of course I don't know how Capcom defines "hardcore fans", but I'd say it's fans who know everyone and everything in the RE universe. That's why I can't really imagine who it might be, given that there are hardly any female characters that only an expert could possibly know, unless Alex Wesker turns out to be a woman after all (which would be my guess if I had to decide right now), it's some other female Wesker child (which would retcon the fact that they're all supposed to be dead by now), or one of the other Burton women (Moira still has a sister and a mother after all).

Any ideas who it might be? Or who would you want it to be if you had a say in the matter?
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Who I think it might be: Either Jessica, though unlikely, as I believe it's been confirmed that Revelations 2 won't continue the story from the first Revelations. As you said, it could be Alex Wesker, which would be interesting. Moira's sister being evil could be a really good twist or incredibility poorly written.

What I think would be really interesting: Between 5 and this, Jill snaps due to the experiments Wesker did to her and becomes evil. She kidnaps Claire and Moira to get at her former friends, Chris and Barry. Of course, same could apply for Rebecca (minus the part involving the experimentation)
It's hard to say, really. Given the "hardcore" comment, though, I want to say that it's someone we've already seen before. I sorta want it to be Alfred up to his old cross dressing tricks again as he was an interesting character, something we'd never seen in Resident Evil before, but I doubt it.

To be honest, I think it's probably Moira's sister; they did say something about her involvement dealing with her family. We wouldn't really know her though since, until now, we've never seen Barry's kids - unless you include seeing their pictures in the Nemesis epilogue, which I don't.

Who knows? With Capcom it could be anyone.
It's hard to say who it could be, but I highly doubt it'll be any of the past protagonists. I've seen a lot of people saying they think it'll be Rebecca, but that just doesn't make sense to me. I suppose it could be cool to see her flip and become a villain, but it would be so out of left field...
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I'm in two minds as to whether or not I would like Alex Wesker to be the villain in Revelations 2. I kind of wonder if Alex Wesker would be a better potential villain for an entry in the main series, since he/she was mentioned in the DLC for a main game, and could therefore be a potential mainstay villain instead of using separate throwaway villains for the numbered games in the future. However, I feel that Capcom would probably make Alex Wesker too much of a copy of Wesker himself, and I feel that they could do more with the character of Alex Wesker. So maybe Alex would be better in Revelations 2 so she's not just there as a Wesker replacement.

Having said that, I do reckon that the female villain will be someone who hasn't actually made a physical appearance in a game. Since Capcom said hardcore fans would know them, that suggests to me that an obscure reference has been made to this person in one of the games, but nothing else - something that only hardcore fans would pick up on. Alex Wesker would definitely fit this bill, and as mentioned by others in this thread, Moira's sister would also make sense, as we've only heard the barest reference to her. Moira's sister would also tie into the whole Burton family tragedy that has been talked about by Capcom. Her's and Moira's reactions to this tragedy could have been totally different, so where Moira turns away from using firearms and joins TerraSave, Polly could have gone the other way and turned into a villain.

I can't really see it being Moira's mother, for the simple reason that if she were the villain, I feel that Barry would have more involvement in the game. So far we've not heard if he's in the game at all or not, but I would have thought that Capcom would have announced it if he did have a significant involvement to get fans excited about the game and wanting to buy it. Unless, of course, the Burton family tragedy is the death of Barry, which then turns his wife crazy and villainous... But I doubt Capcom would kill Barry off with their aversion to killing off main characters.

So yeah, for those reasons I think Polly would be my pick at the moment.
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I wish RE would focus more on the situation at hand, ie surviving. Not so much about villains, but about, virus outbreak, etc. Was much more fun just going through the game on your own not worrying about the villain trying to destroy the world or you.
It's been like that in almost every game though, Jackal

I'm not sure who it could be. Reading the candidates that Hel posted, I would like to see Alexia. I think that's a long shot though considering what happened to her in CV. But maybe they changed something in RE:DC?
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Albert Wesker told Chris that it might be possible to revive Steve. So maybe he was revived but because he was injected with the T-Veronica virus. It made him lose control of himself as a side effect.
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I'm not sure I get this last post. Black, are you suggesting that the T-Veronica virus might also have turned Steve into a woman and (s)he's the one behind all this, or are you replying to Agent Zero's post with a suggestion as to how Alexia (who carried the same virus) could have survived?

I just checked the link again to see if there are any new theories, and someone mentioned Christine Henry, the woman who apparently ordered Hunk to recover a sample of the G-virus. Frankly, I've never heard of this character, so maybe I'm not as much of a hardcore fan as I thought...
Ok WHY are people even leaning to the notion that Alex Wesker can be a woman?

He was referred to as a guy in LIN in spencer's diares.

Don't you guys know that?

Now on to who I think it could be, my bet is either Rachael Foley or Manuella from Darkside Chronicles.
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Changing the gender of a character who has never been seen and only mentioned one single time in a side game that wasn't even available to everyone (PC player speaking) would hardly be the most severe case of retcon Capcom has ever done. Besides, he wouldn't be RE's first male character to turn into a woman either (Alfred and Morpheus come to mind).
Changing the gender of a character who has never been seen and only mentioned one single time in a side game that wasn't even available to everyone (PC player speaking) would hardly be the most severe case of retcon Capcom has ever done. Besides, he wouldn't be RE's first male character to turn into a woman either (Alfred and Morpheus come to mind).

Actually it would be a serious retcon since even though his name appeared in only a side game it still established a VERY important sub plot to the Resident Evil verse with the Wesker Children project and how only he and Albert surrvived the prototype virus.

Does not matter one bit that it was a side game, what matters is that him being a surviving member of Project W is a very important thing in the RE verse and it would be foolish to think a retcon of his gender of all things would go unnoticed.

Your idea would really only work if we where talking about some random side character who did not bring much to the plot of the RE verse.

But Alex is the all that remains of the famed Project W and he also found the secret to immortality for Spencer that he kept for himself.
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I didn't say it would go unnoticed, I'm saying it wouldn't matter. If Capcom suddenly decided that Leon A / Claire B is the canon RE2 scenario, it would open a couple of serious plot holes because that way Sherry would never have gotten infected with the G-virus, leading to most of the things that happened to her after Raccoon City and in RE6 no longer making sense. That would be a severe retcon. But changing Alex's gender wouldn't have any consequences regarding his importance to the plot or the things he has accomplished, because we haven't met or even seen him yet, and so far he hasn't done anything a woman couldn't have done in his place. Also, the in-story sex change argument still stands.

As for why people came up with this idea in the first place, well, that's because apparently Alex's gender wasn't so obvious after all. My personal story is that, as a PC player, I never got the chance to play Lost in Nightmares myself, so I only came across the name of Alex Wesker while researching the game on the internet. I realised that every source I found seemed to avoid gender-specific pronouns when talking about Alex, and with Alex being a unisex name, I came to the conclusion that this character is never seen, only mentioned in documents that don't make it clear if it's a man or a woman. Further research revealed that I wasn't the only one confused by this, and apparently only the Japanese version actually refers to him as a "he" while the English one leaves it open (or the other way around, I don't remember), but even in that case, whether Alex is a male character or one whose gender has yet to be specified depends on which document is canon. I just always assumed they left it open on purpose to have the fans speculate (which clearly worked), and the version referring to him as a "he" was simply a translation error.

Anyway, that's my story. I can't speak for anyone else, but maybe this helps answering your original question.
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I'm not sure I get this last post. Black, are you suggesting that the T-Veronica virus might also have turned Steve into a woman and (s)he's the one behind all this, or are you replying to Agent Zero's post with a suggestion as to how Alexia (who carried the same virus) could have survived?

Neither. what i am suggesting is that maybe after Steve was revived the T-Veronica virus in him was revived too. So mutate Steve takes control of him.
As for why people came up with this idea in the first place, well, that's because apparently Alex's gender wasn't so obvious after all.

What wasn't so obvious about it?

He was STATED to be a guy by Spencer very clearly within the diary.

And the Japanese translation is the ORIGINAL, so it should ALWAYS been considered canon over a English translation that would most likely be the one in error due to it not being the original translation in the first place.

After all, the English translation was adapting the script from the original translation, doesn't matter if IT left the gender ambiguous, what matters is whether or not the original translation from the guys in charge did.
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What wasn't so obvious about it?

He was STATED to be a guy by Spencer very clearly within the diary.

And the Japanese translation is the ORIGINAL, so it should ALWAYS been considered canon over a English translation that would most likely be the one in error due to it not being the original translation in the first place.

After all, the English translation was adapting the script from the original translation, doesn't matter if IT left the gender ambiguous, what matters is whether or not the original translation from the guys in charge did.
The English translation did not specify gender, and while you're right, the Japanese edition is truly canonical, you also must see the point of view that as a PC gamer, @Hel has no idea what the journal entries said in the first place due to the lack of DLC, let alone that the Japanese version DID specify his gender. That's not exactly the most common knowledge in the RE universe.

As for me, I think it would be great if the villain was Jill...Wouldn't that be a series mind-f*ck? That said, they said only hardcore fans would recognize her...Jill is the most iconic female of the series. So I'm trying to think of all the most obscure females in the series. That chick from Dead Aim comes to mind...So does the little girl from Survivor, who would be all grown up at this point...
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Thanks Kennedy, that's what I meant.

As for Jill being the villain, when someone first came up with this idea, I quickly dismissed it because of the "hardcore fans" thing, but now I wonder: What if they mean the villain is someone we know well, but she's so different that only hardcore fans will be able to recognise her despite all that (for example because she's still wearing blue clothes and her signature cap), while casual gamers who didn't really pay attention to the characters might think it's someone entirely new?

It would be a nice twist in any case. I know it's not a popular opinion, but I always thought of Jill as a rather dull character with no memorable personality traits or other features, and ever since RE5 I've been wondering how being mind-raped by Wesker for three years has affected her. I mean, it must have affected her in some way, and I would be totally pi$$ed at Capcom if they decided to ignore this fine opportunity to have some serious character development. While I never considered she might be emotionally damaged enough to become evil (after all, she does seem fairly normal after Chris and Sheva free her from the controlling device), I would appreciate an unexpected turn of events like this.

But honestly, I don't think Capcom have the balls. If they can't even let a major character die (and it's probably safe to say that every recurring main character was supposed to be killed off at some point by now), they certainly won't turn them evil (at least not permanently) and "ruin" them for some fans. So much for Jill. Rebecca, on the other hand... She's not that much of an untouchable major character, is she?
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I'd be pretty sad to see Rebecca become a villain. If anything she's either with the BSAA or terrasave as a doctor/medical expert. Given as little background as we have on her however she could literally be anyone, including a villain.

With all of that said I listened to the female voice in game informer's video on revelations 2 and even if she's matured it sounded way too deep to be her. My money is on Annette because we didn't really see her die did we? A bunch of pipes fell on her. Ada took a fifth story fall and lived.... And then there's Wesker. I do find it rather peculiar gameinformer did update us on miss chambers status in the very same article they mentioned the villain. Maybe just maybe she's teaming up with Barry to bust Claire and Moira out of there. A girl can dream can't she? ;-)
I watched that Game Informer video too, and those gamers aren't very well informed, it seems (pun totally intended). The scenario where Annette is knocked unconscious by falling pipes (and where Ada falls from the bridge) isn't the canon one, and even there she doesn't die from that, but from some dubious cause a few minutes later (and even then she's still alive long enough for Sherry to find her so they can talk about what a terrible mother she was - that woman is a real determinator, isn't she?).

Her canon death is in the Claire A scenario is much more obvious: She's severely wounded by her mutated husband and leaves a rather large puddle of blood when she breathes her last. That doesn't mean she's dead for sure, given that William's claws might have infected her with the G-virus, a virus that has regenerating abilities.

I still don't want it to be Annette, though, for a few simple reasons:
1) Capcom shouldn't bring people back from the dead as long as there are still so many living characters whose stories aren't told yet.
2) Annette is apparently dead and her story is told.
3) It wouldn't make sense to continue it in a game that doesn't feature Sherry. Okay, so far we don't have any confirmation in regards to that, but Sherry doesn't really have a reason to be there, or else she and Moira might get into a catfight about Claire's attention.

As for Rebecca, I'd be glad to see her again after all those years no matter what exactly she's up to, so if she teams up with Barry to save Claire and Moira (which seems unlikely since she has nothing to do with the families of Chris and Barry, but... stranger things have happened), it would be great. I think Capcom even said at some point that there would be several characters from past games anyway, just not Chris and Jill (which reminds me that Jill can't be the villain... I totally forgot about that).
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