Final Fantasy

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yeah Lightning Returns is really a whole new game, doesnt feel like the previous ones. Square deliberately anted to make this game as different as possible so it wont feel like a rehash and will feel fresh and attract people who perhaps didnt like the style of the first two games very much.

I completed the demo yesterday and its really really interesting. Yes I can confirm there is no healing magic, you heal up with items only. To make it even more difficult, every item takes a slot in your item menu (so if you have 5 X-potions they will take up 5 slots, not one slot) and you have only a limited amount of slots (6 in the demo) though I am more than sure that the amount of slots can be increased with accesories and such. Also unlike in the previous games, Lightning is not healed after battle.

Lightning can now jump at any time by pressing the O button and if you attack an enemy (with R1) before they attack you, the enemy will start the battle with less HP (in most cases 25 % less HP). She can also climb ladders and jump on platforms, giving it a very action adventure feel.

Customizing the schematas is a lot of fun. the costumes available in the demo are Black Mage, Red Mage, Dark Muse (magical warrior), Equilibrium (warrior), Dragoon and Heartstealer (the Locke-inspired costume, Thief and making Lightning very quick and agile. Sort of a Tidus/Zidane mash up).

I chose Equilibrium, Dragoon and Black Mage for my setup. Every outfit has around 5-6 parts that can be customized and you can create up to 3 different custom versions for each outfit.

There is also a great emphasis on social media in the game. You can take screenshots at any time and manipulate the camera to your liking before you take the shot, then you can upload it at facebook and twitter. You can also upload messages and even items. people who have posted messages and uploaded items do appear as NPCs in the game (with their name in blue) and you can buy the item from them and see their messages by interacting with them. After you beat a boss you can upload a screenshot of your battle ranking and high score as well.

There is a boss in the demo, a dragon called Zaltys. After you beat him the demo will either end when your ingame clock reaches 6 AM or when you go through the final door.

The new battle system is fun but definitely takes some getting used to. At first I tried to handle it like the paradigm system but that doesnt really work. You have to constantly switch between the schematas (after every 2 or 3 attacks would be most efficient), you have to pay attention to your HP gauge, the ATB gauge and the enemies attacks (to react soon enough by blocking, evading or countering). You also have to analyze enemies and find their weak spots and hitting them at their weak spots will greatly increase your chance of staggering the enemy. You can also use an ability called Overclock which is activated by pressing R2. once activated time slows down for a limited amount of time and you can unleash many attacks without the enemy doing anything before time has almost stopped for him. Its similar to what you could do in some of the God of War games. This is of course most efficient after staggering an enemy but overclock also consumes rare and valuable EP.

Gameplay is enormously fast and dynamic and if you dont pay attention you can easily loose control of the fight. It took me a while until I got decent at the right timing of switching schematas and using the different locked abilities because you have to do it so fast. generally it seems that Triangle and O unleash the most powerful attacks, with X being quicker and lighter attacks and square being a defensive action like guarding or evading (depending on the schemata). It will be quite challenging to fully master this new system to be able to take on some of the really big opponents (And the trailer at the end of the demo really showed some of those bigger opponents)

The trailer at the end of the demo also briefly showed Lightning in the Cloud costume and after she won a fight she was imitating Clouds victory pose and you could actually hear the original victory fanfare sound from FF VII ! that was awesome :)

the game looks really really awesome. magic animations and effects are WAY bigger then in the previous games and really spectacular. animations are really great too. Lightnings fighting style is also much more agile and badass. The demo shows some CG cinematics of Lightning and Snow battling each other as well as a group of emerging monsters and it looks as awesome as the action in Advent Children. Really epic stuff. definitely on par with the cinematics in XIII.

As for the FF XIII mythology:

No what I am about to tell you now wont spoiler any events of the games. the mythology of FF XIII (The Fabula Nova Crystalis mythology) instead forms the background of the FF XIII universe, its events taking place hundreds of years before the events of the games. Its a bit like the Jenova/Cetra stuff in VII actually.

The universe of XIII consists of two different realms - the mortal world and the Unseen World (basically the afterlife), called Valhalla. Hundreds of years ago the God Bhunivelze (referred to as "God" in LR and the main antagonist of the game as well) killed his mother, the goddess Mwynn who created the worlds (the characters sometimes refer to her when they say "By the goddess"). Mwynn vanished into Valhalla and subsequently Bhunivelze believed that mortality was a curse left behind by his mother on his world and so in order to find the gate to Valhalla he created two divine beings named Pulse and Etro. Pulse terraformed the mortal world (into the world known as "Grand Pulse") in order to reveal the location of the gate to Valhalla.

Bhunivelze discarded Etro, who had been created in the image of his mother and hadnt been given any powers and instead created the third divine being known as Lindzei, who is charged with the protection of Bhunivelze. Bhunivelze then enters a long sleep, protected by Lindzei until they would find the gate to Valhalla. Pulse and Lindzei carry on their mission to form the mortal world and find the gate and they create the first Fal Cie to aid them.

Meanwhile Etro, who is without powers or purpose and has been ignored and neglected falls into despair and kills herself in a final desperate attempt to get her creators attention. After dying she enters Valhalla, where she finds Bhunivelzes mother Mwynn. Mwynn is being consumed by a powerful dark energy known as Chaos, which is killing her. (In FF XIII-2 it is shown that Valhalla is surrounded by an ocean of Chaos) before she dies she embues Etro with divine power and the purpose to maintain the balance between the mortal world and Valhalla, making sure that none of the other Gods will ever find the Unseen Realm.

Etro uses her power to control the Chaos and to keep it at bay while on the mortal world Lindzei uses Etros mortal blood to create the race of humans (to serve and worship the Gods and to use them for their purpose to find the gate to Valhalla). Knowing that humans are mortal thanks to her once mortal blood and will inevitably die, she (Etro) instills a small part of chaos in every human, giving them something precious that even the Gods dont have - a soul-spirit, so they can be individual beings.

Civilization on Gran Pulse flourishes over the centuries. Etro turns Valhalla into the realm of the dead and guides the souls of deceased humans into Valhalla to be at peace. As a result Etro is subsequently worshipped as the Goddess of Death, while the people of Pulse either worship or fear the other two deities. After centuries Pulse and Lindzei eventually leave the Fal Cie in charge and leave the world (knowing there is no way to enter Valhalla as long as Etro rules it) until Bhunivelze wakes up again and Etro will be defeated (This plays a very important part in the stories of XIII-2 and LR). The "Maker" that Barthendelus refers to in FF XIII (the one he wants to summon back) is most likely Pulse.

The Fal Cie eventually use manipulation and fear to keep the humans in line and divide the human race , building Cocoon and make the inhabitants of Cocoon believe that Pulse is tainted and cursed and full of evil and only by following and believing into the Cocoon Fal Cie, they can be protected from the evils of Pulse. While on Pulse the people believe that Cocoon is the evil that threatens their way of life. Around this time Fal Cie start using humans as L´Cie and eventually during a war between Pulse and Cocoon (The War of Transgression), which leaves most of Pulse in ruins and devastated, the woman known as Fang transforms into Ragnarok to smash Cocoon (as had been planned by Barthendelus who instigated the entire war so Ragnarok would come about and destroy Cocoon, summoning back Pulse and/or Lindzei). But since Fang failed and Cocoon was only severely damaged but not destroyed, the Fal Cie put her and Vanille into crystal sleep but brought them both back hundreds of years later to use them to trigger the events that would eventually result in Serah and Dajh becoming Lcie and subsequently in Lightning, Snow, Hope and Sazh becoming Lcie as well to accomplish the task that Barthendelus had intended Fang to complete hundreds of years earlier - the destruction of Cocoon.

And so the Final Fantasy XIII saga begins.

Personally I really love this mythology. It greatly reminds me on the mythology of FF VII in a way and how the knowledge of that mythology incredibly deepens and intensifies the experience of the story, when you see all those connections and mythological threads coming together with the story. people complained about the story of FF XIII as not being deep enough but thats only cause these people never really bothered to get into the whole mythology of it. In fact I think this is one of the best FF stories ever done.
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Nice. I'm very impressed with all the new changes and features added. They really went above and beyond this time to make it feel new. Not much more I can say.

Check this out.

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yeah I already saw that yesterday^^ Its a fun little idea for the veteran fans of the 2D sprites era^^

The cool thing about Lightning Returns is also that you have an entirely new world, everything is new. you got many new enemy types as well. Combined with the new gameplay this really makes Lightning Returns a completely new and different game of its own with only characters and the universe taken from the previous games. Thats also why they didnt call it XIII-3, because its so different from the first two.
I dont know why everyone condemns this. I love that image. Come on, its sexy and fun. The whole idea behind these different costumes is to make it fun. people complain that its not really Lightning-like etc. But thats the whole point. Its kinda like Halloween where you dress up and get to be something you usually arent. And she looks damn sexy in that outfit. That outfit is based on a race in FF XIV by the way, just like she has also costumes from characters from VII and X. I dont get why everyone is reacting so allergic to this like its such a bad thing for Lightning to show a more fun, sexy and feminine side. people already went nuts just because her default outfit showed a lot of skin on the sides. So what? She is a damn fine looking woman, why should she hide that? Are the majority of gamers really that close-minded and stuck up when it comes to a womans sexuality? She looks great and any woman who has the goods should never be ashamed of them or hide them. Everytime a character in Final Fantasy shows a bit more of a free and sexy side, people act like thats an ungodly thing like we´re still in the 50s or something. Only to lust over some fanart of them on some hentai websites in the next moment. there is double standard for ya. I noticed the same thing in comics or fantasy/scifi movies. women are continuously attacked by critics and so-called feminists if they present themselves as sexy and show skin and curves. And at the same time the feminists demand that women should be allowed to have more sexual freedom and shouldnt be so sexually repressed. This double standard is really getting on my nerves. Whats so terrible about a woman (especially one that isnt even real!) that isnt afraid to show that she is sexy. And why do most male gamers act like this offends them but secretely will always prefer to play as sexy women in games ? I like looking at gorgeous and sexy women and I like it when they show it. I´m a man and I enjoy that stuff and I dont think I need to feel bad about that when it comes to fictional things like movies, comics or games. So sick of the "oooooh look Lightning looks sexy and seductive, this is so mysogynistic and inappropriate" Right because its totally appropriate for Sephiroth to wear no shirt in the final battle in FF VII while its absolutely inappropriate for any female character to show her goods. Its not like she is nude. No wonder that the cliche of the sexually repressed gamer exists.
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I dont know why everyone condemns this. I love that image. Come on, its sexy and fun. The whole idea behind these different costumes is to make it fun. people complain that its not really Lightning-like etc. But thats the whole point. Its kinda like Halloween where you dress up and get to be something you usually arent. And she looks damn sexy in that outfit. That outfit is based on a race in FF XIV by the way, just like she has also costumes from characters from VII and X. I dont get why everyone is reacting so allergic to this like its such a bad thing for Lightning to show a more fun, sexy and feminine side. people already went nuts just because her default outfit showed a lot of skin on the sides. So what? She is a damn fine looking woman, why should she hide that? Are the majority of gamers really that close-minded and stuck up when it comes to a womans sexuality? She looks great and any woman who has the goods should never be ashamed of them or hide them. Everytime a character in Final Fantasy shows a bit more of a free and sexy side, people act like thats an ungodly thing like we´re still in the 50s or something. Only to lust over some fanart of them on some hentai websites in the next moment. there is double standard for ya. I noticed the same thing in comics or fantasy/scifi movies. women are continuously attacked by critics and so-called feminists if they present themselves as sexy and show skin and curves. And at the same time the feminists demand that women should be allowed to have more sexual freedom and shouldnt be so sexually repressed. This double standard is really getting on my nerves. Whats so terrible about a woman (especially one that isnt even real!) that isnt afraid to show that she is sexy. And why do most male gamers act like this offends them but secretely will always prefer to play as sexy women in games ? I like looking at gorgeous and sexy women and I like it when they show it. I´m a man and I enjoy that stuff and I dont think I need to feel bad about that when it comes to fictional things like movies, comics or games. So sick of the "oooooh look Lightning looks sexy and seductive, this is so mysogynistic and inappropriate" Right because its totally appropriate for Sephiroth to wear no shirt in the final battle in FF VII while its absolutely inappropriate for any female character to show her goods. Its not like she is nude. No wonder that the cliche of the sexually repressed gamer exists.
Chill out man. I know the race its from and I never meant it was a bad thing. No one here said anything about or acted on what you're ranting. I'm not one of those people either. Is it out of place for her? Maybe to some. Is it bad? No. I agree with what you said. When it comes to characters in video games people do tend to forget its just that, a game. The creator has the right to portray their characters anyway they like. People that do complain about sexism in games are the close minded ones that aren't comfortable with their own self. Lets just leave it at that. I don't want this thread to turn into some big sexiest debate.
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It wasnt specifically targeted at you but really at anybody who condemns writers, artists and developers for creating female characters who are not afraid to show their sexy and feminine side. I have encountered this many times over and the way you reacted to that image made it greatly seem like you accused the developers of being too sexist or fanservice-ey and I am really annoyed with that kind of close-minded, stuck up moral double standard that so many critics and fans express in response to images like this. If that doesnt apply to you then I apologize but you definitely made it look like it would. It definitely seemed like you were being annoyed or making fun of Square for making Lightning too sexualized in that outfit.

One of the many reasons that I LOVE XNALara...:lol: (unless Neko Lightning is an actual costume and not just a meshmod for that program).

I've been playing the 'Lightning Returns' demo to death... which I've pre-ordered today (along with X/X-2 HD. Although, I'm a bit disappointed that it (X/X-2HD) isn't coming out for the 360).

This thread has been pretty useful. I wanted to get one of the older games (1-6), and I've think I've found my answer. Thankies :grin:
It wasnt specifically targeted at you but really at anybody who condemns writers, artists and developers for creating female characters who are not afraid to show their sexy and feminine side. I have encountered this many times over and the way you reacted to that image made it greatly seem like you accused the developers of being too sexist or fanservice-ey and I am really annoyed with that kind of close-minded, stuck up moral double standard that so many critics and fans express in response to images like this. If that doesnt apply to you then I apologize but you definitely made it look like it would. It definitely seemed like you were being annoyed or making fun of Square for making Lightning too sexualized in that outfit.
You didn't have to go off though. Nothing was said that called for it. I wasn't annoyed or making fun of Square. I just don't know what they were thinking with some costume ideas. These on the other hand look good.


One of the many reasons that I LOVE XNALara...:lol: (unless Neko Lightning is an actual costume and not just a meshmod for that program).

I've been playing the 'Lightning Returns' demo to death... which I've pre-ordered today (along with X/X-2 HD. Although, I'm a bit disappointed that it (X/X-2HD) isn't coming out for the 360).

This thread has been pretty useful. I wanted to get one of the older games (1-6), and I've think I've found my answer. Thankies :grin:
Yeah, that's a real costume and if I helped you decide on one you're welcome.
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The Dragoon one is very cool. You can also use it in the demo, its one of my favorites. reminds me of the classic dragoons such as Kain, Cid or Freya. Fang could also be seen as one. But we havent seen many traditional Dragoons in recent FF games.
Oh cool. Miss Lightning Croft :)
But where is Lara's so-called trademark bow? (which she only got in the new TR game lol).

Looks like we're gonna get an awesome world to explore in this game.
I guess she's not a fan of bows and took the sword/shield instead. Yup we will. Lightning Returns: Costume Edition gonna be great.
first of all, there did used to be a final fantasy thread started by myself, however many moons ago when a huge change over happened a lot was lost, including that :(
FF is in my top 3 favourite gaming franchises of all time.

oddly enough i started with 9, and have since then played through 4-14 a realm reborn.
i remember gettting 9, as it was my debut into RPG's, at first i was confused with the turn based combat, and wasn't that impressed, but then i thought, well i should really give this a change, and thus my life was changed.
i played for about 12 hours straight, engulfed in the story, i suddenly fell in love with the combat, the characters, the setting, the music, well there wasn't anything i didn't like.
after that i grabbed 7 and 8 and repeated the above. friday after school, when i was however young, i played from about 4pm until gone midnight. then all of the next day. i couldn't believe these games were taking up so much of my time, but i couldn't get off them.
after i got 10 and 10-2 i then started to play around with emulators and found 4,5 and 6. so the order i've played these games is massively mixed up, but since they aren't sequals it doesn't matter a whole heap.
10-2 was a massive let down to the true fan boy, but as a stand alone game it survived, i found it to be a bit too cheesy in a lot of parts but the message was there.
never played 11, and moved onto 12.
with 12 it seems to get a lot of negative press, however i really liked it, i can't say why, i don't even know why, but i did. i still haven't completed it to this day, but i know i one day will when i get around to it.

13 and 13-2 were average at best, they went for a new-ish direction and it worked for some and not for others, i'm still on the fence about these two. in my eyes they are easily forgetable and don't have the same place in my heart games like 7-9 did.
i've just got myself into ff14 a realm reborn and am fascinated with the onlinne concept, i haven't much to say about this one as i have literally just got into it.i've only played for a bout 3 hours and all that was spent exploring.

i've just downloaded lightening returns, haven't touched it yet, will do later this week and give my verdict on it.
It looks like you´ll get the Yuna costume in Lightning Returns for free if you buy the FF X/X-2 Remaster. I hope they will release the Cloud and Aerith costumes as DLC as soon as possible as well (I wont get the collectors edition and I dont have the money this month to pre-order).

The reception of Lightning Returns seems to be all over the place. Some magazines and websites praise it, others gave it a pretty disappointing score. I am still waiting for my favorite PS3 magazine to release their review online. based on their review I will make my decision to get the game next month or wait until it price drops.
I really can't wait for FF X/X-2 remaster to come out. I've been waiting so long for it. Most of my favourite games have remastered/remade now (Tomb Raider Anniversary, REmake, Ico/Shadow of the Colossus, Jak & Daxter Trilogy, Ratchet & Clank Trilogy, Prince of Persia Trilogy & now Final Fantasy X/X-2) :)

As for Lightning Returns, I'm actually more excited about it now after watching some of the recent trailers/gameplay and I'll definitely be getting it no matter what kind of reviews it gets.
I really can't wait for FF X/X-2 remaster to come out. I've been waiting so long for it. Most of my favourite games have remastered/remade now (Tomb Raider Anniversary, REmake, Ico/Shadow of the Colossus, Jak & Daxter Trilogy, Ratchet & Clank Trilogy, Prince of Persia Trilogy & now Final Fantasy X/X-2) :)

You didnt include RE 4 and Code Veronica on that list? They have been remastered too. Not to mention the awesome RE Revelations. Oh and add the God of War games to that list as well ;) Best action games of all time.

I am also waiting EAGERLY for FF X/X-2. FF X is my most favorite game of all time, no game has ever affected me emotionally this much (nor ever again after that) and to me that game is perfection in almost every way. Back in the day when it came out I was playing it straight for 30 hours and virtually did everything you could ever do in this game. I investet hundreds and hudnreds of hours into that game. That game is my bible and holy grail of gaming, man.

Unfortunately I only have a PS3 and didnt have a PS2 in years which meant I wasnt able to play FF X for years. And I have been wishing for a HD remaster of FF X for PS3 for many years. When they finally announced it , it was like Square had heard my prayers. So i think this gives you an idea how much I am waiting for that Remaster. The game will be even better than ever before. We get all the content that up until now was Japan-exclusive, I´ll finally get to play the game in its original gaming speed and image resolution (The PAL version was heavily compressed with severe speed reduction back in the PS2 version) with completely reworked graphics, new modern interface, newly arranged music plus trophy support (I will not rest until I platinum both of them) and a bonus audio drama which continues the story after X-2 and sets up a FF X-3.

Yeah no doubt, this is already the game release of the decade for me. I am literally counting the days. With FF X/X-2 HD I wont even have to think twice. I am getting this immediately on March 28th (Its out on March 21st but I wont have the money for it before the 28th).

As for Lightning Returns, I'm actually more excited about it now after watching some of the recent trailers/gameplay and I'll definitely be getting it no matter what kind of reviews it gets.

I never said I wont get it. Of course I will. I buy every new home console FF game and of course I wanna experience the finale of Lightnings saga. I am one of those who actually really liked FF XIII. As I said before on this thread, despite its flaws and shortcomings I think that the design, mythology, and battle system of FF XIII are really great, Lightning is definitely one of my most favorite FF characters ever and FF XIII has some of the best and most epic moments in the series history (Siege of Eden, Final battle and Ending). And while XIII-2 had some serious missteps with story, characters (especially replacing Lightning as main char was a big bad no no)and music it also had some pretty great stuff in it like an awesome villain, a truly kickass cliffhanger ending and a much improved gameplay.

And after playing the demo I feel that Lightning Returns will be an interesting and quite challenging game. It looks absolutely gorgeous and brings Lightning back as main character and I really like that costume/role switching gameplay and the almost real time action-esque battles. It feels definitely very fresh and very different and will take some serious effort to master. But several reviews heavily criticised the overall story (like on XIII-2 and sadly those complaints were more than justified) and the limited time approach of the game.

I will definitely get this game and I am looking forward to seeing the finale of Lights story but I am still on the fence wether or not I am willing to pay full price for it. And so far my favorite gaming magazine has always been spot on with their reviews. They are very open and fair but dont sugarcoat things and I have almost always agreed completely with their assessments. So if they give the game a review thats as good as XIII and XIII-2 then I´ll dont give a damn about other reviews and buy it next month but if its significantly below their score and review for the two previous games then its too much of a risk for me and I´ll wait until the game is available at half price.
You didnt include RE 4 and Code Veronica on that list? They have been remastered too. Not to mention the awesome RE Revelations. Oh and add the God of War games to that list as well ;) Best action games of all time.

I am also waiting EAGERLY for FF X/X-2. FF X is my most favorite game of all time, no game has ever affected me emotionally this much (nor ever again after that) and to me that game is perfection in almost every way. Back in the day when it came out I was playing it straight for 30 hours and virtually did everything you could ever do in this game. I investet hundreds and hudnreds of hours into that game. That game is my bible and holy grail of gaming, man.

Unfortunately I only have a PS3 and didnt have a PS2 in years which meant I wasnt able to play FF X for years. And I have been wishing for a HD remaster of FF X for PS3 for many years. When they finally announced it , it was like Square had heard my prayers. So i think this gives you an idea how much I am waiting for that Remaster. The game will be even better than ever before. We get all the content that up until now was Japan-exclusive, I´ll finally get to play the game in its original gaming speed and image resolution (The PAL version was heavily compressed with severe speed reduction back in the PS2 version) with completely reworked graphics, new modern interface, newly arranged music plus trophy support (I will not rest until I platinum both of them) and a bonus audio drama which continues the story after X-2 and sets up a FF X-3.

Yeah no doubt, this is already the game release of the decade for me. I am literally counting the days. With FF X/X-2 HD I wont even have to think twice. I am getting this immediately on March 28th (Its out on March 21st but I wont have the money for it before the 28th).

I never said I wont get it. Of course I will. I buy every new home console FF game and of course I wanna experience the finale of Lightnings saga. I am one of those who actually really liked FF XIII. As I said before on this thread, despite its flaws and shortcomings I think that the design, mythology, and battle system of FF XIII are really great, Lightning is definitely one of my most favorite FF characters ever and FF XIII has some of the best and most epic moments in the series history (Siege of Eden, Final battle and Ending). And while XIII-2 had some serious missteps with story, characters (especially replacing Lightning as main char was a big bad no no)and music it also had some pretty great stuff in it like an awesome villain, a truly kickass cliffhanger ending and a much improved gameplay.

And after playing the demo I feel that Lightning Returns will be an interesting and quite challenging game. It looks absolutely gorgeous and brings Lightning back as main character and I really like that costume/role switching gameplay and the almost real time action-esque battles. It feels definitely very fresh and very different and will take some serious effort to master. But several reviews heavily criticised the overall story (like on XIII-2 and sadly those complaints were more than justified) and the limited time approach of the game.

I will definitely get this game and I am looking forward to seeing the finale of Lights story but I am still on the fence wether or not I am willing to pay full price for it. And so far my favorite gaming magazine has always been spot on with their reviews. They are very open and fair but dont sugarcoat things and I have almost always agreed completely with their assessments. So if they give the game a review thats as good as XIII and XIII-2 then I´ll dont give a damn about other reviews and buy it next month but if its significantly below their score and review for the two previous games then its too much of a risk for me and I´ll wait until the game is available at half price.

i've got my FFX|X2 on pre order. I happen to start work at 3.30pm so i'll be going into town in the morning of the 21st to pick it up, followed by a few hours play, work and a few more hours into saturday morning.
I'm dead excited for it, 10 isn't my favourite, can't beat 9, but it's still a really deep story and i can't wait to take on sin again.

as for FFX-3, i can't honestly see this happening, i think the audi drama released is just a tease, or even a hoax, or better yet a publicity stunt in order to get peoples attention for the release of FFX|X2 remaster. If that is the case, then well done square enix, if not then i can only imagine what 10-3 will be like. Isn't there a rumour at the moment, 10-2 was a bad dream, and 10-3 could be a direct sequal? talk about flip flopping the timeline lol.