Resident Evil & The Sims

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Goddess of the Dead
Jul 29, 2012
I've been a fan of The Sims for ages. Apart from Tomb Raider and Resident Evil, it's one of the few games I never seem to grow tired of. I started with Sims 1 and now I'm playing Sims 2. The third one doesn't really appeal to me.
Anyway, last weekend I created a new RE family, and it wasn't the first time. Can anyone guess who this is?

Now I'm curious if anyone else ever does that too. I mean, create Sim households full of RE characters. What characters do you usually create, what are their hobbies, jobs and relationships to each other, and what aspirations / personality traits / life states / other features do you choose for them? It doesn't matter which of the Sims games you use, just share your RE Sim stories of whatever kind in this thread. :)
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I've been thinking about doing that. I'm getting some Sims 3 expansions toward the end of this month. I'll make a household with some RE characters then.

I don't have it anymore, but I once made Leon, Claire, Chris and Jill on the Sims console version.
Oh, you're not alone! I suck at that too.
I even think I'm a little bit face blind. Although I can distinguish between faces, I could never tell why they look different. Sometimes, when I make a sim in the Body Shop on the basis of a picture of the character, I notice a difference, but don't know if it's the nose, the eyes, the chin, or just everything, unless it's blatantly obvious. Fortunately we can create our own clothes to dress the sim and help others and ourselves identify the character, like in this case:

(Although I think I actually downloaded this outfit from MTS, but I'm not sure.)

I've been thinking about doing that. I'm getting some Sims 3 expansions toward the end of this month. I'll make a household with some RE characters then.

Cool! I'm waiting for your update. :)
This is awesome, I never thought of doing this. Once I played The Sims and I made a replica of my house, hehe. :)
Also, I love Tomb Raider too :D
Try it, Father! The possibilities are endless.
I once had Chris, Claire, Leon, Jill, Wesker, Ada, Barry and Rebecca all live together in a replica of RE1's guard house, it was hilarious! Chris and Jill were married, but he cheated on her with Wesker (who was a vampire) while she cheated on him with Barry (who was a plant sim). Claire and Ada were witches with opposite alignments who were constantly fighting over Leon. Then Steve, Sherry, Sheva and Carlos moved in and suddenly I had twelve sims to take care of...
I eventually stopped playing with this household because it became too exhausting, but it was always fun. Last week I created a new RE family with only Chris, Claire, Piers and his brother Phil, but Claire and Phil have two children by now, Chris adopted one and Piers (a wizard) has a spectral cat, so it's eight sims again...
I love The Sims. I remember making Ada at one point, but I can't remember who else I made--off-hand. I just remember making mostly all-gay families.
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I don't have the Sims on my computer anymore (it'd always crash every couple years and I got tired of having to start over - especially after like, a gazillion generations) but I remember downloading some RE Sims off the old Sims 2 exchange and they were AMAZING.

I had William Birkin, Dr Kirk from Dino Crisis and Wesker grow up in the same house and were like, best buds. Birkin married some random Sim I think and did some WooHoo! and had Sherry. He became a Mad Scientist (naturally). Wesker WooHoo!'d like, everything in the neighbourhood - he was such a manwhore (making babies EVERYWHERE) & I think he was a Criminal Mastermind eventually too. Leon and Regina from DC were actually siblings and both became whatever is at the top of the law enforcement career (but Regina went into intelligence later and became a neutral witch and she had her own business too - she owned an IKEA, a 50s' diner, and a flower shop). Leon WooHoo!'d Ada and had a bunch of kids, Regina WooHoo!'d Dr Kirk and their son married Jareth and Sarah's daughter - which was funny/creepy because I used the same downloaded Sim (of Jennifer Connelly) for both Regina and Sarah.

And yes, Bill Clinton was mayor and Elvis was still alive and he was the richest ****er in town and Michael Jackson was alive too and he was still WooHoo!ing Lisa Marie Presley.

And then everything went bye-bye because my computer crashed.
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I just remember making mostly all-gay families.

Ha ha! You and I have something in common there. :p But honestly, you can't have straight couples without the fear that the house will be overcrowded in no time, unless you never let them have sex.

In every guide out there it says that even if you "Try for a baby", there's a small chance it won't work. And if you "Woohoo" just for fun, there's a small chance that the female sim still gets pregnant. Just like in real life. But Claire Redfield seems to be a different case: Out of four times she and her husband woohoo'd just for fun, she got pregnant twice. So, if my Claire ever wants to have sex again, she must follow her brother's example and start taking interest in sims of her own sex.

Wesker WooHoo!'d like, everything in the neighbourhood - he was such a manwhore (making babies EVERYWHERE) & I think he was a Criminal Mastermind eventually too.

I can totally imagine that! There have to be some Wesker children around, right? I tend to let him become a criminal mastermind too (what else?), which was especially funny in my old RE family because Chris was Captain Hero (the highest rank in the law enforcement career), yet they still had an affair. Romeo and Julian FTW!

Sorry to hear that your computer crashed. Maybe you shouldn't overload it with so much porn next time... :P :D
I think I'd have far too much fun with this... Daylight would never see me again as I'd make Rebecca a creepy sadistic little pimp and Jill would go between Chris, Carlos, and Rebecca. The things I'd do with Billy... Oh geez. Yep, Sims is not the place for a mind like mine! Helena would totally be Rebecca's body guard while she did illegal things.

I'd make Claire the neighborhood pedo too... Chasing Sherry down who soon, would have to put a restraining order on Claire. Leon would have to be the hairdresser married to Hunnigan the lawyer. Wesker would have another Wesker to go out with, and Barry would own a deli. Is all of this possible in Sims? You probably don't want to answer that question... because if it is... I'm sooo going to make a f*cked up RE neighborhood! XD
Oh, no... I just thought making all-gay husbands was hot. Made 'em all Woohoo 'til the morning sun. :oops:

There are some very interesting sex hacks that allow you to choose the positions and actually see everything... But you probably know them already. :P

Is all of this possible in Sims? You probably don't want to answer that question... because if it is... I'm sooo going to make a f*cked up RE neighborhood! XD

Sorry, but no. :( Sims can't be sadistic (at least not in the way you would like it), illegal things aren't possible either (unless you have a shady job), children can't have romantic or sexual relationships (not even with Claire) and teenagers can only have them with other teenagers (but I found a hack to fix that), there aren't any hairdressers (at least not as a career; however, there is a way to have one sim change another sim's hairstyle), and what is a deli? (Sims can have their own businesses, though.)
There are some very interesting sex hacks that allow you to choose the positions and actually see everything... But you probably know them already. :p

Sorry, but no. :( Sims can't be sadistic (at least not in the way you would like it), illegal things aren't possible either (unless you have a shady job), children can't have romantic or sexual relationships (not even with Claire) and teenagers can only have them with other teenagers (but I found a hack to fix that), there aren't any hairdressers (at least not as a career; however, there is a way to have one sim change another sim's hairstyle), and what is a deli? (Sims can have their own businesses, though.)

A deli is a sandwich place... We all know Barry would be making sandwiches for a living! And darn... that's too bad... or maybe it's for the good of mankind. ;)
Yep. Sims with a high pottery skill can create all kinds of sculptures, plates, tea sets, vases etc. and offer them for sale if they own a business. They can also make flowers, robots, clothes, toys... I think there's more, but I'm not sure.

A deli is a sandwich place... We all know Barry would be making sandwiches for a living! And darn... that's too bad... or maybe it's for the good of mankind. ;)

I don't know if you can actually sell the food your sims make, I haven't tried that yet, but now that I think of it: Grilled Cheese would be the perfect aspiration for Barry! You know, when you create a sim in The Sims 2, you can choose among various aspirations that will influence that sim's wants and fears. For example, sims with the Family aspiration want to marry and have as many children and pets as possible, sims with the Fortune aspiration want to find a good job and get rich and don't have much time for relationships, and so on.
Then there's Grilled Cheese. Sims with this aspiration will only think about cheese sandwiches all the time. Not as good as Jill sandwiches, I guess, but it will be enough to make Barry happy. ;)
After witnessing this unbelievable highlight of Resident Evil 6 ...

... I'm sure Chris will immediately fall in love with his new room ...

... and gladly accept his new roommate as well.

(It's supposed to be Piers cross-dressing as a panda, which would be recognisable if my modding skills didn't suck.)

Welcome to Pandarama!
Well, the original plan was a dog pyjama in reference to Jake telling Chris to "put a leash on that puppy", but you can't put leashes on sims and it wouldn't be the same without it. (They don't even have scarves for males... what a pity!)
But I downloaded a new dog breed that looks like a small panda. Pandas will take over the (sim) world soon! :)