Resident Evil Damnation Theories

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Ex-Umbrella Scientist
Nov 30, 2010
So, after some extensive research, I have come up with a few things I would like to share with you all. Some of these I have stated before, but I'd like to put them all down now.
1. I believe that Chris Redfield is in fact the mystery man in Resident Evil Damnation. He is in Eastern Euorpe 6 months before 6, which has been confirmed to be the setting for Damnation.
2. It's also been revealed that Chris has a life-changing experience during the outbreak, which changes his prespective on life and also fules his ambition to eradicate bio-terrorism. I personally think something happens to his longtime partner Jill Valentine, seeing as it has unnoficially been announced that she (as well as Chris, Sherry Birkin, Billy Coen and Barry Burton) have been confirmed by IMDB.
3. Since IMDB have announced Sherry, Jake Muller will also appear in this story.
It may be Chris...But I hope it's not...I highly doubt Jill will be in it...I think his personl trauma is as simple as watching his team getting wiped out right in front of him...I think Jake will be in Damnation, but only have maybe a cameo role...
I hope they finally come out with the movie and do a pre-order or collectors edition for Ps3 that comes with the movie on BLU-RAY :D
I think maybe Claire will be infected with the virus and Chris is forced to kill her which causes his trauma.
That IMBD list has not been confirmed by capcom or sony, so dont hold your breath.

But if Barry is going to be in eastern europe, where is Rebecca then?
Why would Sony confirm it...The CG movies aren't done by Sony...
I think she was confirmed a while ago.
Nope...She was never confirmed...It's just been hinted at..
I miss Jill, though. And Barry. D:
Barry doesn't need to ever be seen again...He's old, and he's a family man...It would be a waste to bring him back when he's already been out of it so long...
Jill I can see again...But oh well...She was in RE5...She was in Revelations...She doesn't really need to be in the next two...By that I mean RE6 and Damnation...
I looked at Damnation's IMDB page and I thought... seriously?!

Everyone's here (except Rebecca... oh god WHY?!). And what's more, Steve seems to be "confirmed" while Wesker is also rumored to be shown. This is seriously some skeptical info indeed.

And if this were true... I was hoping that a certain Angela would be replaced by Rebecca instead. =/

Credited cast:
Laura Bailey ...
Angela Miller
D.C. Douglas ...
Albert Wesker (rumored)
Roger Craig Smith ...
Chris redfield
Alyson Court ...
Claire Redfield
Paul Mercier ...
Leon s. kennedy
Stephanie Sheh ...
Sherry birkin
Sam Riegel ...
Steve Burnside
Jamieson Price ...
Barry burton
Patricia Ja Lee ...
Jill Valentine
David Webster ...
Billy coen
Sally Cahill ...
Ada Wong
Ya...That's totally incorrect...These movies STAR Leon...They wouldn't have so many other heavy hitting RE cast members in ONE movie out shinning the one that the trilogy is supposed to be following...
i don't get why people are so obessed with all the characters being thrown into one film...i mean it would be an absolute mess, then all you would do is moan about how for example, jill didn't get enough screen time, or one character got to much, having the focus on all them main characters would just twist the story in to many directions.
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i don't get why people are so obessed with all the characters being thrown into one film...i mean it would be an absolute mess, then all you would do is moan about how for example, jill didn't get enough screen time, or one character got to much, having the focus on all them main characters would just twist the story in to many directions.
Exactly...Finally, someone who understands why there SHOULDN'T be loads of characters in one film...There should be one or two besides Leon...