Ever been banned?

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Doom guy

Grade one Hunter slayer
Jan 26, 2012
London United kingdom
Ever been banned from a forum/group/website/etc?

Without intending to, I upset a very prolific person within this fairly tight-knitt discussion group and before I could so much as apologise (despite not really having done anything wrong) the person's friends all descended upon me, tore me to pieces, then banned me from their group and blacklisted me from their circle forever. I was an internet newb at the time and a bit of an idiot but I didn't deserve the extreme reaction I got for my error
I accidentally banned myself before. It wasn't here, but I wanted to see what the e-mail banned users received said just to make sure I wasn't writing the same thing in the personal comment section. So I created a new account and banned it to get the e-mail. I didn't know that I had also banned my own IP address, and thus I couldn't get into the forum until the admin unbanned me. :p
I've been banned from a few gaming servers for being a 'suspected hacker,' even though I really wasn't one. Otherwise, where message boards and the like are concerned, I'm on my best behaviour and don't really tend to get in any major trouble. ;)
I'm a HUGE lover of the site Neopets...And I had an AMAZING account on there...Then one day, I just couldn't get on...A friend of my in real life was also friends with me on Neopets, so he looked at my account from his, and it said mine was "Frozen" (Which is the same as banned) and in all honesty I have NO idea why...I followed all the rules, never EVER said anything mean...I mean, it's a fun site...I to this day have no idea why I was banned, but whatever...I created another account and started over....
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Here is anouther one, i was part of a paintballing forum that for some reason had this huge rivalry with anouther paintballing forum. To this day i cannot work out why they were at odds with each other. Massive forum invasions between the two would take place, trolling and mass bannings would happen nearly every day. If you were freinds with someone or a member of the rival board then you would get outed as a traitor. Some even went as far as to find and post users personal infomation on the boards. One day it really blew up, the admin snapped and banned 95% of the forum, including me. Even though i had not even done anything wrong at all.
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I've never been banned - except in jest when messing about with other mods on the Fable site. I think we were all in the external chat room and trolling each other majorly. In the end, three of us banned each other, not realising we were all doing it at the same time. We had to crawl to another staff member to reinstate us all...
I've been kicked from chat rooms before...but they were uber-strict "if you don't post regularly you're kicked/if you say the word 'sucked' you're kicked" kinds of places.

I actually don't tend to join many places outside of our own network because I'm not good with people and I take a long time to settle in with others. It's easier when you're the boss because for the most part people try to kiss your backside in order to make you like them. Which is always fun :D
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I was banned from my gamin clan for defendin my brother

He was suspected og cheating and i was one of the main guys who started the clan we both end up getting banned from the clan

Luckly one of the other guys left and we been best friends in our clan eversince

Theres always a silver lining even in the worst situations
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You know...Since we are on the subject and Angel is obviously looking at this thread...I have a question...How often do people get banned here? I mean...You guys seem really lax...I've been here for over a year, but I've noticed few bannings...Maybe I just don't notice things, but you guys don't ban much do ya...This is the first forum I've ever been on, so I really can't speak with experience...
I got banned from a 7/11 before when I was really little (10-11), lmao. It was owned by a nasty little Asian lady, and she had accused me of stealing gum. She said she had seen me put it in my bag when I really had put it back on the shelf. She was yelling at me in front of like, 15 people, so I opened my bag to show her that there was nothing in it. She started apologizing but I had a bit of a temper tantrum because I was embarrassed and told her to go **** herself, and then I had picked up a box of chocolates and threw it at her and left. She ran out after me and was like 'you a' banned you nasty little girl'.
I got banned from a 7/11 before when I was really little (10-11), lmao. It was owned by a nasty little Asian lady, and she had accused me of stealing gum. She said she had seen me put it in my bag when I really had put it back on the shelf. She was yelling at me in front of like, 15 people, so I opened my bag to show her that there was nothing in it. She started apologizing but I had a bit of a temper tantrum because I was embarrassed and told her to go **** herself, and then I had picked up a box of chocolates and threw it at her and left. She ran out after me and was like 'you a' banned you nasty little girl'.
Thats pro right there
*stares intently and rather creepily at thread*

Things are more chilled here because, for the most part, people behave. It works like that - if people can keep more or less within the rules, the staff in turn remain chilled, happy, relaxed people. We have had our moments when people have required banning but for the last...however long it's been...we've only ever had to ban spammers who barely get beyond registering before someone notices them.

The staff here usually give as good as they get too, which has an effect on how often bannings take place. Different staff do things in different ways - what's not ban-worthy on this board may be too much for another. You'll see more bans on DMC, for example, than here because there people are much more likely to rage, get nasty and be oversensitive about stuff - so we moderate accordingly. But REN is pretty cool and I think the staff react accordingly to that atmosphere.
*stares intently and rather creepily at thread*

Things are more chilled here because, for the most part, people behave. It works like that - if people can keep more or less within the rules, the staff in turn remain chilled, happy, relaxed people. We have had our moments when people have required banning but for the last...however long it's been...we've only ever had to ban spammers who barely get beyond registering before someone notices them.

The staff here usually give as good as they get too, which has an effect on how often bannings take place. Different staff do things in different ways - what's not ban-worthy on this board may be too much for another. You'll see more bans on DMC, for example, than here because there people are much more likely to rage, get nasty and be oversensitive about stuff - so we moderate accordingly. But REN is pretty cool and I think the staff react accordingly to that atmosphere.
Then is there a reason DMC has more raging fans than REN? Besides the demonic bloodlust of course...
I got banned from my own forum I created on proboards... Why? Because I let a super-mod join from a certain website who already hated me. (and couldn't ban me from the site because I didn't break the rules and was a favorite there.) I idiotically let her be another admin because I was in nursing school at the time and couldn't watch the thread 24/7. When I got back she had booted me from my admin position and apparently had banned me because once I got there, instead of my pretty banner being on the site was a note telling me to F off essentially. Awesome right?

Then is there a reason DMC has more raging fans than REN? Besides the demonic bloodlust of course...

We also have to keep in mind that there are many more members on the DMC board then here, and naturally the more personalities you have in one place, the more likely you'll have clashes between them and what-not.