Alice Appreciation Thread

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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2008
Alice is by far my favourite character in the resident evil franchise, and one of my all time favourite action heroines.

Showing empathy, humanity and a near bottomless well of inner strength, she's faced near insurmountable horrors and dangers but comes through it all without losing her mind or compassion.

More than any other character in the resident evil franchise, game or film, she's been given consistent and compelling characterisation and character growth.

Emerging in the first film as almost the clichéd damsel in distress character, her memory gone, and her role in the horrors she faced a mystery even to herself, we get to see her most vulnerable side, caring and compassionate, trying at all times to save those around her, and keep their spirits up in the face of their apparent certain doom. As the movie progresses and we see more and more of her, the inner strength she displays in time of danger becomes more and more promenant as she quickly takes charge of the survivors and finds herself having to support even the hardened soldiers who were at first her protectors.

As the films have gone by, we've seen Alice have to bury her feelings, becoming more cold and unsympathetic to those around her, in an attempt to prevent hurting them, but to also save herself the guilt and pain she see as an inevitable part of everyone who spends too long in her company dying. This even goes so far as to cause her to abandon all human companionship entirely, as seen in Extinction, even if it means denying her own growing, and clearly recpircated feeling for Carlos.

With the apparent destruction of Umbrella HQ at the begining of Afterlife and the loss of her powers meaning she'd no longer be of any interest to them, she finally attempts to reconnect with her humanity, displaying a more personable side once more, friendly and flirting with the survivors she meets, only to have them all killed infront of her by a resurrected Wesker.

This pattern of opening up, only to have her hopes dashed is repeated over and over in her life, leaving her increasingly hardened and short tempered, but never fully overcoming her desire to help others, and to put her own life on the line in doing so. She's never backed away from a fight, even when it's seemed victory seems impossible and is more than willing to lay down her life if it means stopping the forces of evil.

She's an incredibly inspiring female role model, tough, and self reliant without havaing to abandon her more femanine nature.

One of the many and infact more prominant reasons Alice is so wonderful for me, is Milla Jovovich. Milla's clear love, dedication and passion for the series and the utter conviction in which she portrays her character truly helps in bringing Alice to life.

Alice IS Resident Evil to me!
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I fail to see how any resident evil evil fans could consider alice to be a better character than leon or chris or barry burton . Hell jill and claire are also among fan favoirites but I completely respect your opinion . I think alice is a brilliant character but I just love leon and chris from the games
I fail to see how any resident evil evil fans could consider alice to be a better character than leon or chris or barry burton . Hell jill and claire are also among fan favoirites but I completely respect your opinion . I think alice is a brilliant character but I just love leon and chris from the games
I think it's just that I respond more to strong female protagonists than I do to males and Alice has all the the qualities I admire. My favourite game character would be Jill for the same sort of reasons! I do very much like Parker and RE2 Leon - I can't wait to see what film Leon will be like.
Fingers crossed they get leon right and ada. I think sienna and larter did excellent as jill and claire, I don't think wentworth miller was given enough screen time as chris but did pretty well with the time he was given.
I do quite like Milla for playing the strong female protagonist role. It's the same reason I gravitate toward Rain, though Rain reminds me more of myself than Alice does. Unlike many viewers of the films, I have nothing against her for being the only character to have superhuman powers for the first three movies, and I liked the fact that she actually wanted to be human again. There's really nothing about the character that I don't like.
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Well even though Alice is not part of the original RE games at this point they should think about integrating the movie and game franchises.
Well even though Alice is not part of the original RE games at this point they should think about integrating the movie and game franchises.

With all respect I don't think it's a good idea. The movies are a different universe, and so are the games. Just leave it like that.
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Only if they use an entirely different cast and crew, would I want them to finally make a RE film series that is supposed to be close to the games.

As for my appreciation of "Alice"- I've always liked Milla Jovovich as an actress, especially in The Fifth Element, so I don't completely hate the fact that she is the main character in the movies. I just hate the lack of effort with the game characters for the movies. Plus the thought that for years I have heard of an RE movie being in the making (back in 96' there were rumors of a film adaptation) and the fact that THIS is how they have turned out just doesn't sit right with me. But that's for another thread.

Milla is a good actress, though, and I like that she isn't afraid to rough up her look for a movie.
I'd love the movie characters to be available to play as on The Mercenaries or even ORC though I don't mind them not being in the actual games - I'm happy for them to remain separate so I can enjoy them both in their own way.
I'd love the movie characters to be available to play as on The Mercenaries or even ORC though I don't mind them not being in the actual games - I'm happy for them to remain separate so I can enjoy them both in their own way.
But what if Capcom decides to merge the 2 universes as it seems to be the case?
Capcom and the director of the movies seem to want to head in that direction whether you like it or not...

Dude that article is from 2010, and if that producer guy thinks that RE5 was the best entry in the series since RE1, then no comment.
Also a lot of people died in the movie who are alive in series and vice-versa. Or have completely different roles.
As a spin-off like Outbreak or ORC it might be ok. But as a main entry, hell no.
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But what if Capcom decides to merge the 2 universes as it seems to be the case?
From the article it seems to say only the films would be more like the games which I can't see them doing until after the sixth film that rounds off Alice's story and as much as I hate to say goodbye to her I think it could be quite good.
Dude that article is from 2010, and if that producer guy thinks that RE5 was the best entry in the series since RE1, then no comment.
Also a lot of people died in the movie who are alive in series and vice-versa. Or have completely different roles.
As a spin-off like Outbreak or ORC it might be ok. But as a main entry, hell no.

I never said I agreed with him on that did I? Never the less the article does make clear where Capcom is probably heading with both universes.

At this point it is far more likely that either a mini series or TV series that follows the game's storylne closer is created than a big screen reboot.
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Hey, I just wanted to drop by in here to say: Good on you, Lizzy. It must have taken courage to make a thread about a character that is despised among many RE fans.

So, good job. ^ ^
Knack it off will you she posted it because she likes the character end of story. Why should she be afraid to post about it. This forum is about the movies to begin with. I honestly suggest to anyone that thinks people should be afraid to post about the character they like be it Alice or Rain Ocampo to go to a board that is exclusively about the games.
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Knack it off will you she posted it because she likes the character end of story. Why should she be afraid to post about it. This forum is about the movies to begin with. I honestly suggest to anyone that thinks people should be afraid to post about the character they like be it Alice or Rain Ocampo to go to a board that is exclusively about the games.
Go read my post again, Punk. I was being kind, explaining how it must take some courage to stand against the current that is most of the RE fan base and say you like something alot of people hate.
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