Resident Evil Retribution Theories

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Oct 5, 2008
I was wondering if anyone has any theories about what will happen in the next film?

Apparently there is going to be a big revelation for alice so I was wondering if Alice from Extinction and Afterlife is actually a 'perfect' clone - 'real' Alice died at the end of Apocalypse in the crash.
That would make a lot of sense actually. The way Apocalypse ended seemed to point in that direction rather than her being the same person.

I like that idea way more than the rumors that she's going to be pregnant in the movie. That would be kind of lame if they did that. lol
Well based on the past 4 movies, my theory is that this movie will lack coherence, proper use of game/character adaptations, good acting, and any ounce of realism. But it will have plenty of action and things that go BOOM all of which involve Alice, because, you know, she is what the entire Resident Evil/Biohazard series is all about.

It also may cause the deterioration of brain cells.
Well based on the past 4 movies, my theory is that this movie will lack coherence, proper use of game/character adaptations, good acting, and any ounce of realism. But it will have plenty of action and things that go BOOM all of which involve Alice, because, you know, she is what the entire Resident Evil/Biohazard series is all about.

It also may cause the deterioration of brain cells.

You know what I BET she'll say in this next one too? "My name is Alice." Who wants to bet?!?!? :D
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Well based on the past 4 movies, my theory is that this movie will lack coherence, proper use of game/character adaptations, good acting, and any ounce of realism. But it will have plenty of action and things that go BOOM all of which involve Alice, because, you know, she is what the entire Resident Evil/Biohazard series is all about.

It also may cause the deterioration of brain cells.

Grow the hell up and please stay out of threads doing your pathetic, childish and moronic trolling. I was hoping to have proper answers from people who can actually get their head around the fact the films are two different universes. Don't preach about the games being superior to the films - I've already discussed why this IS NOT the case in other threads and don't want to put it in my theories thread. And yes the films are based on Alice, so what - I've summed up in my Alice Appreciation thread as to why she is my favourite character in the entire franchise . If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.
Hey those are just me honest theories on what fans, like myself, should expect from the next big 3D hit.

I appreciate Alice in the film series, mostly because she is the only well developed... anying in the entire film series. Wish I could say for the rest of the characters.
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Yes, but trolling 'theories' from your sort of 'fans like yourself' are not adding anything, neither are your passive aggressive responses that seem to be designed to cause more offense. The films clearly have positively developed - that's why we're on the fifth movie of a series that has gone from strength to strength.
You know what I BET she'll say in this next one too? "My name is Alice." Who wants to bet?!?!? :D

OMG please, it's enough... everyone knows her name by now. It's annoying when Ellies says that xD.

Anyway, by what I've heard, this movie will have clones the dead characters to make them come back to life. Raine's clone will be an enemy and she'll be all badass. I've also heard they're going to have a young version of Barry. I bet they're going to get a way to insert unfitting jokes from RE1 (Jill Sanwich for example).
I think Leon and Ada won't have any king of romantic involvement in this movie. I think Ada is actually running from Jill and Raine.
Wasn't Wesker the big boss of Umbrella in Extinction and Afterlife? Who's controlling Jill and her forces in this movie?
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Yes, but trolling 'theories' from your sort of 'fans like yourself' are not adding anything, neither are your passive aggressive responses that seem to be designed to cause more offense. The films clearly have positively developed - that's why we're on the fifth movie of a series that has gone from strength to strength.

Heh "positively developed" to the film studio and filmmakers pushing for this film series means they're raking in the dough from the already developed fan base of the game series.
It's not because we have such clever writers and talent involved that we're onto the fifth film in the series, it's because they slap the Resident Evil title onto the movies and the fans of the games come and watch it, even when some of the fans already know that what they're about to watch is going to be full of moments that make them cringe. It's like a train wreck and the filmmakers know that a strong portion of the fan base will still go see the next movie they put out which is why they're already talking about the sixth movie before anyone can even pass judgment on the fifth film that hasn't even come out.

As far as theories on where the story will go in the next movie, unless they throw something else into the mess, you're probably on the right track of her being a clone... yet another clone. I can't imagine the writers getting anymore clever than that.
Heh "positively developed" to the film studio and filmmakers pushing for this film series means they're raking in the dough from the already developed fan base of the game series.
It's not because we have such clever writers and talent involved that we're onto the fifth film in the series, it's because they slap the Resident Evil title onto the movies and the fans of the games come and watch it, even when some of the fans already know that what they're about to watch is going to be full of moments that make them cringe. It's like a train wreck and the filmmakers know that a strong portion of the fan base will still go see the next movie they put out which is why they're already talking about the sixth movie before anyone can even pass judgment on the fifth film that hasn't even come out.

Don't be so utterly ridiculous. Resident Evil Afterlife did not gross $300,000,000 purely on the game fan base - this far along the films have ALSO established their own fan base that is entirely indepenent of the game fans and that's not including those who are open minded enough truly enjoy both the films and the games (shock horror to some)

If this "it's because they slap the Resident Evil title onto the movies and the fans of the games come and watch it, even when some of the fans already know that what they're about to watch is going to be full of moments that make them cringe." is the case then all you are doing is showing what moronic idiots some people are if they go and pay money to see a film series they despise. I at least pay and enjoy the films and am not just wasting my time by cutting off my nose to spite my face.

As I've said before, the films have just got better and better for me, while the games haven't (excepting Revelations). Yes, they aren't arty masterpieces - but neither are the games they are both fun and entertaining with their own merits and weaknesses.
I never paid for a RE movie. I just watch them and laugh at the people who pay to watch that crap. Most of the people who like RE movies is because of the action scenes, the visual effects, etc. Not because of the plot (which makes little sense at all, in my opinon). Some of them watch the movies because they want to see Milla's private parts, they know she likes to expose them.
I never paid for a RE movie. I just watch them and laugh at the people who pay to watch that crap. Most of the people who like RE movies is because of the action scenes, the visual effects, etc. Not because of the plot (which makes little sense at all, in my opinon). Some of them watch the movies because they want to see Milla's private parts, they know she likes to expose them.

Bruno - as we've come to blows in previous movie topics it's pretty obvious that you will cause more of the same by posting in threads designed to support the movies yet you were the one who has said you don't want to argue about it. You don't even have the excuse of being a child who does it for s**ts and giggles, though frankly if you hate the movies and still watch them, regrdless of payment, I think more people are likely to laugh, or pity that. At least those who do watch because of Milla's willingless to get naked have more of an excuse than you. Again, there is an excellent, well thought out, concise plot. If people are still thrown because it's not following the game plot, I can only assume they aren't capable of following something they don't already know.
Don't be so utterly ridiculous. Resident Evil Afterlife did not gross $300,000,000 purely on the game fan base - this far along the films have ALSO established their own fan base that is entirely indepenent of the game fans and that's not including those who are open minded enough truly enjoy both the films and the games (shock horror to some)

If this "it's because they slap the Resident Evil title onto the movies and the fans of the games come and watch it, even when some of the fans already know that what they're about to watch is going to be full of moments that make them cringe." is the case then all you are doing is showing what moronic idiots some people are if they go and pay money to see a film series they despise. I at least pay and enjoy the films and am not just wasting my time by cutting off my nose to spite my face.

As I've said before, the films have just got better and better for me, while the games haven't (excepting Revelations). Yes, they aren't arty masterpieces - but neither are the games they are both fun and entertaining with their own merits and weaknesses.

Never said it was purely the fan base of the game series that is helping the film adaptation along, though I can almost guarantee you that a good chunk of that money came from the majority of fans of the games, especially when word got out that there is a fight scene with Wesker that is a complete rip from one of the games (and poorly conceived if I may add). Just because fans don't enjoy the movies, like you do, doesn't mean they are close minded; it means they have different taste.

You would be surprised as to how many people that hate the films still try to watch them one way or another (whether they pay or not). They're just passionate about the series enough that they're, sadly, curious enough to see what comes of the movies. I think that they are bad adaptations of the games and can't see how people can watch them and think "YES THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED FROM A RESI EVIL MOVIE!"
That being said they have their entertaining moments and are good for a laugh, especially after having a few drinks... sometimes even a good cry whe you really start to think that this is what the film series will forever be.

As for the games, I can agree with you that they are full of flaws and not so great writing, but that's what they should have fixed for the film adaptation. Instead they go and make their own mess of a story and fail to make even a proper B zombie/action film series.

Also don't be overly sensitive. Any "aggressiveness" coming from my post was directed towards the filmmakers if anyone. Secondly knock it off with referring to anyone who isn't as "open minded" as you as morons, trolls, idiots, ect. You are on an internet forum for Resident Evil in general; this site isn't just dedicated to the movies so there is going to be a lot of different opinions, jokes, etc. flying around.
Bruno - as we've come to blows in previous movie topics it's pretty obvious that you will cause more of the same by posting in threads designed to support the movies yet you were the one who has said you don't want to argue about it. You don't even have the excuse of being a child who does it for s**ts and giggles, though frankly if you hate the movies and still watch them, regrdless of payment, I think more people are likely to laugh, or pity that. At least those who do watch because of Milla's willingless to get naked have more of an excuse than you. Again, there is an excellent, well thought out, concise plot. If people are still thrown because it's not following the game plot, I can only assume they aren't capable of following something they don't already know.

Oh my god, FINALLY, someone who is able to think reasonably when it comes to the games vs. the movies. I agree 100% with all that you've said, all of it. I enjoy both the games and the movies a lot. To me, Afterlife was the most rushed and sloppily put together in the series. I liked the first one and Apocalypse best.

I honestly can't form any theories as of right now about Retribution. All I know is that it will be jammed-packed full of content and intersecting plot points from what I saw in the trailer. Apparently we're going to be traveling around the world; Washington DC to Moscow, while also retreading the events of Raccoon City.

It totally CANNOT be flashbacks, because Rain, Carlos, and One are all back as both villains AND normal everyday people! Minus One. In the trailer, we see the everyday Rain a mess, completely terrified, holding up the GUN ALICE HAS IN RETRIBUTION.

NOT TO MENTION Ada seems to be in a normal neighborhood, and then later, we see the new Alice WITH Ada. Then, we see the new Alice IN Tokyo, where Afterlife started.

And apparently, Alice is working for Umbrella, unless she's a clone! This is supported by a twitter video Milla shot where she was in some sort of skin-tight testing uniform. And then we're shown images of Alice in her Afterlife costume on the Arcadia, right where Retribution starts!

Then, throw Luther, Leon, and Barry into the mix, AS WELL AS Jill and Wesker as villains.

I think I speak for everyone when I say WHAT IS GOING ON?! The world is apparently simultaneously in a monster-infested apocalyptic world, AND a normal suburban world!

I am so pumped for this movie.
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This thread is not supposed to be supportive, it's supposed to be about movie theories or so I thought.

I realise it's stupid that I still watch the movies, but deep down, I still have hope that I might might like the next movie. I do enjoy the action and the effects, but I don't like the plot.

I'm not angry because the movies don't follow the games' story. In my opinion, the movies' story is terrible in comparison to the rest of the movie industry, and I think they could do much much better. Just see their rankings at IMDB. If they put more effort into it, they could make a lot more money, as long as they kept the action parts.
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Oh my god, FINALLY, someone who is able to think reasonably when it comes to the games vs. the movies. I agree 100% with all that you've said, all of it. I enjoy both the games and the movies a lot. To me, Afterlife was the most rushed and sloppily put together in the series. I liked the first one and Apocalypse best.

I honestly can't form any theories as of right now about Retribution. All I know is that it will be jammed-packed full of content and intersecting plot points from what I saw in the trailer. Apparently we're going to be traveling around the world; Washington DC to Moscow, while also retreading the events of Raccoon City.

It totally CANNOT be flashbacks, because Rain, Carlos, and One are all back as both villains AND normal everyday people! Minus One. In the trailer, we see the everyday Rain a mess, completely terrified, holding up the GUN ALICE HAS IN RETRIBUTION.

NOT TO MENTION Ada seems to be in a normal neighborhood, and then later, we see the new Alice WITH Ada. Then, we see the new Alice IN Tokyo, where Afterlife started.

And apparently, Alice is working for Umbrella, unless she's a clone! This is supported by a twitter video Milla shot where she was in some sort of skin-tight testing uniform. And then we're shown images of Alice in her Afterlife costume on the Arcadia, right where Retribution starts!

Then, throw Luther, Leon, and Barry into the mix, AS WELL AS Jill and Wesker as villains.

I think I speak for everyone when I say WHAT IS GOING ON?! The world is apparently simultaneously in a monster-infested apocalyptic world, AND a normal suburban world!

I am so pumped for this movie.

Thanks so much for your input!
I'm hoping for flashbacks of Carlos, Rain and do on as well scenes in present day!
Leon and Ada look amazing - I really hope they have a romance too!
I'd also wondered if Jill and Umbrella are hunting Wesker as well, for she says "Umbrella fugitives, project Alice, Chris and Claire Redfield' so I think the fugitive is Wesker. Apparently Birkin (his voice at least!) should be in the film so I wonder if he and Wesker are working together.
I can't wait for the full trailer!
Bruno: I had intended for this thread to be used in support and a place where fans of the films can talk about the upcoming one. I was going to put that in the title but thought it would be clear, I now know in future to make it more obvious. In regard to my use of 'open minded', I don't mean it to offend, it's just that some people on here seem so adamant that the films and movies can't coexist or even just exist because they aren't the same as the game and want them to be got rid of entirely which seems somewhat extreme and seems to come down to more than personal taste. I'm aware that this a a board for all of Resident Evil, but this thread was in the movie section about Retribution. Coming here and slagging off the films (or that's what it has ammounted to) in a thread that supports the movie, by most definitions, is trolling the people who want to celebrate the films.
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Thanks so much for your input!
I'm hoping for flashbacks of Carlos, Rain and do on as well scenes in present day!
Leon and Ada look amazing - I really hope they have a romance too!
I'd also wondered if Jill and Umbrella are hunting Wesker as well, for she says "Umbrella fugitives, project Alice, Chris and Claire Redfield' so I think the fugitive is Wesker. Apparently Birkin (his voice at least!) should be in the film so I wonder if he and Wesker are working together.
I can't wait for the full trailer!

Johann Urb said that Leon and Ada don't have any real romance, but I don't remember whether or not he said that there will be a small moment between the two.

The exact Jill quote was: "Total enemy numbers are unknown but will include Umbrella fugitives and prime targets; Claire Redfield, Chris Redfield, and Project Alice."

I think she was referring to Alice with "Umbrella fugitive". I don't exactly know why Chris and Claire are prime targets either. I also find it strange that Chris and Claire have been captured by Umbrella in Retribution, even though Jill clearly stated: "Take no prisoners, and shoot to kill".

Though, I do hope Wesker has turned on Umbrella. It adds depth to the story to have FOUR parties fighting against each other: The survivors, Umbrella, Wesker, and of course, all of the undead and monsters that refuse to obey Umbrella.
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Bruno: I had intended for this thread to be used in support and a place where fans of the films can talk about the upcoming one. I was going to put that in the title but thought it would be clear, I now know in future to make it more obvious. In regard to my use of 'open minded', I don't mean it to offend, it's just that some people on here seem so adamant that the films and movies can't coexist or even just exist because they aren't the same as the game and want them to be got rid of entirely which seems somewhat extreme and seems to come down to more than personal taste. I'm aware that this a a board for all of Resident Evil, but this thread was in the movie section about Retribution. Coming here and slagging off the films (or that's what it has ammounted to) in a thread that supports the movie, by most definitions, is trolling the people who want to celebrate the films.

Sorry, I put down the wrong user name last night for that post - I meant to write bStar182 not Bruno.
Johann Urb said that Leon and Ada don't have any real romance, but I don't remember whether or not he said that there will be a small moment between the two.

The exact Jill quote was: "Total enemy numbers are unknown but will include Umbrella fugitives and prime targets; Claire Redfield, Chris Redfield, and Project Alice."

I think she was referring to Alice with "Umbrella fugitive". I don't exactly know why Chris and Claire are prime targets either. I also find it strange that Chris and Claire have been captured by Umbrella in Retribution, even though Jill clearly stated: "Take no prisoners, and shoot to kill".

Though, I do hope Wesker has turned on Umbrella. It adds depth to the story to have FOUR parties fighting against each other: The survivors, Umbrella, Wesker, and of course, all of the undead and monsters that refuse to obey Umbrella.

I would like to see Wesker turning on Umbrella too, especially for a three way fight of Alice vs Jill vs Wesker.
As Wesker had starting killing the Umbrella crew, I'd wondered if the other board members had decided to oust him as leader, especially as he had now infected himself and seemed rather unstable. The loss of the Tokyo facility may also be considered his fault as he was in command.