So what are your opinions on the new movies

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Through that door, is a seperate reality.
Jul 9, 2011
Silent Hill
Bye new I mean AfterLife and Retrabution coming this September
I personaly think that they hit the bottom of the hill with afterlife, Yeah it was a fun movie too watch, but EVERYTHING was un-realistic.
Alice kicks glass, it dosnt break
Screen writing: 4 years later
Alice:177 days without signs of life.
Me: So who else have you seen?
One, Two hundred pound man was able to bring down a 1000 pound airplane?
all the guns looked like toys
When the exacutioner cuts that chienese dude in half how did they not here him come in? he dosnt carry that axe.
Plus no offense to the make-up "artist" but they need a new one.

They made plainly clear that they were gonna make another one so in my opinion after retrabution they should stop the series
They should just stop. Just stop editing their footage for the new movie. Just stop.

All of the films have had the issue of things and sets looking too fake. The games look more realistic and detailed than the movies for crying out loud. And I cringe any time I think of the acting. All those people in white at the end of Afterlife who stand around looking like a bunch of retards. *cringes*

They suck at tying in game elements with movie elements.
I believe the newest one is a complete and total failure. The first two, in retrospect I do like - and I definitely think the first is an excellent movie in its own right. But making your wonder-woman wife the centre of everyone's attention just got irritating. Also, in the last movie, Wesker harps the same lines to Chris as he did in RE 5. Which some might think is a clever reference to the game, but it doesn't work as well because there is no documented interaction or background between Wesker and Chris in movie-verse. Why do they hate eachother in the movies? In the games we have an answer, but for people who don't play the games it's incredibly poor writing.
First movie was decent as a stand alone movie. Alice was Human. The audience could relate to her struggles and triumphs and the plot in general was entertaining. So the first movie wasn't that bad.

For the second movie, the plot could've worked but Anderson phucked it up somewhere.

The other things that stopped me enjoying this film as a Resident Evil movie were:

- Mary Sue aka Alice. Hogging spotlight from characters such as Jill Valentine whenever a shootout took place. Jill doesn't need saving. She's a character that knows how to take care of herself.

- Nemesis, acting in-character for the first half of the movie and then out of character for the second half. Turning him into a sympathetic character was a silly idea mostly because it took away alot of the fear that Nemesis was a relentless beast who couldn't be bargained with.

I was always under the impression that in order to make it as a respected Director, you had to respect the source material of the movies you direct, which Anderson didn't do with most of the established characters in the second RE movie.

RE Extinction... I remember little about this movie. The only things I recall taking place, was it took fold in a "deserted" Las Vegas and Mary S- whoops! I mean Alice was jumping around slicing the spam out of Zombie's.

I thought we were watching a Resident Evil movie?

Didn't see Afterlife. Looks like it had potential, but I won't hold my breath.

Anderson needs to stop being greedy, along with his wife Milla, and hand the RE license to another Director. Like George Romero. :D

Also, I'm not here for a debate or arguement. Just wanted to share my two cents. Peace.
I actually LOVE the films, especially Extinction. Afterlife is a very close second. I am also very much looking forward to Retribution! Milla does a fantastic job as Alice, regardless of the fact she is not a game character. The fact we are now onto the fifth films shows they have a supportive audience - yes, they aren't the same as the games and people need to except that - it's a different universe so it doesn't matter if they aren't portrayed exactly like in the game. If anything, Paul has made Chris and Claire far more interesting, likeable and enjoyable to anything we had from them in the games.

Also to all you complaining that the films are unrealistic or poorly written, I'd like to remind you of Chris punching a rock to death inside a volcano - but it was worth it to "live in a world without fear"

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I actually LOVE the films, especially Extinction. Afterlife is a very close second. I am also very much looking forward to Retribution! Milla does a fantastic job as Alice, regardless of the fact she is not a game character. The fact we are now onto the fifth films shows they have a supportive audience - yes, they aren't the same as the games and people need to except that - it's a different universe so it doesn't matter if they aren't portrayed exactly like in the game. If anything, Paul has made Chris and Claire far more interesting, likeable and enjoyable to anything we had from them in the games.

Also to all you complaining that the films are unrealistic or poorly written, I'd like to remind you of Chris punching a rock to death inside a volcano - but it was worth it to "live in a world without fear"

You have no idea how much of my dad you sound like do you?
Also to all you complaining that the films are unrealistic or poorly written, I'd like to remind you of Chris punching a rock to death inside a volcano - but it was worth it to "live in a world without fear"
How exactly does this prove the movies aren't unrealistic or poorly written?
I'm not saying the movies are high art or flawless, but they pratically are compared to the recent games.
You'll find that most old-school RE fans aren't big fans of recent games either, so you & we have something in common. The recent games are too similar to the movies which is another reason I don't enjoy the recent games. (4, 5 & probably 6)

The first movie was great. It's atleast reasonable as far as plot goes. Alice is Human, she's trapped in an underground Umbrella lab, and trying to survive the onslaught of Umbrella's twisted creations.

Than Anderson messed up.
aka he married the main character >.>

Milla is a gold digger in real life, and Anderson probably couldn't resist the notion of a movie star for a wife so they got together. Thats not to say there isn't genuine love in their relationship, but thats the impression I was left with, knowing Anderson from directing/creating the RE movies.

By the way, nice sig. (the one with Billy and Rebecca).
If your going by the 'marrying the director logic', 'I'll take this as - Paul marriying Milla made the films even better! Apocalypse was the weakest film for me and was apparently the time Milla and Paul had a short separation and it wasn't until later they got back together then made Extinction which was for me the best film.
(I personally don't think marriage has much to do with overall film's just people looking for even more childish ways to criticise them)
If your going by the 'marrying the director logic', 'I'll take this as - Paul marriying Milla made the films even better! Apocalypse was the weakest film for me and was apparently the time Milla and Paul had a short separation and it wasn't until later they got back together then made Extinction which was for me the best film.
(I personally don't think marriage has much to do with overall film's just people looking for even more childish ways to criticise them)
I thought they got together during Apocalypse?

The movies aren't all that great as *Resident Evil* movies, but their fun action flicks.
Okay here we go again.
I feel that the films are decent films, but are sorry adaptions of Resident Evil. They have not done one thing right when it comes down to it. I feel that since Anderson is married to Milla that the RE films are made more for her benefit that for the fans. Like RE4 and RE5 the films just don't have that RE feel that many of us grew up with and love. I do blame the movies, and to some extent the people who pay to see them, for the direction that the games have gone. RE4 gets redone halfway through development and abandons the classic survival horror feeling for the action "Horror" that it became. This happend after the first film. I know deep down the films had something to do with this.
The first is by far the best of the bunch, but it could have been so much better.
They should stop making the current film series and get a new director who doesn't want to cast his wife in every single movie he makes.
Actions are badly choreographed, the story is full with plot-holes, characters have no background or any significance, except of course Mary Sue.
This video pretty much sums up my opinion about the movies:
They should stop making the current film series and get a new director who doesn't want to cast his wife in every single movie he makes.
Actions are badly choreographed, the story is full with plot-holes, characters have no background or any significance, except of course Mary Sue.
This video pretty much sums up my opinion about the movies:

Yes, stop making the films that grow with popularity with every release! If we were to go by your logic then they should have stopped making the Resident Evil games years ago.
No matter how you feel about how the resident evil films have turned out and how true they are to the games, the action sequences ate very well done - the rooftop scene in Afterlife was simply fantastic.

What plot holes? I'll admit some parts have to be thought out yourself but I don't see why that's a problem. There is no fun in being spoon fed everything.

Alice in no more a Mary Sue than Wesker a Gary Stu. The only difference is that Alice is actually a believable adversary to someone as powerful as Wesker.
I am soo sick of all these dick head losers that do nothin but complain about how they hate this series and what not ! Well hers a simple solution - stop watching them you absolute retards!!!!!! If you hated the first movie then why in the love of **** would you punish youselves by watchin them all ??? I love them and I grew up with resident evil 2so I don't get why people hate these films , I even read people bashing degeneration and that was canon to the video games! I think at the end of the day resident evil fans are the most stubborn in the world and nothing capcom or sony produce will ever satisfy them fully , but like I said if u don't like the series don't watch it - simples ;)
I am soo sick of all these **** head losers that do nothin but complain about how they hate this series and what not ! Well hers a simple solution - stop watching them you absolute retards!!!!!! If you hated the first movie then why in the love of **** would you punish youselves by watchin them all ??? I love them and I grew up with resident evil 2so I don't get why people hate these films , I even read people bashing degeneration and that was canon to the video games! I think at the end of the day resident evil fans are the most stubborn in the world and nothing capcom or sony produce will ever satisfy them fully , but like I said if u don't like the series don't watch it - simples ;)
If you think we're bad, you should check out the Devil May Cry forum. :D

Welcome to REN.
I actually enjoyed the first three films. The first one did a decent job of keeping the feel of the game and making it an enjoyable film at the same time. While two and three strayed from the games a bit more while still being decent/entertaining films. Afterlife didn't do either of these things well though.
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