the series does not have to revolve around the same characters
Neither does RE
would they be upset that P.T. didn't feature past characters?
I could ask the same thing, why would people be upset that RE 7 doesn't feature past characters? don't some fans want Chris or Leon to retire?
Also Silent Hill 4 used first person gameplay in certain parts of the game and P.T. felt very similar to that game.
And RE 7 demo feels like RE 1 in first-person, which Shinji Mikami originally wanted to make back in 1996.
Frankly I think it is the exact opposite; RE7 does not feel like an RE title. Whereas P.T. definitely felt like a Silent Hill game (and much more).
Below I made each demo literal "likeness" / "representation" point-system gameplay comparison to what the franchise/IP they're based on. And I use "presumption of innocence" which means if something isn't implied/hinted in the demo then I asumme it won't be in the full game unless stated otherwise by the developer
- RE 7 demo: Majority of RE games are played in third-person, RE 7 demo is first-person =
0 points
- PT: Majority of SH games are played in third-person, PT is in first-person =
0 points
- RE 7 demo: All RE games have combat, RE 7 demo has weapon but no combat, however Kawata said that there will be combat in the full game =
1 point
- PT: All SH games have combat, PT does not, Kojima also confirmed there wouldn't be combat in the full game =
0 points
- RE 7 demo: RE games have inventory system, RE 7 demo does have inventory =
1 point
- PT: SH games have inventory system, PT doesn't really have it =
0 points
- RE 7 demo: RE games have health mechanism, although RE 7 demo doesn't have it, Capcom confirmed that herbs will be back in the full game to restore player's health =
1 point
- PT: SH games have health mechanism, PT doesn't, and nothing confirms the full game would have it and considering the fact that combat would be absent too, we'll never know =
0 points
- RE 7 demo: RE games have puzzles, so does RE 7 demo =
1 point
- PT: SH games have puzzles, so does PT =
1 point
- RE 7 demo: RE isn't supernatural, while RE 7 demo is seemingly supernatural, Capcom confirmed the full game won't be =
1 point
- PT: SH is supernatural, so is PT =
1 point
- RE 7 demo: RE started as survival horror, so is RE 7 =
1 point
- PT: SH started as survival horror, PT is just pure horror due the lack of combat =
0 points
This is according to Shinji Mikami
“It’s a close genre but the difference between pure horror and survival horror is that in the latter you can defeat the monsters and feel good about it. You have to have that sense of being able to defeat a monster, even if it’s tough."
- RE 7 demo: RE games are linear, so is RE 7 =
1 point
- PT: SH games are linear, so is PT =
1 point
So based on the list above RE 7 has gameplay rating 7 out of 8 of "RE-ness", while PT has 3 out of 8 of its "SH-ness".