In the event of a Zombie outbreak, I'd probably be screwed. Especially if the outbreak was the equivalent of Raccoon City.
First and foremost, I'm epileptic, meaning I have violent seizures if I don't take my medication. So my first stop would be the Doctors and/or Hospital. I'd have to go on a search through the entire hospital, in search of my desired medication. Kind of like "Left 4 Dead". I'd take my gas mask from home and head to the hospital.
Considering I don't have a
clue where exactly the tablets are kept in hospital I'd be in there for days. Maybe if I go there as people are panicking and find a staff member, I could get my meds. I only live about 25 minutes away from the hospital, so I should get there without having to go through too much trouble.
But wait, victims of Zombie attacks are taken to hospital in order that they may be healed - Meaning I'm stuck in a building that is already under attack from patients who have become Zombie's. Panic ensues.
It would probably be night time by the time I found the required medication, so I'd have to hold up in the hospital for the night, keeping myself out of sight from anything that wants to eat me alive.
Once morning rolled around, I'd head out of the hospital and make my way to the local Town, to a local hardware store named "Blue Moon" that sells (to my knowledge) Handguns, Shotguns, Rifles, Air Rifles, Crossbows, Brass Knuckles, Bowie Knifes, other assortments of Knifes, Kevlar vests, ect, ect.
Problem is, Town is a busy place, so there would be many Zombie's and even Zombiefied animals wandering it's streets and throughout the many stores.
Another problem: I think this is the only store in York that sells weapons. Certainly the only store that sells firearms. And by the time I got there the place would have already been ransacked by other people who searched for a means to survive. So there wouldn't be many, if any guns left. Maybe some knifes and a few pairs of brass knuckles if I'm lucky.
Arming myself with any gear & weapons available, I'd then move on up to McDonalds to grab as much food and drinks as I could, visiting JJB beforehand to purchase/take a couple rucksacks to carry around any equiptment I might need.
After this I'd head back home to check on my mother/father. My father would no doubt board up the windows/doors of the house with what little spare would he had left in the shed. Knowing my luck though, my parents would be dead. Because they suck.
I'd place their bodies outside in the wooden shed and lock it, returning to the living room to sit down, eat and watch the news abit for any more coverage on the Zombie invasion.
I spend the night in my home, worrying about my sister who lives about half an hours walk away.
I wake up and use my time to fully prepare myself, gearing up, wearing clothes that are tough for a Zombie to bite into (jeans, for example).
I'd wear jeans, a T-shirt, a hooded sweatshirt over that and then put my bodywarmer on over that. Finally, I'd put my black leather coat on over the rest because we all know you can't be a Zombie ass-kicker without a leather coat.
I'd also wear my fingerless gloves, steel toecap boots, gas mask and my Deer hunter's hat. I'd arm myself with any guns I'd found from the store, knifes, a kevlar vest (assuming I found one) a flashlight and carry a few packs of batteries we have in the kitchen draw. I'd take the rucksack/sports bag I found earlier and use to to carry around the sledgehammer I keep next to my wardrobe.
I'd hope to head out at about 8am and move on to my sisters & her boyfriends house. When I get there they are either missing, having locked the door and gone elsewhere for safety, or they're dead/Zombie's, in which case I yell "FOUR!!" and smash my sister across the face with the sledgehammer, sending her several feet into the air before dropping to the ground.
I kill any Zombie's lurking in the house and search every room for anything useful. I'm not likely to find anything useful here.
After this I head back into Town, having forgotten to pick up a map the first time I was there, avoiding/crushing any Zombie's in the way with my sledgehammer. This tires me out so I decide to rely on a gun, instead. Something I'd prefer to save for a dangerous situation that truly called for it - Like if I were to be swarmed by Zombie's.
Having attained a map I search for the nearest harbor/whatever and head in that direction in search of a boat. Now I don't know whereabouts the closest harbor is, as I've never been to one, so the story ends here and fate would take it's course. I'd like to visit Japan, however, so I'd probably head for there.
Would I survive? I have no idea, but I wouldn't give up without a fight.