(i dont know if you can see it but in my last post i had wrote this.He walked a block or two and looked around.not a survivor in sight.....He heard moaning and looked around. all around him where the walking dead.he checked his back."Dang!" he yelled. he had forgot his shotgun in the townhouse.he pulled out his glock and fired a couple of shots but he knew he was going to die. all the sudden a hummer appeared out of nowhere.it ran a path straight through the zombies and then 3 men in uniform jumped out guns ablazing.the other two shooting at the zombies the third came to paul and said "im lt.williams of the us.marines im going to need you to come with us."
this is now.
pauls story:
Paul yells "wait!I see another survivor!"
the soldiers turn around and see the now standing lara croft right beside paul.

this is now.
pauls story:
Paul yells "wait!I see another survivor!"
the soldiers turn around and see the now standing lara croft right beside paul.