Your Perfect Resident Evil Game

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Girly Gamer
Premium Elite
Jul 19, 2011
As we probably know, and have been discussing recently, there are lots of different types of Resident Evil fan. Each type gets something different out of the series and wants to see different things carried forward into future games.

Imagine that you're the one creating the next Resident Evil game. Imagine you had free reign and could make whatever you want. Here, I'm inviting you to tell us what elements you'd include in your perfect Resident Evil game. You can be as general and vague as you like (e.g. just telling us the camera style, play style and characters) or you can go into lots of detail, whichever you prefer.

I myself think that the story needs to be much stronger and more coherent than it usually is in Resident Evil. I would want a game that's equally strong in both story and gameplay. It would star a cast member who has already appeared in the series previously, and would preferably continue a story that has already been seen before. I'm very keen to explore what happened with Natalia, and this could lead to several different characters from the series being involved. This story would be my preference if the next game was going to be a Revelations game.

Either that, or I would want a game that makes The Family from RE6 the main series villains. In this instance, I'd want my Resident Evil game to pave the way forward for at least a few more games and establish a villain who doesn't just die at the end of the game. I'd want lots of mystery and also lots of villainous characters that contrasted each other, with different personalities, but all working towards one main goal.

The camera view would be third person, as I'm not really a fan of first person games.

The genre would be survival horror. Ammo conservation and strategy would be key; you wouldn't be able to just run through the game blasting through everything. I'd want the player to have to weigh up risks and make decisions that may well affect what happens further down the line.

The enemies would be zombie-like, and there would be unique scenarios within the game. I've mentioned before that I'd like to see a random event element within Resident Evil where you encounter zombies randomly that might be blocking your way, and you've got to choose between taking them out and using precious ammo, or walking away and risking waiting until those zombies have moved on. There would also be sections where your character has to find a new way around a particular area, for example, by ending up imprisoned and having to solve puzzles to think their way out, and then the player would have to improvise playing a whole section with very limited supplies, and all their gear taken away from them.

Bosses wouldn't purely be the large monstrosities that we're used to seeing in recent Resident Evil games where you have to shoot a weak point. I'd create some more unique boss situations where you maybe have to be a little bit smarter and more strategic than that, waiting for the right opportunity to launch an attack. The bosses would also have some unique attacks that would be horrifying and fear-inducing, attacks that actually make you recoil when they happen.

I'd also like my game to have some passion to it and think of the series as a cohesive whole with the rest of the series, rather than thinking just about my one game.

I may add more to this some other time, but that's the bare bones of the kind of Resident Evil game I'd like to make.

Go ahead - tell us about your perfect Resident Evil game.
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Honestly, a lot of your elements are what I would need for a good game.

In a Resident Evil, I like to have an open concept location with puzzles to explore. I want to remember which doors I couldn't get in earlier and now that I have the right key or tool, I can discover what hidden gems were inside. I like to have secret areas and items that mix the lore of the entire series and the lore of the specific title as well. I want creepy settings. Not labs or army bases... and especially no SHIPS.

I want a strong variety of regular enemies that have different methods of defeating. I'd like zombies to be the menace they were in RE2 REmake. But I also want large enemies and fast enemies. A mix of old enemies (Lickers, Hunters, etc.) and new horrors.

Bosses would be memorable for their locations, their part in the story, and the methods to defeat them.

I want characters that I know to mix with new characters.

I want relentless enemies that come after me over and over even when they SHOULD be dead.

And I want the story to be climactic. And an long, desirable ending.
Nice one Jen!

Well...for characters, I really want a recurring character from the lore, in this case Jill (It's about time) or Leon (he's my favorite after all). Maybe some civilian or scientist character and we could make some differences in gameplay with those characters. The recurring one could be stronger, with more attack options at his disposal. Not super crazy kung fu like RE6, but at least some degree of movement. A dodging button it's not that much to ask. Our characters aren't trees. As for the civilian one, we could make him or her slower to fight and to move. No co op though. Maybe two campaigns or some sort of changing back and forth. Just don't make the character bland like Ethan and Mia and we're fine.

Third person, using RE2 remake's engine for pretty much everything, from movement to shooting to zombie's movements and tankness (I think what makes RE2 Remake good, as a game, is how much of a tank those zombies are. For the first time in the series, they're really dangerous. A room with only 3 zombies can be a pain in the ass, while in the other game was just a regular room). Again, the recurring character could have a melee or two, they're high trained and all. Just don't make it OP.

Also, here's a thing...I like that you might want to conserve ammo and think, I like to count my bullets, but I don't like to run all the time. Actually, I like to fight the monsters. When playing a Resident Evil game, I try to fight as much as I can because that's fun! Even on RE2 Remake, I made my strategies, killing when I see fit to make the way easier later. Point is, we can have shortage of ammo, but let the player fight. Again, like RE2 Remake. If you scavenge and go out of your way, you find bullets and you kill things. Or you run. Let the player decide.

I wanted the setting to be a big city (we might get something similar on RE3 Remake but...)...with freedom and lots of houses and places to explore. To go out of my way to find some precious ammo or a new gun. I like randomization and I actually wanted the crates from RE4-RE6 to be back and maybe some randomizer on enemy placement (kinda like RE3 did back then). What I don't want is some sort of open world. Maybe some open areas, but not a full open map where you need a car to go from place to place. I think Evil Within 2 can be a good example, or the new Tomb Raider Trilogy, where you have a big area to explore, but your objectives are always at hand.

As for setting and mood, again, RE2 Remake set out a great tone for me. I liked it. Story? Honestly...I don't mind that too much. I play Resident Evil for the characters I grew with over the years and the gameplay experience. Story in Resident Evil was always mostly bad, with bad villains and stupid plans but a great lore (the backstory of RE is better than the actual story from the games anyway). I don't mind that and I don't know which kind of plot I want, to be sure or which villains to use.

Oh, and to finish it up, I wouldn't put anything that came out of RE7 in my Resident Evil, gameplay wise. The Blue Umbrella thing, on the other hand, might be "explorable". But no first person, no mold generic thing and no bland new character.
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Revelations 2 is already fairly close to what I consider a perfect RE. It has the gameplay, the story, the atmosphere, the locations and the unlockables, and even though most of the characters are new, they are at least in some way conntected to the franchise's lore (Moira and Alex Wesker have been mentioned before, Natalia is a survivor of the Terragrigia Panic). My only gripes are with Claire's personality, some boring parts in Barry's campaign, and the fact that not all recurring main characters are available in Rape Mode. (Where's Ada?)

But how can it become actual perfection? Well, ever since we talked about how Claire could have been part of RE6 in this thread, I've been fantasising about a big character reunion in a better version of RE6. The ultimate, perfect RE game for me wouldn't just feature one or two familiar faces in one single linear campaign, but all Raccoon City survivors in several intertwining campaigns - basically like RE6 with a good (!) story and less action, but not necessarily survival horror either. This might be an unpopular opinion, but RE has never really felt like survival horror to me, even in the classics I always found enough ammo and health items to get by without running from every other enemy, at least on lower difficulties, and I hate how Leon's RE6 campaign forces you to walk slowly just to create the illusion of horror. That doesn't mean the game can't or shouldn't still be scary, and there can be a Hard Mode for players who really want to struggle, but I want to have fun, and fun to me doesn't mean running and hiding and dying all the time. Every character should also have unique abilities, I want to see Sherry's healing factor in action, or that Chris's muscles actually mean something for once.

As for locations, please no bright daylight action like in RE5. Give me creepy forests and snowy outdoor areas by night, just no more RE1-style mansion because that has really gotten old, and, as someone else already said, no ships! (The developers seem to be obsessed with them lately, but water just isn't my element.) Several outfits that can be worn throughout the campaign, not just in extra modes, are also very important, and speaking of extra modes, I don't need Mercenaries or Ghost Survivors, I want Rape Mode. Basically like the one from Revelations 2, but with more recurring characters, longer stages and more options. Have I mentioned outfits yet?
Nice one Jen!

Well...for characters, I really want a recurring character from the lore, in this case Jill (It's about time) or Leon (he's my favorite after all). Maybe some civilian or scientist character and we could make some differences in gameplay with those characters. The recurring one could be stronger, with more attack options at his disposal. Not super crazy kung fu like RE6, but at least some degree of movement. A dodging button it's not that much to ask. Our characters aren't trees. As for the civilian one, we could make him or her slower to fight and to move. No co op though. Maybe two campaigns or some sort of changing back and forth. Just don't make the character bland like Ethan and Mia and we're fine.

Third person, using RE2 remake's engine for pretty much everything, from movement to shooting to zombie's movements and tankness (I think what makes RE2 Remake good, as a game, is how much of a tank those zombies are. For the first time in the series, they're really dangerous. A room with only 3 zombies can be a pain in the ass, while in the other game was just a regular room). Again, the recurring character could have a melee or two, they're high trained and all. Just don't make it OP.

Also, here's a thing...I like that you might want to conserve ammo and think, I like to count my bullets, but I don't like to run all the time. Actually, I like to fight the monsters. When playing a Resident Evil game, I try to fight as much as I can because that's fun! Even on RE2 Remake, I made my strategies, killing when I see fit to make the way easier later. Point is, we can have shortage of ammo, but let the player fight. Again, like RE2 Remake. If you scavenge and go out of your way, you find bullets and you kill things. Or you run. Let the player decide.

I wanted the setting to be a big city (we might get something similar on RE3 Remake but...)...with freedom and lots of houses and places to explore. To go out of my way to find some precious ammo or a new gun. I like randomization and I actually wanted the crates from RE4-RE6 to be back and maybe some randomizer on enemy placement (kinda like RE3 did back then). What I don't want is some sort of open world. Maybe some open areas, but not a full open map where you need a car to go from place to place. I think Evil Within 2 can be a good example, or the new Tomb Raider Trilogy, where you have a big area to explore, but your objectives are always at hand.

As for setting and mood, again, RE2 Remake set out a great tone for me. I liked it. Story? Honestly...I don't mind that too much. I play Resident Evil for the characters I grew with over the years and the gameplay experience. Story in Resident Evil was always mostly bad, with bad villains and stupid plans but a great lore (the backstory of RE is better than the actual story from the games anyway). I don't mind that and I don't know which kind of plot I want, to be sure or which villains to use.

Oh, and to finish it up, I wouldn't put anything that came out of RE7 in my Resident Evil, gameplay wise. The Blue Umbrella thing, on the other hand, might be "explorable". But no first person, no mold generic thing and no bland new character.

Revelations 2 is already fairly close to what I consider a perfect RE. It has the gameplay, the story, the atmosphere, the locations and the unlockables, and even though most of the characters are new, they are at least in some way conntected to the franchise's lore (Moira and Alex Wesker have been mentioned before, Natalia is a survivor of the Terragrigia Panic). My only gripes are with Claire's personality, some boring parts in Barry's campaign, and the fact that not all recurring main characters are available in Rape Mode. (Where's Ada?)

But how can it become actual perfection? Well, ever since we talked about how Claire could have been part of RE6 in this thread, I've been fantasising about a big character reunion in a better version of RE6. The ultimate, perfect RE game for me wouldn't just feature one or two familiar faces in one single linear campaign, but all Raccoon City survivors in several intertwining campaigns - basically like RE6 with a good (!) story and less action, but not necessarily survival horror either. This might be an unpopular opinion, but RE has never really felt like survival horror to me, even in the classics I always found enough ammo and health items to get by without running from every other enemy, at least on lower difficulties, and I hate how Leon's RE6 campaign forces you to walk slowly just to create the illusion of horror. That doesn't mean the game can't or shouldn't still be scary, and there can be a Hard Mode for players who really want to struggle, but I want to have fun, and fun to me doesn't mean running and hiding and dying all the time. Every character should also have unique abilities, I want to see Sherry's healing factor in action, or that Chris's muscles actually mean something for once.

As for locations, please no bright daylight action like in RE5. Give me creepy forests and snowy outdoor areas by night, just no more RE1-style mansion because that has really gotten old, and, as someone else already said, no ships! (The developers seem to be obsessed with them lately, but water just isn't my element.) Several outfits that can be worn throughout the campaign, not just in extra modes, are also very important, and speaking of extra modes, I don't need Mercenaries or Ghost Survivors, I want Rape Mode. Basically like the one from Revelations 2, but with more recurring characters, longer stages and more options. Have I mentioned outfits yet?

I really like everything you guys put here and would definitely play and enjoy both of your games.
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Resident evil code Veronica is what I want for a resident evil game in term of story, putting the gameplay mechanic from resident evil 2 remake and some from revelations 2, and we will get the perfect resident evil game
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Well, if the RE3Make is a success, I have high hopes for a CVX Remake as well.

CVX had some of the best locations and bosses. And we could all use an improved version of Steve!
Also the realistic graphic could help to give some realistic aspect to the story, Claire Steve and Chris surviving antartic cold environments whit summer clothes wasn't that great
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