You know what really killed the Resident Evil franchise?

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Nov 26, 2017
Face it, the games were all good up until Capcom actually started listening to the raving fanboys (who can't agree on rather the older games or newer games are best) for opinions on how their new games should be made and that is exactly why we get crap sequels now. Fan dumb destroys franchises faster than cannons sink ships.

So I blame all of you guys for this! Shame shame shame! :mad:
"New Member

Oh, i'm so convinced you are not here trying to bait, if Capcom really listened then they would have made RE2 remake decades ago.
They should have never abandoned the 1st formula, i´m fine with having OTS titles but not cool with just that. I have the feeling that developing games in the old fashion might be a kind of a pain in the butt for them, and Hirabayashi once mentioned that they felt that fixed cameras where holding them in shackels in terms of creativity. You know, at the end of the day, this dudes want to develop successful games while having a certain deegree of fun doing it and also trying to push boundaries.

Platform games are a very old concept, but they´re fun to play and they´re still making them to this day. Fixed camera and dynamic angle games are rare now, yeah you got until dawn and the REmasters but it´s not like is big anymore which is sad. I´m pretty sure that if they went pre rendered on RE2make, a raccoon city street at night woul look exactly like a real street at night, it would be jaw dropping.
Hirabayashi once mentioned that they felt that fixed cameras where holding them in shackels in terms of creativity
WAIT... you mean this guy? does that mean RE2 remake won't have fixed cameras? if it doesn't there's going to be consequences.

"Fixed camera and dynamic angle games are rare now"
They were always rare actually. Fixed camera angles are a relic, they were invented to circumvent the issues 3d gaming had in its inception, until Mario64(coincidentally released the same year as RE1) developers were scrambling to piece together a cohesive camera and it took most developers almost an entire generation to get it right, fixed camera was a lazy quick fix for this problem. Couple that with the fact that RE1 had a shoestring budget so they couldn't afford to render real time 3d graphics and so they came up with the ingenious idea of making the entire game in 2d with some 3d character&item models.

Now, Capcom has the capability to render real time graphics that are amazing and the AAA budget to go with it BUT they should keep the fixed cameras and just move it along as the character moves like in Code Veronica X(by far the best thing to come out that weird game).
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WAIT... you mean this guy? does that mean RE2 remake won't have fixed cameras? if it doesn't there's going to be consequences.

"Fixed camera and dynamic angle games are rare now"
They were always rare actually. Fixed camera angles are a relic, they were invented to circumvent the issues 3d gaming had in its inception, until Mario64(coincidentally released the same year as RE1) developers were scrambling to piece together a cohesive camera and it took most developers almost an entire generation to get it right, fixed camera was a lazy quick fix for this problem. Couple that with the fact that RE1 had a shoestring budget so they couldn't afford to render real time 3d graphics and so they came up with the ingenious idea of making the entire game in 2d with some 3d character&item models.

Now, Capcom has the capability to render real time graphics that are amazing and the AAA budget to go with it BUT they should keep the fixed cameras and just move it along as the character moves like in Code Veronica X(by far the best thing to come out that weird game).

lol, yeah, that´s the guy, that mofo xD

His first job at capcom was in the animation department for REmake 2002. There´s a huge chance it wont be fixed or dinamic, and i think it would be because of him. I like dinamic cameras but 3d just doesn´t quite get to me as much as pre rendered does. For me, the fact that they had to go pre rendered in 96 was a beautiful circumstance. I find pre rendered to have more feeling, it kinda tells me more than 3d and to be honest, the new RE Engine can make things look very realistic but i don´t to see it surpassing the sheer realism of REmake and Zero, it just doesn´t match the visual presentation.
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You must reserve your judgement, there's no doubt that Remake 2 would most definitely have real time graphics. Code Veronica is the only game to have fixed cameras+full 3d so its dreamcast 3d graphics look ugly compared to literally every other game but it was a step in the right direction.

Just look at these videos and tell me they don't look amazing:-

^^ and keep in mind, these are just little fan projects made by one or two people, imagine how good Capcom can make Remake 2! these videos already surpass the original in sheer quality, all that's needed is fixed camera angles and they would look amazing. Hell, after watching that First person demo i wouldn't even mind if Remake 2 was First person, behind the shoulder camera though ruins the immersion.
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You must reserve your judgement, there's no doubt that Remake 2 would most definitely have real time graphics. Code Veronica is the only game to have fixed cameras+full 3d so its dreamcast 3d graphics look ugly compared to literally every other game but it was a step in the right direction.

Just look at these videos and tell me they don't look amazing:-

^^ and keep in mind, these are just little fan projects made by one or two people, imagine how good Capcom can make Remake 2! these videos already surpass the original in sheer quality, all that's needed is fixed camera angles and they would look amazing. Hell, after watching that First person demo i wouldn't even mind if Remake 2 was First person, behind the shoulder camera though ruins the immersion.

RockItLauncher@ English is not my native language, so i usually make grammar mistakes, sorry :rolleyes:


Outbreak and File 2 are full 3d dynamic as well.

Yeah, they do look amazing, however, i have a very cemented idea of how the mansion looks and feels and while it´s cool to see it in full 3d and all it loses authenticity for me. I presonally prefer it pre rendered.
RockItLauncher@ English is not my native language, so i usually make grammar mistakes, sorry :rolleyes:


Outbreak and File 2 are full 3d dynamic as well.

Yeah, they do look amazing, however, i have a very cemented idea of how the mansion looks and feels and while it´s cool to see it in full 3d and all it loses authenticity for me. I presonally prefer it pre rendered.
Wow I'm so sorry to hear that. You poor thing. :sad:
Wow I'm so sorry to hear that. You poor thing. :sad:


Can I read this as you are unhappy with the direction RE4 went in? RE4 is acclaimed as one of the best games ever.

While that is true of the game itself, it's undeniable that it tarnished the series. Nobody asked for the series to become an action game, therefore no one can blame the "fanboys" for ruining the series. If it weren't for Resident Evil 4's direction, fans would have never been so divisive over what direction the series should take. Capcom chose to abandon their roots in the first place and attracted a whole new crowd of gamers who want different things than the fans of the original games.

This isn't to say Resident Evil 4 is a bad game. It's not and it was revolutionary for a reason, but the series has only struggled to keep fans happy since.

Edit: Also, anyone else find all these one post trolls the forum has been getting lately to be suspicious?
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While that is true of the game itself, it's undeniable that it tarnished the series. Nobody asked for the series to become an action game, therefore no one can blame the "fanboys" for ruining the series. If it weren't for Resident Evil 4's direction, fans would have never been so divisive over what direction the series should take. Capcom chose to abandon their roots in the first place and attracted a whole new crowd of gamers who want different things than the fans of the original games.

This isn't to say Resident Evil 4 is a bad game. It's not and it was revolutionary for a reason, but the series has only struggled to keep fans happy since.

Edit: Also, anyone else find all these one post trolls the forum has been getting lately to be suspicious?

I definitely agree here, true enough RE4 is critically acclaimed but that does not mean that it was the way to go for the series (at least in my opinion), the game was a FANTASTIC game no doubt about it but to be honest I really REALLY missed the survival horror in a major way and to be honest after what I saw with Resident Evil 3.5 I would have much rather had that game then what we got.
I definitely agree here, true enough RE4 is critically acclaimed but that does not mean that it was the way to go for the series (at least in my opinion), the game was a FANTASTIC game no doubt about it but to be honest I really REALLY missed the survival horror in a major way and to be honest after what I saw with Resident Evil 3.5 I would have much rather had that game then what we got.
Also, let's not forget the "Other" RE game which is also critically acclaimed. NO one and i mean NO one can say with a straight face that this is how all RE games should be. And the funny thing is that i find Devil may cry 1 more creepy than RE4 and dante as more human than RE4's leon.
Outbreak and File 2 are full 3d dynamic as well.

Yeah, they do look amazing, however, i have a very cemented idea of how the mansion looks and feels and while it´s cool to see it in full 3d and all it loses authenticity for me. I presonally prefer it pre rendered.
Oh, crap! i forgot about Outbreak games but they don't look good either, there needs to be a 1080p HD graphics to make it look as good as the prerendered backgrounds. While Pre-rendered backgrounds are good, there is always a disconnect between the 3d character model and 2d backgrounds.
ALL of the games were good? We could argue that.

And don't just go to forums and blame people. That does absolutely nothing.

Blame the fans when RE actually needed to change. Seems legit. Action was their call.
As always, could they have gone a completely different direction and did good? Sure.

But how are you gonna blame the fans for something that was on a time limit? Do you know how outdated fixed camera and tank controls would be if they attempted it in the 2000's?

And even now, they can make the world look amazing and really good. But if the controls are bad or if it's fixed angle, something that isn't exactly enjoyed anymore, RE wouldn't be enjoyed by a wider audience. It would just turn into a niche series.

Evidently listening to any side of the fanbase destroys the series with your logic but hey. Maybe that's why the gaming industry is such garbage?

By the gods. You solved it!
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But how are you gonna blame the fans for something that was on a time limit? Do you know how outdated fixed camera and tank controls would be if they attempted it in the 2000's?

Until Dawn had fixed camera angles, and that was a critically-acclaimed game. Then again, it literally tries to emulate a teen-slasher horror flick.

But yeah, Capcom was never going to make all RE fans happy at that point onward, they now have to cater to polar opposite fanbases who want entirely different things. I remember the Capcom-Unity boards were chalk full of comments telling horror RE fans to "get with the times". Ironically, those same fans are now trying to have their cake and eat it, too by demanding change, hmm...

Hell, you could argue RE6 "forced" their hand much like it was with RE4.
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Until Dawn had fixed camera angles, and that was a critically-acclaimed game. Then again, it literally tries to emulate a teen-slasher horror flick.

But yeah, Capcom was never going to make all RE fans happy at that point onward, they now have to cater to polar opposite fanbases who want entirely different things. I remember the Capcom-Unity boards were chalk full of comments telling horror RE fans to "get with the times". Ironically, those same fans are now trying to have their cake and eat it, too by demanding change, hmm...

Hell, you could argue RE6 "forced" their hand much like it was with RE4.

Eugh. Until Dawn. There was a reason I placed that 'game' in the memory pile of not to remember.
But anyways, UD doesn't really feel like a game, it's like a TT game. It's not bound by the conventional criticism of being a game. RE on the other hand? It's always has, and will be a game. And that's why I think it's a problem.

I mean, they never had to bat an eye at the horror side. RE5 & 6 are still their best selling games. In fact, I'm actually surprised they just didn't start chucking out action games left and right like Ubi and Activision did once they found their best sellers. To me, RE7 is not Capcom getting their **** together, the game screams for the 'fans' to shut up. Nothing else. Much in the same vein that Metroid: Samus Returns feels.

Despite what they say, I honestly believe RE6 is where they attempted to put all of their love, effort, and stock. when it came to the series.

Because the game was a messy story, but the amount of content and SUPER fun Mercenaries, something that is known as just an extra had some much love and care in it. Just feels that way. Props for Re6 beating Micheal Bay in the unbelievable BS department tho.
Capcom is the only one to blame for this series' downfall. While they do need to appease their fanbase they should also know what they ultimately want to achieve with this series (other than $$$). It’s impossible for them to appeal to all of their fans (new and old), especially since this series has gone through a lot of changes overtime. So the only thing that they should be doing is making what they deem to be solid RE games that carry the series on. Capcom needs to take things with a grain of salt when it comes to listening to their fans. If I were a game designer that was given the most amazing opportunity to work on such a well known videogame franchise, I wouldn't let the fans, that are predominately made up of teenage boys, completely dictate how the game plays out.

But alas it is not just the fans giving Capcom bad ideas but corporate decisions that really put the final nail in the coffin (going with the whole VR gimmick for RE7, etc.). When you have 50+ people working on a single game and all have different thoughts and ideas for new and old characters- things are gonna get messy.

With that all being said, I don't agree with the notion that fans of the "original games" never wanted nor like the action direction the series has taken. I grew up on the original games, and while they were amazing for their time it got to a point where Capcom was rehashing everything on the Game Cube before RE4 came along. I just remember being disappointed and bored while playing through RE0 and at the time it was one of their newest RE games! The gameplay (which was fixed camera angles like the originals) wasn't fun and the story dragged and I was losing interest in the series all together. As much as some fans hate to admit it, RE4 was everything that the series needed. Fun, new over the shoulder gameplay that is more challenging than the fixed camera angles, and a story that actually continued the series on with past characters in a very entertaining and innovative way. Where RE5 and RE6 fail miserably is the poor writing and character development. The heavy focus on co-op really hindered certain aspects to the story-mode of the newer games as well.
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