Now, there are great moments in RE...but there are bad moments too. Tell us what you think are bad moments in RE History for various reasons. They can be from the games, movies, comics, books, etc
I have one and it is in RE6
The highway explosion and helicopter segment in Leon's scenario is pretty bad because things just happen for no reason. First, the military jet that falls on the highway, causing a chain reactions of explosions. I admit that I am not an expert on gas explosions, but i'm pretty sure that the blast radius wouldn't destroy the entire highway like that...correct me if i am wrong. Then Leon and Helene are rescued in a BSAA helicopter, there were two people in the chopper. (Three if you count the knuckle-head that jumps out of the bird for no reason while our heroes try to escape the explosion, he ded.) Then all of the sudden, the pilot suddenly dies while the other guy turned into a zombie...for no reason!! Seriously, what the heck happened?! How and why?! Then Leon takes the wheel, and QTE appear and making a mess out of the city before crash landing into plot convenience. This is one of many bad moments in RE6...ugh...
I have one and it is in RE6
The highway explosion and helicopter segment in Leon's scenario is pretty bad because things just happen for no reason. First, the military jet that falls on the highway, causing a chain reactions of explosions. I admit that I am not an expert on gas explosions, but i'm pretty sure that the blast radius wouldn't destroy the entire highway like that...correct me if i am wrong. Then Leon and Helene are rescued in a BSAA helicopter, there were two people in the chopper. (Three if you count the knuckle-head that jumps out of the bird for no reason while our heroes try to escape the explosion, he ded.) Then all of the sudden, the pilot suddenly dies while the other guy turned into a zombie...for no reason!! Seriously, what the heck happened?! How and why?! Then Leon takes the wheel, and QTE appear and making a mess out of the city before crash landing into plot convenience. This is one of many bad moments in RE6...ugh...