Well, I have nothing to say to that. To me they seem like two very different characters, certainly with a few similarities, but then again, there's a bunch of characteristics that all heroes in this franchise have in common. I won't argue if you see that differently.
I like Piers, but it was made pretty obvious that the goal was to
replace Chris. That alone is my problem. He's a replacement character, not just another character. Like I said, I like Piers, but the reason for his creation is what made me go into RE6 with a negative opinion of him.
Oh, please... Capcom has said and revealed so much that either mysteriously "changed" in the course of time or was never true to begin with. They can't even decide on something as simple as Chris's eye colour, and who knows if his death would really have been so shocking, considering how many fans think that his ending would have been better if his and Piers's roles had been reversed (including myself, although I would have liked it better if no one had died at all). I'm sure killing Leon would be a lot more shocking because he doesn't really have a reason to retire (or die) yet, and there seem to be more raging fanboys. But then again, they already killed off a major character in 5 (which was about time), no need to repeat that so soon.
Yes, but the fact that they were referring to Resident Evil 6 as "dramatic horror" pretty much confirms what they were aiming for. Whether it would have shocked people is beyond the point and can't be determined unless it happened.
You say that because you don't like him, but from a story point of view, it wouldn't make sense to put him on a bus just yet. May I ask why you hate Jake so much that you wouldn't buy the next game if it featured him? Sure, his sudden appearance as Wesker's son was an asspull, but it also made things more interesting because no one would have expected that. Just like back then in 2000 or so, when "Alexia" suddenly lost her wig and turned out to be Alfred in disguise...
Why not? What does he have to offer? Resident Evil can go in any direction it wants to. Resident Evil 6 didn't really do much in terms of extending the lore. The whole story felt rather pointless and really didn't set up for some bigger picture.
His sudden appearance was a factor, but one I could have gotten over if his character wasn't so stupid and annoying. First off, it's obvious that he was there to fill in a void... which he will never fill. To do that, they threw him in our face and expected us to like him because we're mindless Call of Duty fans who'll eat up a guy in black who kicks ass and acts tough. His daddy issues and problems with Chris was also very irritating. It all made no sense and was half assed for the sake of giving us a throwback to Albert Wesker. He came off as a whiny over the top dumbass, and someone like that has no place in a series like this, especially if the goal is to return to survival horror. He can just punch and kick his way through monsters anyhow... And here I thought that nothing could get stupider than Chris punching a bolder...
Then you might have said that Simmons is just a cheap knockoff of Wesker like you think Piers is one of Chris, and chances are you would have been absolutely right. Personally, I don't need another Wesker, never liked the original to begin with. That's why I hope that Alex Wesker, despite all odds, will turn out to be a woman after all. Because then, even if it's "just another Wesker", at least something is different.
He would have been, but even then, killing Wesker was stupid to begin with. Resident Evil 5 had something going with the whole Alex Wesker thing. Most of the mystery came from the fact that he wasn't really mentioned verbally and he's someone who is being talked up as better than Albert through files, which I was hoping for Resident Evil 6 to shed some light on. At the same time, I think Wesker was ended too quickly.
They should have dragged out RE5 and worked the plot in a way where Chris and Sheva had failed to stop Wesker's launch so in the next game it becomes a bunch of heroes teaming up to fight the global war much like RE6, just with more relevant characters. If they would have done that, then I would have been okay with retiring the main cast. The series is just a steaming pile of **** right now. There's no closure to anything. Leon feels irrelevant, they don't know what the hell to do with Ada anymore, Jill is just there, and Chris is getting drunk in bars now... Honestly, a reboot would do this series good as much as it pains me to say it.