Why I like the Revelations games and the animated movies!

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Smedident Evil

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2019
These help to keep the franchise in the spotlight between the main games. If they made a third Revelations, who could they bring back? I'd love to see Billy Coen again...
Many fans have been asking for a third Revelations game for years, and you'd think that Capcom would make one since Revelations 2 sold so well (exceeding all expectations and reaching 2.3 million sold units). It was also very well received by the fans of both old and new RE games.

But as of now it seems a bit unlikely, mainly because the Revelation games were made during a time in which the RE series were at its lowest, hitting absolute rock bottom with RE6 in 2012. Around that time, Capcom was struggling with figuring out the direction of the series since RE6 was supposed to be this glorious culmination of everything, showing how the series had progressed and evolved into something "larger-than-life". Unfortunately, that evolution had ultimately detached the series too far from its survival horror roots. Capcom's plan was to keep making big budget main titles like RE6, focusing on the action, while the Revelation series would work as lower budget spin-off games with a more balanced mix of action and horror that would satisfy the older fans.

While RE6 sold well, it didn't sell as good as RE5 and the criticism was highly mixed from both fans and critics. Obviously Capcom were smart enough to realize that they'd lose fans and money if they continued too far down the action route. That's why in 2014, they decided to completely scratch their original vision for RE7 (that had a more action-oriented approach), and instead go back to series roots and turn it into a pure horror game. The next year, Revelations 2 was released in 2015 and was a huge success for being an Episodic game. The same year, they announced that they were remaking RE2, and not too long after that RE7 was finally released and convinced Capcom that the RE series truly belonged in the horror genre.

That being said, the Revelation games are simply not "needed" anymore, since they were only ever supposed to work as a middle-medium for those who wouldn't appreciate the over-reliance of action in the main titles. But since the main titles have returned to survival horror by now, and with both RE8 and a remake of RE3 looking to continuing on that road, the future of the Revelation series is clouded.

It's a shame though, because Revelations 2 left us with so many unanswered questions and a third game would be the perfect opportunity to expand on Natalia. We'll see, but I'm not hopeful.
I would love to have a Revelations 3. Even if it was a lower budget title, I am more interested in the story than anything else. The Natalia/Alex thing has to be explored further.

Also, Revelations 2 was absolutely terrifying. The Afflicted are the scariest non-zombie threat that Resident Evil has ever produced.
I would love to have a Revelations 3. Even if it was a lower budget title, I am more interested in the story than anything else. The Natalia/Alex thing has to be explored further.

Also, Revelations 2 was absolutely terrifying. The Afflicted are the scariest non-zombie threat that Resident Evil has ever produced.

I was happy that they brought back Barry. I honestly don't know why some people hated Claire's voice actress for that game. A lot of American or Canadian women have similar accents anyway. It was no big deal to me that they changed her voice.
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I honestly don't know why some people hated Claire's voice actress for that game. A lot of American or Canadian women have similar accents anyway. It was no big deal to me that they changed her voice.
I didn't like her voice in Revelations 2 but it wasn't because they didn't get Alyson Court to do it, it was because she didn't sound like Claire. I definitely prefer the Remake actress for Claire.
It was refreshing seeing Barry as a lead protagonist (I have never played Gaiden). It felt great to be able to feel that interwoven connection from the first Resident Evil.

I don't remember if I liked or disliked the VA for Claire, but I can say that the VAs in REmake 2 were very persuasive and all did great performances.
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That being said, the Revelation games are simply not "needed" anymore, since they were only ever supposed to work as a middle-medium for those who wouldn't appreciate the over-reliance of action in the main titles. But since the main titles have returned to survival horror by now, and with both RE8 and a remake of RE3 looking to continuing on that road, the future of the Revelation series is clouded.

As someone who enjoyed the Revelations series, I thought that too. I feel like the Revelations series is up in the air now and will most likely change direction to differentiate itself from the main titles.

Assuming Resident Evil 8 follows down the path of Resident Evil 2, which I seriously hope so, it would be weird for Capcom to just make more of the same and call it Revelations. I would be 100% fine with it, considering they could still go the serialized route and the games themselves would always take place between the latest main installments and give us a brand new story with characters we don't see much of anymore. That would be enough for me. However, I'm starting to fear for the worst.

So there's been a twitter user by the name of EvilVR who has been leaking stuff about RE2 and has been pretty accurate. He's also been the driving force for rumors regarding Resident Evil 3 REmake and Resident Evil 8. But there was something else he had mentioned before, that I think has gotten glossed over, and that's the apparent development of a VR only Resident Evil game.

Now I'm totally fine with them working on a spin-off project completely in VR, but I also worry it could be Revelations 3. They could be looking to change direction and if they're gonna abandon first-person/VR for RE8, who's to say they won't capitalize on it through Revelations? It just seems like such a Capcom thing to do. I could even imagine them flip-flopping their rationale as well and saying that the series was always meant to be changing and experimenting because the first was a handheld game, the second was released episodically, and now the third is a VR game, despite having stated before that the main entries were the experimental ones just so they could justify RE7 to those they knew they were disappointing.
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I'm just going off rumors, but it appears that the Revelations niche is now being filled by the Remakes while the First Person games will continue the mainline story for the time being.

Much like how RE5 and 6 were the mainline games that progressed the franchise and Revelations 1 & 2 were pretty much the fan service, it appears that RE7 and the upcoming RE8 will continue to progress the mainline series while REmake 2 and the potential REmake 3 will act as the fan service games.
It's pretty damn obvious though that Umbrella Corps and Operation Raccoon City were nothing more than the cheap cash grabs.

It would make sense financially for Capcom as well due to a good portion of the ground work for REmake 3 is already done with REmake 2.
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I'm not overly fond of these remakes coming from Capcom, because it suggests they just want to bank off of people's need for nostalgia. It can also delay real games coming out, like RE8, as all their focus will be on those remakes and whatnot, and they also develop other games besides Resident Evil stuff, so it would be a long time before we saw RE8 in any case. For a start, I don't believe that the RE2 remake is in any way meant to be taken as canonical, despite fans wishing it is. Plus, the DLC was rather poor. So if a game ain't even officially counted, and it's presented more like just a fan service type game, I will only view it as such.

When Shinji was still with Capcom, he basically reinvented the very series he instigated, and the remake was the same game - made better. That was HOW to do a remake. I don't get the appeal with the new RE2 that much. I'm not gonna hate on anyone who loves it. It's a good enough game, but it felt severely lacking. It also had too much of the same tone and feel of 4, 5 and 6. I honestly can't say I got a lot of 2-ish vibes when playing it. The zombies were all different, and really, everything about the original was absent mostly. And it was arguably not a remake anyway. Capcom don't refer to it on the game's site as being a remake. They say it's a survival horror classic reimagined. This is where some of the disappointment lays with me. They also removed and changed certain creatures. Also a big no-no to me, because I do admit that I take a rather purist approach to things like that. They really should have granted the fans their wish and made a remake like what they asked for. Not this RE2 modern day remake with a RE4 skin over it. Even the DLC was clearly RE4-ish to me.

Those are just my personal thoughts, of course.
Now I'm totally fine with them working on a spin-off project completely in VR, but I also worry it could be Revelations 3. They could be looking to change direction and if they're gonna abandon first-person/VR for RE8, who's to say they won't capitalize on it through Revelations? It just seems like such a Capcom thing to do. I could even imagine them flip-flopping their rationale as well and saying that the series was always meant to be changing and experimenting because the first was a handheld game, the second was released episodically, and now the third is a VR game, despite having stated before that the main entries were the experimental ones just so they could justify RE7 to those they knew they were disappointing.
It's more likely that such a VR-game is going to the first of a new spin-off series instead. Taking Resident Evil's track record of spin-off series into account, it seems like most of them only make it into 2 games anyway.

Survivor series: 1 and 2
Outbreak series: File #1 and #2
Chronicles series: Umbrella and Darkside
Revelations series: 1 and 2
Resident Evil: Dead Aim is also a part of the Gun Survivor series, with Dino Stalker being the third entry in Europe.
I'd love a Revelations 3 purely to have another game with the Burton family, following up on the whole Natalia/Alex thing. It would also be cool for me to play as Moira again, maybe with Barry as her partner or a separate scenario for each of them.

I just wish they'd tie up a few loose ends with the serious, and the ending of Revelations 2 is one of the top loose ejfs on my list that I want resolving.

I love the animated movies for also giving us more character depth, which isn't always possible during a game. We see different sides of characters and their personalities shine through (with a few exceptions, of course. Leon is sometimes rather two-dimensional). And I definitely prefer the animated movies to the God-awful live action ones.
Even though I do like the Revelations games, I do sort of worry that these are just stand alone, 'experimental' type games that I don't believe Capcom really cares about furthering in any real capacity. It's great that they gave us those two games, but they both contained a set-up for a new game, but will we get that game someday? That's why I feel like the games are partially a waste of time, more so when it comes to their plot. Everything else is fine, in my opinion. For I mean, I don't have any beef with Capcom over their choice of viewpoint, the survival horror aspects, or even the control scheme.

Sometimes, I think that Capcom kind of just makes them as "filler" titles to please the fans that want a main entry, but have to wait a while, and then after the spin off games come out, they largely omit them from the timeline, because Capcom is so focused on the bigger stories. It's okay that the sequel references Natalia's parents getting killed, because this is a sequel to that same-ish, similarly titled game, so it's great to have some link. Unfortunately, it's hard to get on board sometimes, knowing that Capcom may just write it off after it is released. Even if they did a Revelations 3, I worry that the trend will resume, and that's just annoying, somewhat. If they actually could merge this over into the main series, these games may not feel so irrelevant these days. And yes, I do want the story in Revelations 2 to carry on. Alex Wesker being able to go hopping into other bodies is a new major direction for the franchise overall.