These help to keep the franchise in the spotlight between the main games. If they made a third Revelations, who could they bring back? I'd love to see Billy Coen again...
I would love to have a Revelations 3. Even if it was a lower budget title, I am more interested in the story than anything else. The Natalia/Alex thing has to be explored further.
Also, Revelations 2 was absolutely terrifying. The Afflicted are the scariest non-zombie threat that Resident Evil has ever produced.
I didn't like her voice in Revelations 2 but it wasn't because they didn't get Alyson Court to do it, it was because she didn't sound like Claire. I definitely prefer the Remake actress for Claire.I honestly don't know why some people hated Claire's voice actress for that game. A lot of American or Canadian women have similar accents anyway. It was no big deal to me that they changed her voice.
That being said, the Revelation games are simply not "needed" anymore, since they were only ever supposed to work as a middle-medium for those who wouldn't appreciate the over-reliance of action in the main titles. But since the main titles have returned to survival horror by now, and with both RE8 and a remake of RE3 looking to continuing on that road, the future of the Revelation series is clouded.
It's more likely that such a VR-game is going to the first of a new spin-off series instead. Taking Resident Evil's track record of spin-off series into account, it seems like most of them only make it into 2 games anyway.Now I'm totally fine with them working on a spin-off project completely in VR, but I also worry it could be Revelations 3. They could be looking to change direction and if they're gonna abandon first-person/VR for RE8, who's to say they won't capitalize on it through Revelations? It just seems like such a Capcom thing to do. I could even imagine them flip-flopping their rationale as well and saying that the series was always meant to be changing and experimenting because the first was a handheld game, the second was released episodically, and now the third is a VR game, despite having stated before that the main entries were the experimental ones just so they could justify RE7 to those they knew they were disappointing.
Did somebody say Burton?It would also be cool for me to play as Moira again, maybe with Barry as her partner or a separate scenario for each of them.