That is one thing that I'm disappointed by with this game, not saying the 3DS is bad it's just that I'm disappointed that it's not for consoles. I can see Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D being a 3DS exclusive because it's a short game, but not Revelations. Also Capcom is more than likely going to lose money for releasing it on the 3DS because if you think about it, a majority of Resident Evil players and/or fans have either a X360 or PS3, and only a small amount of them have a 3DS and if the game sales poorly then their not going to get a whole lot of money. Pretty much I know that Revelations is going to have a small amount of sales, just look at Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, a fantastic game that sold very poorly because it was released on portal console. I hope that in the near future Capcom will make an HD version of the game for consoles and packs it together with The Mercenaries 3D (Yeah I know it's short, but just think about it if they did make an HD version of Revelations and The Mercenaries 3D as it's Mercenaries mode in the HD version). If Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker can make a jump to HD then I think that Revelations can.