Revelations 1 Why does the less popular system get the Survival Horror game?

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Complete fail in my opinion that it wasn't made for the consoles!
IDK even if it was made for consoles...... The enemy AI is mentally retarded.
They just stand there in that one stupid pose. They are pushovers I tell you, pushovers!!!!!
What happened to this being a survival horror title? Hunters were arguably the scariest enemy in the first game/REmake.
They are just stupid here.
That is one thing that I'm disappointed by with this game, not saying the 3DS is bad it's just that I'm disappointed that it's not for consoles. I can see Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D being a 3DS exclusive because it's a short game, but not Revelations. Also Capcom is more than likely going to lose money for releasing it on the 3DS because if you think about it, a majority of Resident Evil players and/or fans have either a X360 or PS3, and only a small amount of them have a 3DS and if the game sales poorly then their not going to get a whole lot of money. Pretty much I know that Revelations is going to have a small amount of sales, just look at Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, a fantastic game that sold very poorly because it was released on portal console. I hope that in the near future Capcom will make an HD version of the game for consoles and packs it together with The Mercenaries 3D (Yeah I know it's short, but just think about it if they did make an HD version of Revelations and The Mercenaries 3D as it's Mercenaries mode in the HD version). If Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker can make a jump to HD then I think that Revelations can.
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I think the same... The 3DS is so far the lamest console I've seen... It may be 3D and stuff, but the game library is dull (at least I think so) except for 5 or 6 games...
With some luck they'll loose money and will have to sell the game as a downloadable in Xbox and PS3...
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Well, maybe this game is a sign of things to come? Obviously Capcom hasn't forgotten about RE's origins or their wouldn't be any survival horror game on any console. Perhaps they are listening to fans who want a survival horror RE game and they are responding: starting with this. :)
Well, maybe this game is a sign of things to come? Obviously Capcom hasn't forgotten about RE's origins or their wouldn't be any survival horror game on any console. Perhaps they are listening to fans who want a survival horror RE game and they are responding: starting with this. :)
Yeah, I heard RE 6 was going to be the goriest, scariest game since RE REmake. I hope it holds up to Dead Space.
The Revelations demo on Mercs 3D easily looked much scarier than 4 and 5 which is to me, at least a step in the right direction. Putting it on the 3DS? I agree, it's a little odd. They would make a lot more money if they put it on PS3 or Xbox, and who knows. They just might do that in the future. RE4 was supposed to be for the Gamecube exclusively and now it's on pretty much every game system in existance lol. As for the 3DS itself, I like it, but I'll probably end up selling mine to go to some concerts this summer. :) So yea... I like Nintendo, I like the 3D, but it's not all it's hyped up to be.
I was thinking of getting either a 3DS or PS Vita when it comes out. But 3DS has RE Revelations and that Super Mario 3D game looks awesome :)

Also I used to have a PSP but I sold after a year cause there was only 3 games I ever played on it, the rest kinda sucked lol.
I think it is because Capcom seems to have a "special" relationship with Nintendo.

Just look at the deal they cut to release all the canon RE games on the gamecube back then.

Even though they released RE4 on other consoles later they still never moved Resident Evil remake or Resident Evil zero to a non nintendo console.

And here we have alot of RE fans wanting a return to the survival horror formula.

And what do they do?

They release it on a HANDHELD which is not even doing to well in the sales and popularity department.

And instead we console owners get yet another action shootem up RE game called Operation Racoon City.

Nothing wrong with Operation Racoon City as far as I can see. Looks like it will be a very fun game to play with friends and It will be nice to see Racoon City remade in HD. But IMO this game just is not a RE game. It just looks like a modded Soccom game to me that added zombies and other RE staple characters. The gameplay seems far to "military" to me. I would have much preferred a actual RE style game.

Here's to hoping RE6 gets back to the survival horror formula...
We mustn't forget that this sort of gameplay is revolutionary for a handheld console, the gamplay might be updated, but I like the look of it so far.
Exactly, revolutionary...Why is everyone so upset about it just being on DS...I mean...Big deal...It's one game AND we know they will port it later on...what RE game HASN'T been ported...Besides, I bet this is the best way to test the new, more survival/fear oriented style that they're going back to...Use 3DS fans as a sample, and the rest of us RE fans as the population...If it does well with the sample, then they bring it to the population...This saves them AND us, the trouble of guessing...If we like this, they know where to head with RE6, if we hate it, back to the drawing board...
Well I just got a 3DS recently (and bought a more powerful battery for it too lol) and I can't wait for Revelations. From the gameplay vids I've seen so far, it's seems to be the most impressive game on the 3DS so far. And they brought back the creepy atmosphere again. Thank god xD
It is one game, but I've played it, completed it and it is the best newer game I have played- it is in episodes, with twists. (A bit like Lost...) I love it, and I hope others get the opportunity to play on a console since they demand it so much...