HUNK: Never understood the fascination for him, yet everbody loves that guy for whatever reason. Honestly, I don't give a sh*t about him. I don't know anything about him, so why should I care? Next...
Chris: Just because he punched a boulder, everbody seems to love him lol. Sorry, but punching boulders doesn't mean you're strong, it makes you look like steroid abusing gorilla, basically what he became since RE5, a roid freak. And bringing him back in RE6... that just confirmed my thoughts about him. His story made no f*cking sense at all, you could've leave him out of this game, but just bringing him back for the sake of Chris in it? I dunno, just waste of time, if you ask me... Also many people call him a great leader. WTF? Chris being a great leader? I'm sorry, he's not. He's a sh*tty leader, who constantly endangers the lifes of his teammates/partners. Teaming up with him means, you'll end up dead at some point. I mean look at Piers, poor fella
and people call him a great leader...Yeah great leader, my a**!! Everybody seem to be willing to sacrifice their lives for him, yet did he ever do the same for someone? Nope... Adding to that, he seems to be obsessed with his work, yet nobody berates him for that, in fact everybody commends him for his obsession and encourage him to be a workaholic. Great work guys for turning him into a robot with no life *facepalm*. And I used to like him... not suprised many people switched sides and prefer Leon over Chris now.
Barry: I like him, but I agree he is overrated, probably because of his crappy one-liners in first game. They were funny, but that's pretty much about it. Never understood why people worship him like a god.
In general, I think the dudes in RE are overrated, but I never had the same feeling with the women. I never felt that Jill, Ada, Claire etc. were overrated, in fact I think they're terribly underrated.
Chris: Just because he punched a boulder, everbody seems to love him lol. Sorry, but punching boulders doesn't mean you're strong, it makes you look like steroid abusing gorilla, basically what he became since RE5, a roid freak. And bringing him back in RE6... that just confirmed my thoughts about him. His story made no f*cking sense at all, you could've leave him out of this game, but just bringing him back for the sake of Chris in it? I dunno, just waste of time, if you ask me... Also many people call him a great leader. WTF? Chris being a great leader? I'm sorry, he's not. He's a sh*tty leader, who constantly endangers the lifes of his teammates/partners. Teaming up with him means, you'll end up dead at some point. I mean look at Piers, poor fella

Barry: I like him, but I agree he is overrated, probably because of his crappy one-liners in first game. They were funny, but that's pretty much about it. Never understood why people worship him like a god.
In general, I think the dudes in RE are overrated, but I never had the same feeling with the women. I never felt that Jill, Ada, Claire etc. were overrated, in fact I think they're terribly underrated.