Which game has your favourite and least favourite opening?

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black 93

Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2013
Hey people. Which RE has your favourite opening? By opening i mean like the first half hour or so of a game. For me i honestly think RE7. As much as the game was a mixed bag for me, that opening is perfect. Everything from getting out of your car to getting knocked out by Jack after fighting Mia is to me the best part of the game. It set's the tone for the game perfectly, i dunno about anyone else but when Mia cut my hand off for the first time i was like "wow.... ok anything goes in this game, Capcom aren't messing around here". And if there's one thing RE7 does right in my opinion is the atmosphere, it's horrific, disgusting and dark. Anyway yeah, to me RE7 has the best opening, even if the rest of the game was somewhat of a letdown for me. After 7 id say RE4. Everything from the first Ganado to the initial fight with the first chainsaw guy(" Where's everyone going? Bingo?) is incredible. The worst opening for me is RE6. As much as i think that game get's a little too much hate, that QTE fest with Leon and Helena was god awful. Anyway, sound off!

This opening never gets old, hands down my all time favorite and probably always will be for nostalgia as well as just being pretty good and captivating for its time. The guy narrating as Chris sounds great too.

RE2 would have to be my second favorite.

I have to completely agree with you about RE7's beginning being very captivating as well and for the same reasons.
Best: RE3. Seeing the city fall apart and all those cops and UBCS guys get wiped out easily was cool.
Not favorite opening: RE6. Don't really need to say much there.
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1) Revelations 2. It's my favourite RE in so many ways, and the opening is one of them. Being kidnapped for unknown reasons and waking up in a prison where people have been tortured and killed, encountering the insane former inmates and being told by an equally insane unseen antagonist that she's watching your every step as you're involuntarily taking part in a experiment meant to explore your fears is just so beautifully creepy!

2) RE1 / REmake. You can't ignore the classic that started it all, back when you didn't know as much about the world of RE as you do now, and everything was new and scary. Seeing and hearing about a bunch of characters being killed or mysteriously disappearing one by one within the first few minutes really makes you wonder: What could possibly be so horrible that not even highly trained military personnel can fight it?

3) Nemesis. We already knew the city had been overrun by zombies by the time we started playing this, but it's just so much more intense in RE3! From the opening sequence via the title screen through to Jill's narration, everything screams panic and desperation before you even start controlling your character. Also, the actual game opens with Jill literally flying out of an exploding building - which other game ever opens like that?

My least favourite opening would probably be RE5. I still like the game, but it didn't really capture me right from the start like most of the others did, possibly because of the very un-scary sunny environment we find ourselves in.
1) Revelations 2. It's my favourite RE in so many ways, and the opening is one of them. Being kidnapped for unknown reasons and waking up in a prison where people have been tortured and killed, encountering the insane former inmates and being told by an equally insane unseen antagonist that she's watching your every step as you're involuntarily taking part in a experiment meant to explore your fears is just so beautifully creepy!

2) RE1 / REmake. You can't ignore the classic that started it all, back when you didn't know as much about the world of RE as you do now, and everything was new and scary. Seeing and hearing about a bunch of characters being killed or mysteriously disappearing one by one within the first few minutes really makes you wonder: What could possibly be so horrible that not even highly trained military personnel can fight it?

3) Nemesis. We already knew the city had been overrun by zombies by the time we started playing this, but it's just so much more intense in RE3! From the opening sequence via the title screen through to Jill's narration, everything screams panic and desperation before you even start controlling your character. Also, the actual game opens with Jill literally flying out of an exploding building - which other game ever opens like that?

My least favourite opening would probably be RE5. I still like the game, but it didn't really capture me right from the start like most of the others did, possibly because of the very un-scary sunny environment we find ourselves in.
I really enjoy RE5 but i have to agree with you about the opening. It's basically a carbon copy of RE4's just without the isolated creepy atmosphere. Arrive at a poor village, approach a lone majini that suddenly attacks you, and fight the horde. Pretty much RE4 just not done as well.
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1 - Resident Evil 4: For me, the first hour of Resident Evil 4 is as iconic as the first Resident Evil. Mostly because it's was just too new. I had played the other games, but it was new. The "freedom" of movement, the need to aim, the new enemies. And when I thought I had the controls and all figured out they throw me in the village siege. Yeah, it was not scary. Of course. But then again, Resident Evil was never scary for me. But boy, it was tense as hell! Running around the houses, searching for ammo, being careful about the chainsaw guy, etc. Even though it wasn't night, the atmosphere was just on point. A masterpiece, for me.

2 - Revelations 2: The start of the game is very cool. It had a gory, creep tone, the enemies were quick and smart and you had much less ammo than what was normal for a Resident Evil (Even the old ones. C'mon, RE2 is a bulletfest.). As much as I didn't liked Moira at first, the first chapter of Claire's campaign is very nicely done.

My least favorite opening...I'm torn between RE5, which was kinda of a rip-off from RE4. It was not bad, but it wasn't original. But Code Veronica X takes the cake. After that ridiculous CG open (Probably directed by Paul Anderson, where an military helicopter open fire in Paris, on a wide populated location just to catch a simple girl. And we don't...we don't talk about the "grabbing the falling gun in mid-air" move. No.). After that...It was boring. And with 5 minutes we meet Steve and his terrible VA and...yeah, that's it.
But Code Veronica X takes the cake. After that ridiculous CG open (Probably directed by Paul Anderson, where an military helicopter open fire in Paris, on a wide populated location just to catch a simple girl. And we don't...we don't talk about the "grabbing the falling gun in mid-air" move. No.).
Whaa? Why? What do you mean?
Re5 is my personal fav. I have no idea why. Perhaps it's the exotic location, as someone who has never truly seen life in anything but a city it resonated more with me just for that lone fact it isn't a city in the states or rural area. It's an average town in a foreign country.

My least favorite is Re1. (Then again I personally couldn't like absolutely anything in 1.)
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I was kidding about Paul Anderson directing CVX's opening. It's just so ridiculous and over the top (in a time that the series wasn't over the top, that is), that really reminds me of his style. To be honest, I really don't like CVX as a whole, intro and 30 minutes included.
After reading Mr.R's thoughts, I might have to rethink my earlier choice. While I do like the opening of CV for what it is, I agree that it didn't really fit in with the series at that point, the rest of the game itself, and even the character involved. I mean, if Jill had pulled off that stunt with the pistol and everything before and after that, I might have believed it, she was already pretty badass in RE3, but Claire? Nothing against Claire, she's my favourite female character of RE, but don't forget that she was still a 19-year-old college student at the time, not a member of STARS or BSAA or any other military organisation, and that outfit she chose to wear during her assault on a French Umbrella facility in the middle of winter was just ridiculous, both for tactical and comfort reasons (Paris in December isn't warm enough for a cropped T-shirt). So yeah... Now I'm also torn between this and RE5.
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Hmm... My favourite openings are 1/REmake, 5 and Revelations 2 I think. My least favourites... Uh, I don't remember 4 that much so I dunno, and 6 is more like showing what is going on and how did that happened so... Revelations 1 is cool but not of my favourites. Hmm...
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My favorite is definitely opening is definitely a tie Revelations 2 in terms of Story and setting up the lore of the game and Resident Evil 4 in terms of pure gameplay. Both games really hook you into the game very early on and wastes no time in grabbing you rather it's by story or by amazing gameplay.

My least favorite is either Code Veronica X because it was just.... ehhh... or Resident Evil 6 because of the god awful tutorial that holds your hands and limits you. The tutorial story hook wasn't even as interesting as the actual start of the any of the 4 stories. One of my irl friend's who is an RE fan hasn't played more than an hour of the game because of how awful the tutorial is and how limiting it is. She just want's to play the game and she feels like the game won't let her play.
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Resident Evil 3 has my favorite opening (love the scene of the zombies attacking the civilians on the streets and the RPD and UBCS trying to fight them off in a loosing battle it really gives a feeling of hopelessness and dread)

Resident Evil Code Veronica has my least favorite opening (I really didn't like the scene of Claire going all commando on those Umbrella security guards she's supposed to be a 19 year old college girl not a superspy)
1, 2 and 3 best openings in RE history.

Resident evil 7 opening....Cringeworthy.
2, 3 and Outbreak have the best opening segments for me because between the three of them, you get a much more complete picture of just how bad things got in Racoon City and how fast it all happened from multiple perspectives: the experienced, professional police officers, the rookie cop fresh out of the academy, and the civilians with no formal training in firearms or police tactics.

RE5 had my least favourite, because it took itself way too seriously, unlike previous games. The earlier games had a hint that they were at least a little self aware that the story sounded like the plot of a bad B-movie, and that's mainly due to the voice acting being so cheesy (or in RE4s case, because Leons voice actor always sounded to me like he was reading his lines with a smirk on his face). 5's opening acted as if it was an Oscar worthy epic.
I was kidding about Paul Andson directing CVX's opening. It's just so ridiculous and over the top (in a time that the series wasn't over the top, that is), that really reminds me of his style. To be honest, I really don't like CVX as a whole, intro and 30 minutes included.
I agree with you but damn that intro is so badass! claire's gun trick made her female Dante for a second there lmao CVX's story&characters were incredibly dumb and was the beginning of the actionization of the series but damn the game has some cool moments. And Claire in CG cut scenes has the most beautiful eyes for any CG character i've seen.
Resident Evil Code Veronica has my least favorite opening (I really didn't like the scene of Claire going all commando on those Umbrella security guards she's supposed to be a 19 year old college girl not a superspy)
To be fair, she's the sister of the guy who can punch boulders. I'd assume she's also ridiculously inhuman.
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For me, RE4 has perhaps the best opening of any computer or console game I have ever played. After a few minutes of thinking I can't remember any game that comes close. Everybody says RE4 was not scaring.... but it scared me, a grown man. It was my first meeting with survival horror (or survival action for that matter).

Half-Life also had a very good opening, I remember being awestruck because NPC scientists randomly talked to other scientists, and to me (Gordon Freeman) as well. It's a long time ago (around 2004) and I had not seen that in a game before.
Half-Life 2 had an even better opening, I was awestruck times x3.

But RE4 had something extra that makes it number 1 for me.

As for the worst opening, I don't know. So many games didn't have any memorable opening. I remember playing them but I don't remember the openings.
I guess Grim Fandango had a bad opening (in my taste) because I quit that game after some minutes and never played it again.